A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Happy Whiplash Day

Although part of me feels like I should really be saying, “Happy Trap Jaw Day II.” How many of you who missed TJ the first time around are going for him today?

Anyway, here’s the link to the all-in-one page.


Ask Mattel > Answers for Mid-August


Review > Mo-Larr & Skeletor (Masters of the Universe Classics, Mattel)


  1. I just couldn't bring myself to deal with matty today, so I pre-ordered a whiplash from a seller on ebay (several were going for the same price as they would cost on matty) and decided to save myself the headache.
    Also, I was going through all the info from SDCC and never saw if Battle Cat is going to be re-released this year. Is matty going to wait until 2011 before getting him out again?

  2. Nik

    As of now the gc.digitalriver.com backdoor no longer works. if you add an item to the cart on this URL there is NO CHECKOUT button. Please be aware of this, and goodluck with mattycollector.

  3. Odie


    So Digital River does have some idea of how to "fix" a website. Nice.

  4. PrfktTear

    I'm having a debate with myself right now. I can't decide whether or not I should even try to get a second Trap Jaw. I already have one and I know there are lot of others that don't, so I kind of feel like I might be taking one away from someone who really needs it. I did want another one to have to display as Kronis though, but I am trying to cut back/save money so perhaps I don't really need a second one. Thoughts? I’ve already got two no votes, but I have a nagging feeling if I don’t try to get him now then when I do decide I want one I will be SOL.

  5. Nik

    @PrfktTear: go for it. two of a figure is nothing to feel bad about. especially in this case.

  6. Barbecue17

    Just hit my first waiting screen, but it didn't last long.

  7. Nik

    at least GC can be used to monitor stock. stuck in refresh countdown.

  8. Henry

    Huh, it's refreshing automatically despite how the bundle page loaded fine. Odd.

  9. americanhyena

    Please please please get through.

    Puppy wants Whiplash so bad.

  10. Nik

    got to ray, stuck in checkout refresh hell.

  11. I'm probably going to sell my Whiplash. I guess this is the danger of a subscription, I end up not wanting over half the figures.

  12. Poe

    @Paul: You don't like Whiplash? Wow. He's one of my favorites.

  13. misterbigbo

    I got in and out with Whiplash in about 10 minutes with WSODs between every link. Faster than the post SDCC stuff for sure. We'll have to see what this month's controversy is.

  14. Mysterious Stranger

    I got sick of the WSOD so I just called customer service. They had a little wait but finally got my order through. January can't come fast enough man…

  15. OK, I ordered twice today. This is fun. I wonder if I should order for anyone else…

  16. Barbecue17

    Just got through. 28 minutes and they still have Whiplash's. Awesome.

  17. Rustin Parr

    wow, after a whole lot of ESOD I was able to order everything 27 minutes after

    could things actually be getting better?

  18. I just made my 3rd order tonight. No more WSOD and all 4 items are still available.

  19. americanhyena


    I MAY be taking you up on that at the end of the day.

  20. Mysterious Stranger

    @Rustin Parr: I think its just the lack of people getting through right away that is making them last this long. If everyone was getting through at 9a.m. then they'd be sold out by now. But since so many people are having issues (my WSOD is still refreshing 30 minutes later) they are lasting longer.

  21. Rustin Parr

    @PrfktTear: get another one – they clearly have plenty right now as its 1/2 after opening and he's still up. PLUS, they will always reissue him down the road. So if you're concerned about taking one from a fellow collector, be more worried about the guys at the next reissue who will probably have jumped on the boat much later than use and have a bigger need of older figures.

  22. @PrfktTear: There's still lots of TJ and Whippy left, and there's no WSOD. Now is the time to order!

  23. 3B

    I was mainly there for TJ, who I missed out on the first time around. Successfully ordered him and Ray. Wasn't interested in Whiplash.

    Not as bad as the SDCC Sale two weeks ago, but still an "inconvenient" process.

  24. Henry

    Well this month is going to be a failure in the eyes of Matty. Half an hour and no sell out.

  25. @3B: I'm glad you got your copy 3B. I can't wait to see it on B Hive 🙂

  26. Valo487

    I'd love to buy one, but after I got it in my cart I've been stuck at the WSOD for about 20 minutes. It's just funny that Matty thinks they've "improved" this process since the beginning.

    OK, it just finally let me checkout. Geez.

  27. americanhyena

    Whoooo! 45 minutes in and I finally got him!

  28. Henry

    Whiplash is sold out after 46 minutes

  29. Barbecue17

    "45 Minutes and no sell out!! It's that darned Anime Hyper Detail!"

  30. 46 minutes…so does matty consider that a failure? lol

  31. Lovable-Bill

    Got my Winston with out much headache, but then again I also waited until 11:30 to get on.

    Nest month is going to be the headache with Gygor. I really cannot wait for this year to be over so I don't have to deal with the site at all anymore. Thank god for next year's subscription.

  32. 3B

    Thanks, Novelty!

  33. Ares6009

    So not interested in anything this month. Though apparently it would have been the first time in a long time where I might have been able to leisurely stroll in and make my purchase. As of 1315, still has TJ available. Meh…

  34. Thrawn

    I was able to order a second Whiplash without too much difficulty. I think it took me about 10 minutes total. I was able to get my extra Trapjaw back in February off Matty, so I didn't have to worry about that today. It wasn't too bad today. I still can't get over how bad June was. That had to be the worst month to date with She-Ra/Keldor/Faker all up the same day.*Shudders* I mean what sadistic monster made that decision?

    I'd be surprised if Battle Cat isn't being reissued in November with King Grayskull.

  35. Rich

    If you fail to complete one of the checkout pages in 5 seconds this round, it spits you back into the WSOD queue and you wait again.

    This is not an improvement, this is just aggravating, along the lines of "something sold out while in my cart" and even "WSOD between each and every checkout page".

  36. americanhyena

    Y'know I can't help but notice quite a few people on the Matty board who claim they bought a Whiplash to trade for figures they didn't get.

    Sort of a d!ck move in my book. If you didn't want it and yet bought it to use as leverage over someone who did, you're not much better than Scal-Por.

  37. PrfktTear

    @Paul: No love for Whiplash? I think he looks fantastic, and from what I've seen will only be second to Trap Jaw as far as greatest MOTUC figures go!

    @americanhyena: As far as buying extra figures to use as trading material, I don't know if I can say there is anything inherently wrong with it per se, but it doesn't seem right to me. Looking over at the Matty Facebook page recently, I saw a guy who bought six of everything, Plastic Man, Orko, Mo-Larr, etc. Supposedly one to open, one to display MOC, and one to get graded. The others he will use for trading fodder. I suppose its just being somewhat opportunistic, but it also is taking away product from those who would have wanted it in the first place.

  38. FakeEyes22

    Although this was possibly my first Matty success, it was still pretty painful. With the auto-reloads and other problems, I could quite possibly have more than one Whiplash on the way. Or none.

    What's crazy is that my decision to get a newfangled superphone was partially influenced by the difficulty I've had ordering during work days. It worked out okay, I kept the phone out of coworkers' sight as the pages loaded.

    The worst part was having my boss suddenly hover above my desk discussing some stuff as out of the corner of my eye I see my order page finally load up. As he stood there, all I could do was watch as the idle screen decided to refresh to WSOD again. Buying plastic musclemen is stressful.

  39. Zach

    I never got past the WSOD for 20 minutes…I'm at work so I couldn't sit there and keep trying. So, no Whiplash for me 🙁

    Glad to hear he lasted awhile though, but he was long gone by the time I got back around to trying.

  40. @Poe: It's not like I don't like him, like him, but I have a limited collecting budget so I don't like him 20 bucks like him. If that makes sense.

  41. PrfktTear

    @Paul: I can totally identify with that. MOTUC is slowly draining all of my surplus funds. There are some sweet looking Transformers I am going to have to pass on, and I will be passing on a great deal of upcoming DCUC figures.

  42. AJ

    I missed out on the initial batch of Trap-Jaws, but I managed to grab a Trap-Jaw for my collection this morning.

    I had even more issues than usual, including errors which emptied my cart, then filled it with 2 Trap-Jaws, then emptied it again, etc. I finally had success after opening up a new browser on another computer at around 2:10am. The whole "just sit on the WSOD or you'll lose your place in line" thing is nonsense and just seems to be getting worse and worse.

  43. Man, I completely forgot it was Whiplash day. I thought it was tomorrow for some reason. I wasn't sure if I actually wanted him though, so I guess not a huge loss.

    @Paul: That's the main reason I wasn't sure about buying him. $20 plus the huge shipping and tax rate is a lot. Plus, that's $30 I can spend towards a Masterpiece Grimlock if can find one.

  44. Mose


    Some people on the Matty forum were saying the "back door" still worked. Looks like digital river can't even get that to work properly.

  45. Mysterious Stranger

    @Mose: The backdoor didn't work. The check out button was completely removed so even though you could put items in your cart you couldn't complete the purchase. I had friends online yesterday checking it out from different browsers and parts of the country. It wasn't an option yesterday. At least not during the first hour of the sale.

  46. Mysterious Stranger

    My Whiplashes and Trap-Jaws arrived today. Surprisingly enough I got the shipment email last night instead of a week after the shipment arrived like last month.

  47. Mose

    @Mysterious Stranger:

    Thanks for the response.

    These sales days are getting worse though. What I use to be able to in a few minutes took at least 25 minutes to complete. Both times this month I was logged out trying to get to the billing page. The second time through it would randomly empty my cart. Third time I was able to get what I wanted.

    As someone else said already, January can’t come soon enough.

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