A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Great Newbury Comics gift certificate deal

I know a lot of you Poesters are Mass. residents, so I thought I’d pass along this promotion by WRKO: $40 Newbury Comics gift certificates for $20. You can only order online, so it’ll cost you $24 with the shipping, but it’s still free money.  Free money that has to be spent at Newbury Comics, but I know I’ll definitely be spending at least $20 at Newbury anyway within the next couple of months.

They’re going to run out soon, though, so if you want one, order now.


MOTUC Bio Discussion #18 > Adora


Review > Outer Space Men Alpha Waves 1 & 2 (SDCC Exclusive)


  1. Thanks Poe! I grabbed one!

  2. PrfktTear

    cool! thanks for the heads up!

  3. WKRP in Cincinnati will also be dropping turkeys from the sky this Thanksgiving!

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