A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Grandpa Clarke, 1920-2010

Last night, surrounded by his loved ones, my grandfather passed away.

I think a lot of my love for collecting came from him. While I was growing up, his greatest passion was antique prints, but over the years he’d also collected baseball cards, books, and yes, toys. He had a number of old toy cars–pre-Hot Wheels, mostly from Britain–and a little diecast fighter plane I found fascinating as a kid, which he gave to me years ago.

Regarding the picture above–Grandpa always had a particular fondness for Master of the Universe. I remember digging out some of my He-Man stuff when I was in high school and giving it to him, and for years Castle Grayskull stood in his room. And two of my most vivid toy-related memories–receiving the Millennium Falcon, and getting Orko–happened at my grandparents’ house in Weymouth.

Grandpa lived to age 90–a long, full life. He is survived by his wife, four children, eight grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren. Rest in peace, Grandpa.


Pic of the Day


MOTUC Bio Discussion #4: Skeletor


  1. dwaltrip

    Sorry to hear this Poe. That is great you have good memories (and pictures) of him.

  2. My condolences Poe. Sorry to hear about this. My prayers are with you and your family.

  3. Sorry for your loss. Seems like a great guy there playing in the grass with you. 🙂

  4. The Flash III

    Sorry for your loss, Poe. I'm glad to hear he passed on the collecting gene and led a long life.

  5. MldMnrdReporter

    Best wishes to you and your family during this difficult time. It's never easy to lose a loved one, especially when you share a close bond with them.

  6. Nik

    Sorry to hear that, Poe.

    My grandfather passed away a year ago. He too was a big part of my toy collector upbringing. He collected and built WWII aircraft models, plus books and painting and anything related to the pacific air war and Alexander The Great. He even had a computer before I did, because he needed to play those combat flight sims!

    My favorite toy memory was when he drove me all over Larchmont and Mamaorneck looking for the electronic Velociraptor and Dilophosarus from the first Jurrasic Park line. We couldn't find it, and came home. He flipped through the phone book and found some small ma and pa toy shop, called them, and they had it. And we went right back out. It was a pretty great day. I miss him so much. He was the most generous man I ever knew, and I feel most of my good qualities come from him.

    Take care of yourself and your family, Poe. I'm sure if you need anything that random poesters could help with, don't hesitate to ask.

  7. MegaGearX

    I'm so sorry, Poe! My thoughts are with you and your family over this loss.

  8. George

    May God be with you and your family through this whole process, Very nice picture…He really does look like a good man.

    By the way is that a Pirate pose?

  9. jumper11

    I'm sorry for your loss Poe.

  10. Lt. Clutch

    Poe, I am so sorry for your loss. I know how difficult it is when it's an older person who provided you with decades of beautiful memories. He lives on in your mind and heart now.

  11. Fengschwing

    My condolences to you and your family Poe, he sounded like a wonderful man.

  12. Damien

    Your grandfather sounds like he was an awesome, fun guy. You were very lucky to have him, as I'm sure you know.

    I'm sorry for your loss.

  13. Jason

    My condolences Poe

  14. Mecha-Shiva

    You and your family have been Blessed with an awesome grandfather.His passion for collecting lives through you and this website.

  15. I'm sorry for your loss, Poe. But it sounds like there are a ton of good memories of him. All the best.

  16. That picture is so full of awesome. Ackbar shirt, classic He-mans, cool Grandpa down in the grass playing with young Poe. Sounds like lots of good times were had. Just awesome. My grandfather died this past year and I too had a lot of great memories of him and doing stuff at his house. Thanks for sharing this with us. My condolences for your loss, but enjoy the awesome memories, Poe.

  17. toyman2581

    I'm sorry for your loss, Poe. What an awesome guy. You're Grandpa will always live on through you're love of collecting.

  18. ero

    Sorry for your loss, Poe. RIP

  19. shmoo-shmoo

    My condolences, Poe. May he Rest in Peace.

  20. Snakeeyes22

    Sorry to hear, Poe. Lost my grandad a few months ago, thankfully also at a close age and surrounded by family.

    Gotta say though…Castle Grayskull in Grandpa's room is indescribably kick ass.

  21. My condolences to you and your family on your loss.

  22. Russ

    Dude, send my best wishes to your family in this time.

  23. He-Dan

    Sorry for your loss. My love of collecting and in particular, Masters of the Universe came from my pop too, who passed on a while ago. Your words are very moving. Best wishes to you and your family during this time.

  24. Ryan

    My condolences and sympathy to you and your family – he sounds like an awesome person, and will live on in your happy memories.

  25. T.

    I remember you having mentioned him at least several times here in the past. I'm very sorry for your loss, Poe. He seems like he was great.

  26. PresidentJuggernaut

    Best wishes to you and your family… that short write-up was perfect, bittersweet.

  27. Frogster

    My condolences, Poe. Seeing that pic of you and your grandpa warms my heart and reminds me of the special memories I also shared with my grandfather.

  28. Mario

    He'll always be alive in your memories, & that's the most important thing. It's a constant reminder that he did things right, &, judging by the pic, there is no doubt in my mind that he loved every minute of doing so.

    My sincerest best wishes to you & your family, Poe.

  29. 3B

    Sorry to hear about your grandpa, Poe. May he rest in peace.

  30. David Cartoon

    Glad to hear you had such a cool grandpa, and a loving family it sounds like.

  31. Poe

    Thank you all for your kind words. It's great to hear so many of you also had wonderful grandparents.

    As you'd expect, posts on the website may be a bit sporadic for a few days, but I should be able to get back on track around mid-week next week.

  32. Lid

    My condolences.

  33. Tahukanuva

    I'm sorry for your loss, Poe. While I shared no collections with my Grandfather, I certainly picked up my love of collecting from him. Though, he wasn't around nearly as long as yours was. I can't imagine the loss, and you have my deepest sympathy.

  34. dayraven

    death is always a touchy subject. some folks like a long greiving process… that's not me. i celebrate. my thoughts have always been that we celebrate the life that meant so much to us, the life that brought us happiness and taught us our place in the world. sounds like, to me, for grandpa, someone needs to pull out castel grayskull, skeletor and man at arms and have one off for grandpa. i may do the same, in tribute to the poe-pa.

  35. Ed

    Jason – I've been popping in here each day and watching these comments grow. Your piece is very touching and seeing your community add their voice to our Grandfather's memorial is amazing to behold. That pic of you and Grandpa playing Masters of the Universe in the grass is a true treasure.

    I'll see you in a couple days but I'd say with our posts, we've both done him proud.

  36. Diego Zubrycky

    My deepest condolences to you and all your family, Poe.

    I understand very well your loss. My grandpa passed away two weeks ago. I'm still very devasted with that. I miss him every day.

    Take care, my Friend. I know it won't be easy ( For me, Goodbye is still the hardest word to say ) but you need to be strong.

    I'm moved to tears reading your words… As a grandson, you were blessed… Just like I was.

    My heart is with you and your family.

    Best wishes,

  37. Derek

    Sounds like your Grandfather was a great man who gave you a lot of joy growing up. It's always sad to lose someone like that, but the world is always richer for them having been here.

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