Via Facebook:
Hey He-Fans!
So one of the big things we wanted to do for the MOTUC line is to introduce figures that never quite made it into the vintage line. Much like He-Ro, Gygor the gorilla made it as a prototype into the vintage line but no toy has been made…until now.
Originally based on the “Big Jim Gorilla” (much like Battlecat or Zoar) Gygor was set to be a large gorilla figure in the 1982 line. While he was cut due to logistics, we are proud to present the first ever MOTU Gygor figure in the new Classics line. Truly, this is what the MOTUC line is all about.
Gygor will be the third oversized beast in the 2010 line and will go on sale September 15th. He will not be part of the subscription (but the beasts will be added to the subs in 2011 per fan demand!)
The final oversized beast/pack for 2010 will be an army builder two pack shown off at our fan panel at SDCC on Friday July 23 at 1:00 in room 29ABC. See you all at Mattypalooza 2010~!
I don’t know whether this will silent the speculation that Gygor is a retool of the DCUC Gorilla Grodd (Mattel and the Four Horsemen say it’s a 100% new sculpt), but he sure is bigger than Grodd. The torso sculpt is definitely different.
But wait, there’s more! Read on for the bio…such as it is.
Shortly after the Great Unrest, Keldor was driven behind the Mystic Wall and Gygor, Lord of the Vine Jungle, lead an army of beast men in a series of raids against the long forgotten Castle Grayskull, believing the many tales of its great and mysterious power. It was only through the combined powers of Oo-Larr- -the jungle He-Man and The Goddess that Gygor was defeated and placed in a state of suspended animation. Eventually, Hordak returned to Eternia and the savage gorilla was freed by Evil-Lyn in her attempt to bolster Skeletor’s forces against the new Horde army. Gygor uses his great strength to fight the Heroic Warriors.
Damn–so Gygor is evil? That’s the opposite of what I thought, since he was, at one point, a potential “steed” for He-Man. Of course, all of that concept-era stuff is very vague and it’s probably dumb to assume any of that would affect the current canon, but I don’t know…the yellow and green color scheme just says “Heroic Warrior” to me. So much so I may just disregard this bio entirely, what with its Oo-Larrs and confusing beast men references and so forth. Also, what is the deal with Evil-lyn freeing all these bad guys who end up wreaking betraying her and wreaking havoc? King Hsss, Hordak, Gygor–to quote Bell Biv DeVoe, that girl is poison.
I know some people hate the bios…I’ve gone pretty easy on them so far, but this one bugs me.
Justin Gammon
Dear Lord, Please let Mattel produce more of these, so I can get one on order day.
Snarf! Snarf!
She's the Evil Get out of Jail free card in MOTUC.
Gygor's bio is a bit confusing… so he was an evil warlord AFTER Keldor was sealed in the wall and Jungle He-Man stopped him. How long was the Great Unrest? Was this He-Man alive when Adora was kidnapped?
Yeah, Oo-Larr is probably worth his own post.
If we go by the characters Mattel has trademarked, that means we could get both a "blonde barbarian He-Man" (Oo-Larr) and a "concept Viking-helmet He-Man" (Vikor). That's crazy!
Sorry, I had to write something before I could think properly. The name is just too hillarious.. I've slightly elaborated on the thought, though… 😉
Another question that needs to be answered now is if Eternia's most famous dentist derives from a family of blonde, tree-hopping barbarians. Of course you could argue that there is not that much of a difference between a club and a drill, vines and dental floss, but still I would argue that this is definitely an excellent example of social mobility. Way to go, Eternia!
I feel like the Matty production team doesn't even read the bios before they publish them.
As someone who's written professionally for a living the above just makes my head swim. If you wrote something like that and turned it into your editor expecting it to see print you'd have another thing coming.
I only collect DCUC, but I want this thing anyway.
Is Oo-Larr a Mo-Larr ancestor?
As someone who's edited professionally this one sounds like it had too many people touching the bio and changing it along the way.
AKA they made him and had no clue what to say about it other than it's big and looks cool, then added in other crap along the way for future releases.
Epic. That's a huge toy. And look — it's articulated. Cough TYTUS! Cough.
I expected Gygor to be a bad guy just based on the headsculpt. The tricky thing will be whether to put him in my Preternia display with KG, Wun-Dar, He-Ro, etc — or to set him up with Skeletor, since he exists in that era too.
Oh and Poe — to be fair, nowhere in the bio does it say Gygor betrays Skeletor/Evil-Lyn. So this may be one of the few creatures she 'summoned/freed' that DID NOT go all batshit crazy and club her in the face for her trouble.
I like it. Totally stoked for this figure.
Mysterious Stranger
Okay so where's his saddle? Seriously, I want to pose Battle Armor He-Man riding this guy like a mechanical bull.
Parts of Gygor look like upsized Grodd parts but others look new. I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt that Gygor's all new with Grodd being the inspiration for the technical parts of the design (how articulation would work etc)
Thomas B
gotts say i love this figure even more.
i must have missed something since everyone seemed to think he was good. i like him evil and i like that he could be a leader in his own right.
oo-larr….not keen on the name. too similiar to mo-larr. they need a bit more creativity.
the bio was great and helps with his integration into MOTU. i want to see him command an army of shadow beasts which we ALLLLL know are gonna be coming someday now.
i didnt realize he was THAT much bigger than grodd. yeah he is DEF a new sculpt seeing them side by side.
Thomas B
funny, if you reverse his colors he'd look like he came from the same styler as battlecat haha
To each his own but I'm really surprised at all the interest in this hideous thing, especially when it's being compared to Tytus. Now this monstrosity has more articulation, has a better weapon, and let's face it: it's a giant monkey. None of that is in dispute and I'd say that's usually a sale right there.
Being a fan of the original line however, Tytus gets more points for me despite his shortcomings because he was actually a produced toy (albeit in another country) and even though the original was ugly as sin, he looked like he fit in with the line.
This green and yellow nightmare called Gygor never made it beyond conception and has a color scheme so terrible that I'd rather look at the aforementioned Tytus' ugly mug. Couldn't this guy be brown or silver or something. PASS
I want to legally adopt him as my next child. And I want a different colored, flocked heroic version with different armor as a twist on the Battle Cat/Panthor relationship.
Beating a dead horse here, and I'm not sure how Gygor's mass compares to Tytus's height, but…is a giant Gorilla sculpt going to be seeing much more use than the less articulated Tytus, whose existence apparantly had to be justified by not only Megator, but further reuse in other lines?
I'm glad he's huge! I was pretty stoked already when I initially thought he was a clevet Grodd reuse, but this makes him seem much more worth $30(again, why is roto-tytus $10 more?) My only gripe is the same I had with Grodd – the cut hips make a knuckle walking pose impossible, a shame for such realistic sculpts. Idea!! I may grab my old Horsemen sculpted Cy-Gor 2 and some paint…Trap Jaw gets his own cyborg partner.
Gygor's head, torso, hands and feet are all clearly new, so unless they just copies the limbs and nothing more I think we can stop speculating.
I've been going back and forth on this guy, but I'm definitely sold. Giant ape with armor/bondage! COOL! There definitely are similarities between the Gygor and Grodd, but they're BOTH GORILLAS… so it’s given that they will have similarities.
I actually don't mind the bio, but I'm never very critical. Especially after re-reading She-Ra's bio, I like that they are going past where Filmation left off, in that Hordak flees from Etheria and returns to Eternia and wage war there.
If this was film noir, Evil-Lyn would definitely be the femme fatale of MOTU.
@toyman2581: dude, get over yourself. he's green and yellow… there's a guy in this property who is purple and pink and he's a snake guy and there's a guy who's yellow, blue and red who turns in vomit inducing fashion as power… haven't we already granted this line much room for silliness? besides, he looks like a saiyan golden ape form!
as for the fig, i was already going to snag this bad boy, but yes, after seeing the side-by-sides, he's a must own… he'll be a great opponent for the A9 figs when skeletor makes his inevitable next attempt on grayskull castle. GREAT STUFF!!
i guess, in comparison to tytus, i'm more willing to forgive the deducted articulation here because he's not just a big human… so like limiting the hips is explanable… i am a little disappointed we dropped the ab crunch though… an ab crunch that allowed him to arch his back is kind of necessary for gorilla knuckle walking.
so, the goddess they refer to is sharella, right? not the sorceress of vuntage he-man? and then oo-larr was one of her he-men… makes sense from the mini-comics, but i thought wun-dar was her he-man… maybe she was at that job a long time, eh? but, if they're making oo-larr a separate figure, won't that kind of be shit, as a figure? cuz the he-man the goddess equipped in the mini-comics was standard blonde he-man w/ no harness and no weapons… so he's be the same he-man we've bought 5 times now, only w/ FEWER accessories!! i suppose, if they going to try to entice us in, this would be a good point to offer a new he-man head, but come on, it's a twenty dollar fig… but jungle he-man didn't come w/ any gear! how is that worth it for a new head? i suppose they could pack-in millenium skeletor swords and say "this was what the vintage power swords looked like in oo-larr's time" but we all know they won't do that.
I've thought exactly the same thing, about Ooooolarr and barbarian He-Man, assuming they're the same guy. He-Man with less clothes is a crap figure. I'm sure they'd make it unique somehow, maybe give him a spear and the Grayskull loincloth and boots, but I don't know how well they could balance making it both cool and accurate.
His inclusion in the bio makes me think he's very likely the 2011 club figure.
@DR: Goddess/Sharella is from the original comic.
If they give us a barbarian He-Man, I hope they give us one who is barefoot. Also, a new headsculpt would be nice. Truth be told, I'm not alltogether that in love with the current He-Man's head, but I guess I could never be happy in that respect.
Mysterious Stranger
Someone on another forum posted an image of from the mini-comic showing the "jungle" He-Man and he was barefoot with no cuffs on his wrists and and more rough-edged Tarzan-like loincloth. That would require new tooling for the forearms and lower legs and feet and possibly either a new waist or belt to simulate the ragged loincloth. I'd be happy with that but I can't imagine them forking out for new tooling for a sub only figure.
@mysterious stranger
Thanks for the descriltion!
I think he sounds very possible, if any of the parts can be reused and they plan ahead. A blank set of arms and shins seem useful, even as a base for adding unique one-use details some figures had, like the cost saving "skin" used to make the robot Mantis in DCUC. I don't know if any one ever had bare feet. Maybe they'll just give him skin-tone Beast Man feet! Eww…
Or perhaps a jungle He-Man would incorporate some elements of the 200x jungle attack version? No thanks.
Oo-Larr, the Jungle He-Man?!? LOL
At least, we know where the “real” name comes from.
Oo-Larr is an onomatopoetic name deriving from the sound Tarz… erm “Jungle He-Man” made when swinging from vine to vine: “OoLarrOoLarrOooLaaaaarrrr…”
I'm confused as to how not liking the color scheme of this freak means I need to "get over myself". While I was merely pointing out in my own creative way that I think this thing looks pretty lame, you feel the need to be rude. If you don't agree with me that's totally fine, but don't be a tool.
Also, I'm fully aware of the odd colors on other MOTUC but so far this is the only one that offends my vision. Thanks.
I'm not terribly surprised he's evil. He LOOKS evil to me.
Of course, I am now wondering where I'm going to put the big lummox in my display.
Can't wait for him though. Looking forward to him big time!
(How tall is Grodd compared to a MOTUC figure?)
Mysterious Stranger
@americanhyena: Grodd, I believe, stands about 8 inches tall so that would put Gygor at about just under a foot tall with his helmet on. Pretty massive compared to the 7 inch MOTUC figures for sure.
Rustin Parr
Yeah, I always thought he was evil… I am shocked and excited at how big he is.
Also, if Gy-Gor could do the foot-gripping thing in the art on this site i would totally get at least two.
Aaaaaand – beast men battle builders!?!? yes please!
I knew I wanted this guy, now I know how much…
Newton Gimmick
Gotta be honest, from the beginning I was one of the people saying that Gygor didn't share a lot of tooling with Grodd. However these new pics actually seem to make me think I was wrong on that. Definitely there are new parts, but it seems pretty clear that a couple of pieces are simply blown up Grodd pieces.
Not that I care one way or another, though. But some of that stuff is kind of obviously reworked Grodd. I don't know what constitutes new, exactly. Hasbro has remade some old GI Joe vehicles and they look exactly like the old ones, but are bigger and have new parts and it seems like that's the case with at least part of Gygor.
Big Jim Gorilla? Is this for Karate Jim to kick him in nads?
The best part of the bio is the name reveal of Jungle/Barbarian He-Man, Oo-Lar. If Oo-lar is the 2011 sub figure, it isn't hard at all to reuse parts from the existing He-Man.
There were subtle hints on the Mattel forums, the 2011 sub figure is highly wanted by fans. The only figure from a mini comic they could possibly do and is highly wanted is either Geldor or Queen Marleena. I don't see how Oo-lar fits either of those profiles.
@Snakeeyes22: Yeah, at this point I'd say Oo-Larr is defintely the 2011 sub exclusive.
Which would mean that it would appear that each sub ex would be an obscure alternate "He-Man".
Which would be pretty cool.
Something for the hardcore fans to appreciate, but not anything the casual fan would mind missing out on.
As for Gyg' there, I'm still on the fence, so I'll need to wait for Pixel Dan's review before I make the call.
100% off topic, but while reading my fellow poesters poests, I came to looking heavily at the awesomely rendered Soaron &… I want a 6-7" Captain Power, with a "lift-up, lift-down" visor, very badly. I also want the Horsemen to sculpt it, of course.
@RM: Is waiting for Pixel Dan's review a joke, or are you serious?
I ask because from what I've seen, he never seems to actually review his figures. Rather, I find he just kinda masturbates to them. Plus, that fucking voice of his…
He does get the figures seemingly months ahead, though, so maybe I'm jumping the gun here & you just check out his "reviews" so that you can make your own call.
Then let the speculation begin!!
2011 – Oo-Lar
2012 – New Adventures
2013 – Vikor
2014 – 200x(with swappable alternate chest symbol)
2015 – I got nothin. I'm not well versed in He-Man lore
If this is the case, I wouln't put it past them to do Skeletors as well, maybe mashed with Beast Man parts for the early concept Demo-Man. Or even something like Lodar(simple tooling, years of fan curiosity…or is he DC?)
It's tough to predict this line! With Gygor here, Optikk and Carnivus, there's no telling how obscure or unexpected any release will be. Unrelated, does anyone know of any pics of the Beastmen? Similar to Beast-Man but naked? I can't find a thing.
Just my two cent's: Grodd may be smaller but he has a better head sculpt.
This one is a pass for me. I don't think I need a funny colored monkey in my collection. Good luck to everyone else.
I like the bio. It fits in with the others in the regard that Hordak returns to Eternia but is eventually defeated by Skeletor – Skeletor would need some extra soldiers to defeat Hordak's army.
It sets up two key battles:
1 Gygor and the beast men vs Oo-Larr (Savage He-man?) and Green Goddess
2 Hordak vs Skeletor
Within the last few months, Pixel Dan has really become more critical of the MOTUC figures. He pointed out a number of criticisms of Tytus, Keldor, and She-Ra. I too tend to think that while he is enthusiastic and a huge MOTU fan, his reviews are fantastic and quite balanced.
@toyman2581: well, you made the point of using derogatory adjectives in your opinion… which you'll notice i didn't. i didn't insult you at all, but you insulted me. thanks for sticking to that moral high ground.
but you set out to prove in your post that gygor is inferior, in your opinion, to tytus… and i can tell you, you're flatly wrong. he's different than tytus, true, but better or worse stops in your own skull. what you find "hideous" i find attractive. what you find offensive to your eyes i find appealing… so see, you're wrong. because you're trying to tell people how right you are, while all i proposed as that you place too much importance on your own opinion.
@toyman:DR gets personally upset about stuff..just let it go. I'd like to get Gygor myself and paint it brown…
@Mario: LOL->@Pixel Dan description.
First, telling someone to get over themselves when they weren't talking to you is rude no matter what you say, so that's why I said don't be a tool.
Second, my post was not to prove that my opinion was correct or better than anyone else's, I was just stating it. I kinda thought that's what the comment section was for. Oops, I guess you're only allowed to post in here if you agree with everyone else. Also, my derogatory comments were toward the ape, not you, so there's no need to get huffy.
Lastly, if it's my OPINION that Tytus is cool and Gygor sucks and your OPINION is the reverse, then neither one of us can be right or wrong yet you clearly think I'm wrong and you're right. So who's placing more importance on who's opinion I wonder? Now I'm going to take George's advice, Kindergarten class is over.
Can we all agree that Tytus with at least as much articulation as Gygor would have been awesometastic?
Thomas B
@Thomas B:
Don't get me wrong..I like Tytus.
But agreed. Definitely.
God I can't wait for Gygor vs. Battle Cat. These two are going to fight all over my house.
John Harmon
According to Mattel, they had all the bios and the whole story for the MOTUC line written out before even making the first figure.
Apparently they have the entire thing planned out, and by the end of the line we'll get the entire picture of the new Eternia and the new Masters of the Universe cannon.
That being said, this bio is still mighty confusing. Especially since I thought Gygor was a good guy.
The Flash III
@Poe: Why is that crazy? Haven't there been about 10 He-Man variations? Also, the more they make, the more they will buy–they all sell out.
@The Flash III: It's just funny, we're going to get two figures that aren't even based on actual characters–just concepts, and in the case of Oo-Larr, a pretty abstract one at that. It's like plastic fan fiction, explaining inconsistent aspects of the mythos.
@Damien: I'm pretty sure Tytus has more articulation than Gygor, but Gygor does at least appear to have BETTER arm articulation.
However, a Tytus with no knees and v-cut hips would've been pretty lame. Then again, I guess Gygor probably has some kind of ankle articulation, but I'm not really sure, so maybe the legs are kind of a wash. (Still, v-cut hips totally suck.)
"that is soooooo a gorilla grodd repaint. IS TOO! IS TOO!" responses are pretty funny
gee, who would've though Mattel would use an ape mold as the base for an ape even though its a bigger mold?. —> The Cygor.jpg pic on the page is finally happy too!