A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Happy She-Ra Day!

Before we get to the inevitable sound and fury, let me point out Mattel’s reveal of Whiplash’s bio and packaging on Facebook yesterday.


Real Name: Torrant Krazut

Following their father’s untimely death, Torrant grew up bitter under the rule of his older brother Ceratus. After years of brooding in Sub-Ternia, he struck a deal with a surface dweller named Keldor and helped lead his forces in a raid against Randor’s army during the Great Unrest. Although Keldor’s plan failed, Torrant was banoshed from Sub-Ternia for betraying his people. He was taken in by his former employer and quickly rose up through the ranks, staying with Keldor even after his transformation into Skeletor, serving as his chief brute squad enforcer. His thick hide and stubborn intellect have made him more than a match for the Masters of the Universe, often leaving only He-Man to defeat him. Whiplash uses his thrashing tail for doom and destruction.

I’ll discuss the bio more in my eventual review of Whiplash, but I will say that I can’t wait for the figure. After Trap Jaw and Tri-Klops, Whiplash is my favorite Evil Warrior (and one of the only figures, along with Spikor, who I managed to hold on to throughout my childhood without losing it or giving it away), and his figure is one of the best-looking of the 2010. I know it sounds crazy, but as of right now I think he’ll give both Battle Cat and Gygor a run for their money as my favorite toy of the year.

Anyway, getting back on topic, below is the link for the all-in-one order page. And as always, good luck.


Ask Mattel > June 15 Edition


Pic of the Day


  1. nerdbot

    Yeah, I think that all-in-one page is lying.

  2. Poe

    And the infamous "Disappearing Keldor" legend was born.

  3. Fengschwing

    Got DCUC 5! Man, how do you MOTUC folk deal with that every month? Jesus Christ! Let's see how long it takes to ship now…

  4. Nicholai

    Yeah, She-Ra showed up as in stock on the all-in-one and Sold Out on the main page when I just went back.

  5. Blue

    @Esbat: I was in the same situation, She-Ra was the only figure I wanted and bam sold out when I hit submit order.

  6. americanhyena

    I STILL haven't been able to check out, even after stripping the sold out figures from my order.

  7. RageTreb


    So I wasn't the only one? I guess that means I'm not crazy.

  8. Josh

    effing ridiculous. after fighting with the damn site nonstop, after finally adding all three to my cart, after sitting on 'processing order' and then timing out, after my cart being emptied multiple times …

    Keldor disappeared and can't be found anywhere

    She-ra is sold out

    i'm not going to bother getting just Faker after this (and the Mossman) fiasco, i'm really contemplating giving up the entire line. it's really not worth the hassle to me if this is how it's going to be every single time.

  9. I typed in my CC security number and poof… sold out. Thats it I fuckin' hate Matty Collector. I'm getting all my MOTUC lose from Hong Kong eBayers for a third the price. No no… out of spite… HALF THE PRICE. Thats right Buy It Nows instead of auction.

    I'm am rage incarnate.

  10. Merso

    I'll gladly take your She-Ra, Justin. After 30 minutes trying to buy her all I got were WSOD…

  11. RageTreb

    I submitted my order, it took a long-ass time loading (admittedly possibly my own internet connection's fault), Matty WSOD'd me for a couple minutes, then put me back on the page to submit my order.

    I swear to god, Matty, if you just made me order them twice there will be hell to pay. I can't afford that.

  12. RageTreb

    Now I'm getting a page that says "No Response from Application Web Server"


  13. PhigmentSuicide

    So let me take you on the fun little trip I had this morning. Logged on at 11:30 got to the all in one screen and started refreshing oh, ever 5 min or so, then came 11:55 and I finally WSOD. It wasn't until 12:10 that I finally saw the order page again, at which point I added 1 keldor, 1 faker, and the dcuc wave 5 to my cart, WSOD. 2 min later I had sent out my request.. and it took forever to load… the WSOD. finally got to finalize my order and what happened? not the WSOD no… the page stayed processing for a good 5 min before the connection timed out and my entire cart was wiped clean and my order did not go thru. now I'm currently trying to order faker and Dcuc 5 again as keldor is now gone and its seems to be doing the same crap. This is fun 😉

  14. RageTreb

    Alright, got the front page to load, and unlike the other couple of times I tried it when it said I had two items in my cart, it now says zero. Despite never seeing a page confirming it, I assume that means I got my order in. That better be the case, because now I have to go to class.

    Wish me retroactive luck, guys!

    EDIT: And now Keldor is sold out anyway, so there's hardly a point in sweating over this for now. If it didn't go through I'll just order Faker later when the site isn't crapping out.

  15. The Flash III

    @Fengschwing: Congrats, man! You'll see it in September, probably.

    It sounds like it was indeed a "Happy She-Ra Day." I'm glad I don't collect MOTUC. I'm surprised someone hasn't found a way to hack the queue to get in early and often.

  16. PhigmentSuicide


  17. misterbigbo

    @RageTreb: I got the same thing when I hit the final submit payment button. So now it's a guessing game. . .

  18. Fengschwing

    @The Flash III: Thanks fella, you get yours okay?

  19. MldMnrdReporter

    Does it really say "Banoshed"? 'cause if it does….woof, they need a proof reader.

  20. Okay, so no new Masters or DCU for me. Think i'll stick to Amazon from now on. Sure you pay more, but I guess that extra goes towards a site that works properly.

  21. Blue

    Well, I ended up getting She-Ra from ebay, I had to pay a bit more but it was stress free and thats worth the extra I paid.

  22. Reverend Ender

    Wow, that absolutely sucked. No She-Ra or Keldor for me because I was afraid to reload after I got to the order page. Now I feel stupid. Thanks Mattel, attempting to buy your toys has made me feel sad and stupid.

  23. Mattel should just use Ecrater.com 😛

  24. Lost out on Keldor due to "system error- data lost" but spent nearly 50 minutes to get Faker (ordered first) and Venkman (for the girlfriend- ordered second).

    You shouldn't have to spend 50 minutes to order a toy. Period.

    It's a good thing that Faker was to be my last planned MoTUC purchase as there is no way I'm signing up for a blind subscription with this outfit. (I'm still convinced that this is why there are so many problems. Matty just wants subs.)


  25. Poe

    I'm just mad there apparently was–and has been for months, if not years–a backdoor whereby, if you replaced "mattycollector.com" with "findmyorder.com" in the URL, you could get in and out lag-free. It's supposedly been closed now, but like hell I won't be trying it next time anyway.

    While I'm impressed those that were doing it kept it a secret successfully, I can't say I have one iota of sympathy for those complaining it's closed…rather, I hate them. Even you a little, Nik. Even you a little, for not sharing with your pal Poe.

  26. Dead Man Walking

    No need to go into detail, but yep, got fucked out of Keldor by DR and Matty.

  27. c-lo

    So these are the increased production numbers that mattel has been telling us about for months? Yet they still sell out at the same rate as the others.

  28. americanhyena

    Well…after an hour and twenty minutes (and having given up at home and driven to work) I was able to get my friend is Faker and each of us the Metallo wave (plus some more flight stands).

    It's frustrating but I can live with that result at least. I know She-Ra/Keldor will get re-released eventually (or I can hunt them down at SDCC) but missing Metallo would have ruined my day.

  29. The Flash III

    @Fengschwing: Oh yeah, had to wait 9 minutes, but I'm hoping Metallo won't be so rickety. Then I can sell off my old set…haha!

  30. Mysterious Stranger

    Got to the payment screen (after endless refreshing) entered my info, clicked submit order then got the time out problem. Called Matty "customer service" was told there was a glitch and that they had no record of my order, asked for a supervisor, he found my order but couldn't fulfill it due to She-Ra and Keldor being sold out. He gave me an "escalation ticket" and told me to expect a response in 24-72 hours.

    Long story short… got screwed by Matty and Digital River. Luckily I have friends who got through with extras so I'm covered on those two figures. Still sucks though.

    Oh well… its just toys.


  32. Dankone

    The only backdoor I'm aware of is the one that smirky bastage Matty uses to cornhole me every month! Sweet Jesus I can't wait for the all in one sub! Got Keldor… Pete and the really, really expensive LOBO! And my arse is sore. Thanks Mattel! At least I got a reach around this time. Instead of the last time with Tytus!

  33. RageTreb

    So, apparently carts can be wiped clean? So I guess that means it's possible my order didn't go through. How long should I wait before trying eBay?

  34. Dankone


    How about doing that to Matty at SDCC? Anyone game? I'd help put up bail money! Who's with me? 😉

  35. Merso

    For how much do the MOTUC figures tend to be at SDCC? I don't know if I should wait and see if I can find She-Ra there or if I should just ebay her…

    (And LOL at Esbat's last comment.)

  36. Nicholai

    Their site is down again at least when I went to see if more had sold out.

  37. Andy

    Went through the process 5 times. No Keldor

  38. americanhyena


    Can't say if it will be the same this year, but last year most were in the $25 to $35 range with the exception of Greyskull ($100+) and Faker ($50).

  39. Merso


    Thank you. So it's more or lees the same as the prices on ebay minus the shipping cost.

  40. Mountain-man

    My order today went through twice,so I get two Keldors instead of one and a Faker! Damn, I really wanted Faker….

  41. americanhyena


    I might be interested in that Keldor, Sir. :-p

  42. toyman2581

    Got She-Ra with the sub, the wife logged in at 10 minutes till and sailed through the order process no problems. Scored me a Pete Venkman, DCUC Wave 5 box and the delicious Keldor.


    LOL @ your backdoor joke!

  43. Nik

    @Poe: LOL sorry! 🙁 I thought it had been discussed here before, and assumed it was common knowledge. Otherwise I would have gladly let others in.

    Either way, i still used the gc.digitalriver.com site today, and it worked, you just have to ignore the little pop up that says "you are not on mattycollector.com and your order wont go through. It went though.

    Try it next month!

  44. I feel better now, a Spawn boardie sold me his She-Ra sub for cost. I'm ever so grateful to him for offering her up. Man I bitched all over the internet today. Never thought I'd ever do that.

    And I'm seriously laughing hard that I wrote "stab the world" comment. That is funny. But wasn't at the time.

  45. Reverend Ender

    @Mountain-man: I would DEFINITELY be interested in that Keldor.

  46. Snakeeyes22

    Matty can eat my ass.
    Ran out on my lunchbreak to use Panera's wifi, and still got boned with the refresh page. By the time it hit She-Ra's page, there was an error and it stopped refreshing…so I had to refresh my own ass back to the end of the line and all was lost.

    It was still too busy to get the Faker I was missing and I was already late getting back to work. I tried for Faker 2 hours later and there were effing server errors, lots of them.

    Finally got home, ordered Faker, which was still a pain in the ass. The shipping stings alot more on one figure than 3 would have, since several figures I've gotten from resellers have been $25-$30 anyway.

    So ends my first Matty experience. I'm honestly a bit insulted that it's such a difficult process for people who are willing to buy overpriced figures. It's not a Prada sale or zombie Beatles tickets!

  47. PrfktTear

    Um, so yeah… Whiplash. I'm pretty stoked for him. He definitely looks all kinds of awesome. From the pictures I've seen I think they really nailed the look of the classic figure. I'm glad they included his 200x head/weapon, but I doubt they will be getting very much use!

    The bio didn't reveal much, but I guess Whiplash isn't really a character that would have any bearing on the overall arc. I would have thought his real name would have been more Klingon sounding, but thats just me. I like that they included Sub-Eternia. I thought that was an interesting aspect to add to the mythos. There was a good episode, "Underworld" in the millennium series that gave us a glimpse into Eternia's proverbial basement.

  48. Dlia

    DCUC 5 is still up on the site as of 5pm. "A failure?". Oh noes111.

    "Spontaneously 1,000,000 comic nerds screamed out and then were suddenly silenced!"

  49. RageTreb

    Called Digital River and it turns out my order didn’t go through. At least there’s plenty of Keldors on eBay…

  50. Grenadier

    It was an interesting morning for my roommate and I.

    We managed to get past the White Screen about 10 in to order me a Keldor and he a She-Ra. White Screen again, but when it cleared up She-Ra was gone.

    The order for Keldor went through, but I didn't relax until my roommate got the confirmation email. He immediately went to eBay and found a She-Ra for around $35. Humorously, the seller he bought it from jacked up the Buy It Now price by $10 less than an hour later.

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