Before we get to the inevitable sound and fury, let me point out Mattel’s reveal of Whiplash’s bio and packaging on Facebook yesterday.
Real Name: Torrant Krazut
Following their father’s untimely death, Torrant grew up bitter under the rule of his older brother Ceratus. After years of brooding in Sub-Ternia, he struck a deal with a surface dweller named Keldor and helped lead his forces in a raid against Randor’s army during the Great Unrest. Although Keldor’s plan failed, Torrant was banoshed from Sub-Ternia for betraying his people. He was taken in by his former employer and quickly rose up through the ranks, staying with Keldor even after his transformation into Skeletor, serving as his chief brute squad enforcer. His thick hide and stubborn intellect have made him more than a match for the Masters of the Universe, often leaving only He-Man to defeat him. Whiplash uses his thrashing tail for doom and destruction.
I’ll discuss the bio more in my eventual review of Whiplash, but I will say that I can’t wait for the figure. After Trap Jaw and Tri-Klops, Whiplash is my favorite Evil Warrior (and one of the only figures, along with Spikor, who I managed to hold on to throughout my childhood without losing it or giving it away), and his figure is one of the best-looking of the 2010. I know it sounds crazy, but as of right now I think he’ll give both Battle Cat and Gygor a run for their money as my favorite toy of the year.
Anyway, getting back on topic, below is the link for the all-in-one order page. And as always, good luck.
She-Ra day?
DCUC 5 day?…
Logged in and ready to be disappointed!
Justin Gammon
Someone, please take my She-Ra.
Mattel closed the url loophole for lag free ordering, it now redirects to
I'm only after Pete today, which is good cause the GB's sell out slower, but he is the most popular I think. Also the massive amount of MOTU/DCUC stuff going up, and the closing of the lag free loophole worries me…
GL to everyone.
Newton Gimmick
After waiting years for JLU Lobo, I think I'm going to pass. Sucks, but the recent influx of JLU's being hard to get and price hikes… I just don't know if I can justicy $20 plus shipping on it.
I'm excited for Whiplash as well. Honest, NOTHING this summer (including She-Ra and Keldor) really interest me that much. I'm a MOTUC completionist, so they'll be added to my collection, but Whiplash is the oasis in a desert of "meh" until (hopefully) October. Carnivus is okay, but I don't really care about the character. Whiplash is awesome.
Oh, I'm excited for Mo-Larr and Orko, but I kind of feel like those two "don't count." Maybe I shouldn't.
Always a good sign when I go to log on 12 minutes early that it is already doing the white-refreshing-screen-of-doom.
I'm oddly excited for She-Ra considering I never watched the show. I dunno, maybe it's the extensive new tooling.
Keldor looks cool enough to me that I'm in for him as well.
I agree that Whiplash is the bitchingest figure of the Summer by far. I can't wait for him (and he may be the first I order two of because of the heads).
Passing on goopy Venkman and another Slimer.
Really, the big thing for me today is FINALLY finishing Metallo. That's been a Holy Grail of mine since it came out.
White screen already!
Well I took my calm pills hoping for the best. Expecting the worse.
I've always wanted to finish Metallo too, but it's just not in the funds this time. Logic would dictate this sale will lower the eBay prices, but who knows with Mattel products.
Thomas B
wow. i got a white screen 30 min before everything is going on sale!! crazy… 1 min to go and i am STILL on a refresh screen…..
Is anyone able to get in? I was navigating the site fine at about quarter of… now its the white screen!
I haven't. My screen has been refreshing for over 15 minutes.
Nope, it's yet another clusterfug. Oh well…
Only gotten the refresh screen since 1115. It's looking like I'll be missing out on yet another offering from MOTUC, despite really loving the line. Every mad scramble to get the newest figures sours me more and more on the whole damn thing 🙁
I missed Mossman and if I miss She-ra, Keldor, and Faker today, it might be time to just quit altogether.
So far they're in my cart and then WSOD.
Got my Keldor at about 12:04.
Ten straight minutes of WOD and now Kedlor is gone. Didn't even get a chance. Fuck.
OKay… they're in the cart…
Got DCUC 5 in the cart…….and have been white screened again….
Keldor's simply not showing up on the all-inclusive order page. That better mean he's sold out. I don't want to miss out and/or pay separate shipping because of a site error.
Still WOD, anyone know if DCUC 5 has gone yet?
Can't wait for the rash of anti-complainers on this round. Mattel is ridiculous.
I got an order number… does that mean I did it?
*crosses fingers*
Wasn't this the round where they were going to 'up' the quantities?
First time I have ever logged on before the opening and straight into the wsod, too…. not a good omen.
The Flash III
@Fengschwing: I got through after 9 minutes or so…got Wave 5
@Ares: yes, they were supposed to have increased the production numbers with She-Ra.
WSOD on the way to checkout. Unbelievable. Every month its the same crap with this company, no matter how many times they tell us its going to be fixed.
Keldor isn't even showing up on the front page! What does this even mean? I'm not finalizing Faker until I know for SURE he's the only one of the two I'll be able to get.
And the .org is crashed. Care to guess that isn't because of a whole number of happy fans sharing their "I got my Keldor!" stories?
Keldor & Faker in the bag. Took about 10 minutes, but it's a done deal. Hopefully this'll be the last cool bonus figure for a while. If I hadn't been able to get Keldor I would've been a smidge disappointed.
I still haven't been able to check out with DCUC 5.
I got back into the all-in page… She-Ra and Keldor still available! Nothing has sold out… yet.
@misterbigbo: I went back in and got through again about three minutes ago (just out of curiosity) and Keldor was still there. Probably gone by now, though.
Keldor is missing from the sale page, the front page and the MOTUC page. What the hell am I supposed to do? I don't mean it's listed as sold out, the links/images are completely gone.
@RageTreb: Direct link to Keldor:…
I don't know what all the hubbub is about when ordering, I got the refresh page for like 2 minutes, then was able to load two things in the shopping cart, register, fill-in my address, credit card info, and then get all the way to one step before confirming the order (they have nothing I want).
Success!!! If you can call 10+ minutes of headache-inducing stress over a chance to buy some over-priced toys success. [sigh] Maybe I should take up golf.
Got venkman order confirmation thank god. still used the gc.digitalriver site, said it wouldn't go through, but it did. we will see later on if i screwed myself i guess.
At 12:14, finalized my Keldor, She-Ra and DCUC Wave 5. Or at least that is what the receipt says…
Finally. After white screening for the bulk of 30 minutes I finally got my order completed page. This is the worst I've had it ever.
As of 12:21pm, NOTHING HAS SOLD OUT. Or at least, that's what the all-in-one page says.
Well I had She-Ra and Keldor in my cart but She-Ra was gone in true Mattel fashion.
Well… I got so far as getting She-Ra into my cart… AND the billing info… but then asI was going for the completion…. YANK! No dice.
Guess I can look forward to the inevitable reissue.
Yeah, I got the link through Google, and FINALLY got past the WSOD to try to add him to my cart (fingers crossed).
Am I seriously the only one who had the problem? Keldor was completely missing from every avenue of the site.
I got to the last screen to complete my order and it toldme She=Ra is out of stock. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!
The one damn figure I wanted to actually get and NOTHING. FUCK!
my order has been processing for 10 min now… and the connection has timedout twice…
well the getting part isn't hard, but for some reason Matty doesn't like Vietnam credit cards. It wont' let me process the order
@RageTreb: Nope, you weren't alone. I couldn't find him anywhere and am currently trying Poe's link.
Keldor never showed up on my computer. I had to use my phone to see and order him.