A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Saturday Sponsor Shill Session

I try to maintain a minimal number of ads on this site, but I still do have to pay the bills to keep it running–and maybe make a little money to keep buying the toys you enjoy reading about. I write this blog out of love, but the truth is writing for free sucks and it’s a lot more satisfying if I can get something out of it.

So all I ask is that when the time comes for you to order something from one of my sponsors, particularly Entertainment Earth or Amazon–please do so by at least clicking on one of my ads first. That’s all it takes to make sure I get a small commission from anything you order. (I know I have no Amazon ad right now–that will change soon.) And if you order from ETC,  maybe mention that Poe Ghostal sent you in the Notes field.

And speaking of ordering, here’s a few items you may be interested in from my beloved sponsors.

Enchanted Toy Chest

ETC has DC Universe Classics Wave 15 available for pre-order. There are two flavors: the 8-figure set for $116.99, which includes only the standard variant figure; and the 9-figure set for $131.99, which includes both variants.

ETC is also offering pre-orders on Bif Bang Pow’s Venture Bros. figures–here’s the Dean & Monarch set for $37.98, and the Dr. Venture & Brock Samson set for the same price.

They’ve also got that badass new Marvel Select War Machine for $16.99 and a pre-order for the MS Thing and both versions of Cyclops.

Entertainment Earth

EE has you covered for all your DCUC needs. Still looking for a Green Arrow? They’ve got him in stock, along with:

  • Shark – a Green Lantern villain. Yes, Aquaman, you suck so bad DC’s shark-man isn’t your nemesis.
  • Iron – FE is for Figure’s Excellent!
  • Deadman – Explain to me how he became a Black Lantern, again?
  • The Spectre – That short 1970s ‘toon version on the Crisis on Two Earths DVD was awesome.
  • Power Girl – Buffy’s favorite superhero.
  • Desaad – This guy is so dedicated to his fetishes, he takes his car battery and nipple clamps with him everywhere!
  • John Stewart – His nightly send-ups of Guardian politics are the talk of the Corps.
  • CopperheadStill believes the Civil War was a mistake.
  • Eclipso – Usually found orbiting Saturn. No, wait…
  • Dr. Mid-Nite – Contrary to popular belief, not a nighttime cold & flu medication.

EE also has those great-looking Diamond Select Universal Monsters products for pre-order. As I understand it, these versions will come with more goodies than the ones sold at TRU.

And remember how I bitched about having to buy Dante’s Inferno to get the figure? Apparently that changed.


It Figures > TYTUS


Pic of the Day


  1. sonuvabitch, i just ordered a Bioshock Big Daddy a couple days ago from EE. Ah well I’m ordering some Star Wars waves this coming check so consider me informed PG.

  2. americanhyena

    Man…this made me realize I miss your DCUC reviews.

    Fall in love again, Damn it! :-p

  3. dayraven

    i have two gripes on that dante figure… the hip armor keeps him from being able to take any deep crouches or any good jumping poses AND the scythe shaft (the bony looking part) is SUPER soft and posable, but so soft it's useless for play and difficult to pose (cuz if you nudge it even vaguely, it bends) otherwise, the sculpt and paint details are insane and the base figure has good articulation.

  4. The Flash III

    Next wave I order from ETC will be by clicking through your ad, Poe!

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