Rob Bricken of Topless Robot, a Masters of the Universe fan who’s nonetheless on the record as being disappointed in the MOTUC style here and here, issued me a challenge this weekend.
You have one week to try and convince me why I should pay $50 for a figure without a ball-jointed neck or shoulders.
He’s doing this partly because I talked to him into getting the Weapons Pak.*
First off, I have to ask: why the hell would I want to encourage any competition for what will probably be a ten-minute sellout? I should tell him–and you all–that Tytus sucks and you should avoid him like the plague. But I would be lying, since that’s not my opinion, and I’m nothing if not self-defeatingly honest.
Tytus does represent a tougher sale than the Weapons Pak. He’s expensive, and yes, he’s lacking ball joints. But I’m willing to take up the gauntlet.
Here are some reasons why a MOTU fan who prefers the Millennium style, but still likes MOTUC somewhat, would want Tytus (despite his more limited articulation):
- For me, a great part of the appeal is the simple fact that they even made a Tytus figure. I mean, this guy is the crown jewel of a lot of vintage MOTU collections. It’s like Hasbro released a new Vlix.
- He’s huge. The appeal of having him tower over my MOTUC display is way too much for me to resist, ball joints or no.
- Not that I think Tytus will need any help selling out, but buying Tytus will encourage Mattel to keep releasing other large figures and sets, including possibly the Powers of Grayskull dinosaurs, Granamyr, and even a new, Classics-scale Castle Grayskull.
- They’re obviously going to make a Megator, and you know the Four Horsemen are going to do him justice. He’s a big green monster and you’re going to have a much harder time resisting Megator than Tytus. But once you have Megator, do you really think you’re going to enjoy having him displayed without a Tytus? The asymmetry will drive you insane as certainly as a visit from Yog-Sothoth.**
- I haven’t seen a lot of commentary on this, but I actually think the Horsemen’s Tytus sculpt is stylistically closer to the Millennium line than Classics. Look at the pose, the arms and armlets, the oversized weapon–he would look just as good, and larger, towering over one’s Millennium collection.
- It’s always possible that, for one reason or another, Mattel won’t re-release Tytus. So think long and hard about your previous experiences in these situations and whether you think you’ll end up wanting to get a Tytus off eBay later…and then do a search for King Grayskull.
The one aspect of the challenge that I can’t really find a good response to is the lack of ball joints. That just plain sucks. For me, the reasons above trump that fact, and I’m known for disliking figures that don’t have at least a ball jointed neck.
On the other hand, MOTUC is practically the only toy-related thing I’m spending my money on these days, so that $50 might be hurting me a lot less than it would someone with more diverse interests.
Anyway, you’ve all got a week to decide. But Tytus is selling out, one way or the other.
* Of course, he didn’t even end up paying for his Weapons Pak–I got him one and traded it for a TR t-shirt when we met up after ROFLCon in Boston a few weeks ago (sadly, we both completely forgot to take photos).
** Yog-Sothoth is the Gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the Gate. Iä! Iä!
Dead Man Walking
LOL! I too think that Tytus is actually pretty close to the 200X style. Just looking at his proportions, he looks less bloated and his head less swollen than the regular MOTUC figures. He even looks more detailed than most of them. But I've resisted pointing this out
1)b/c as you mention, I don't want more people to vie for him.
2)I don't want a bunch of hardcore "classic" fans realizing the 200X influence and then demanding that the 4H sculpt everything closer to the MOTUC style.
Honestly, I think Gygor will seamlessly fit in with my 200X collection as well.
As far as the joints issue…well you know I don't give a flying fuck. But I do find it hilarious watching all of the articulation-loving reviewers tripping over each other to dismiss the lack of articulation, when had this been a McFarlane or DC Direct figure, they would be ripping it to shreds. On the Fwoosh, they guy is like "15 points of art ain't bad", completely ignoring the fact that the leg joints are useless due to the lack of ball joints, cut joint joints, and ankle joints, and the super-stiff loin cloth.
Matt K
I was a little surprised at how limited the articulation ended up being. I knew about the lack of bicep cuts and hip hinges, but I was shocked that they went with cut neck and arms.
Still, he's looked really cool in the comparison pics with other MOTUC figures, so I'll take a shot at getting one. I'll be there to get Peck anyway. I don't think I'll be running off to ebay if I miss out on him, though.
@Dead Man Walking: I do hate the fact that he doesn't have any ball joints, and I'll be knocking him for it in my review. So I'm not making excuses for him. It does suck. But it doesn't suck enough for me not to want him in my collection.
This figure is way too expensive.King Grayskull sells for that much because he looks awesome, Tytus well he looks like any other hair-metal artist from the 80's. Instead of selling this guy they should have sold the castle itself or something more prominent like vehicles. Then there's that mystical fact that when he was first release he was never made in the U.S.; so technically we should have no attached love to it. I don't think the less articulation hurts the figure, I think its the design and price-50 dollars for a in house figure that's hollowed out?
Yeah just helping out the hardcore fans.
Dead Man Walking
@Poe: Yeah, I wasn't referring to you, but other reviewers.
@George:LOL. Have you seen He-Man? This guys is way cooler looking than He-Man–and ever so slightly less homo-erotic.
@Dead Man: I sorta collect the line, and I buy the figures based on how cool or funny they are to me. The whole serious part (the warriors) seem cheesy. That said, it looks just as homo-erotic as He-man. But its not about that its just I bought my DC Giants of Justice Flash and Batman and paid 30 bucks max (That was at retail), so then they come out with this guy and they spike the price up by what 20 bucks. I feel like if people buy the figure then Mattel will be charging more and more.
Newton Gimmick
I'm not sure upset about the ball joints, but I don't love the price. Battle-Cat was cheaper and seemed like more went into him.
Too much upcoming stuff in these Matty sales, my wallet is hurting.
I'll be passing due to price and the fact that my nostalgia for old toys (which I played with) and the cartoon color my collecting. Plus, as Poe says I've got DCUC going still so that $50 can be used elsewhere.
monkey boy
sorry poe but it seems like a lot of your points go back to the old "WE SHOULD JUST BE HAPPY MATTEL IS MAKING THIS AT ALL" reasoning, and i can't cotton to that.
PS what do you think my chances are to grab an optikk? he's the only MOTUC figure i'm gunning for.
I asked this question on the PG PoA forum the other day, and I'm still not sure if I've made up my mind.
First and foremost, the lack of the ball joints is quite disappointing, but its not going to be my deciding factor as to whether or not I even try to get him.
I guess I'm just not in as much awe of him as other people are. I didn't even know he existed until I got online. At least with a character like Scareglow, even though I never had him as a kid, I knew he existed, and therefore I had to have him. I can totally appreciate and even admire that they did make him. For fans who knew about Tytus and never got him. Its sorta like going to see your favorite band and hearing them play that ultra rare b-side that you never thought you’d ever have a chance to hear live.
I also watched Pixel Dan's review and it really didn't help much in making my decision.
I made a list of pros and cons to help me decide. On the plus side, he’s a great looking 4H sculpted figure from MOTU lore (c’mon, he BUILT Castle Grayskull!). As Poe pointed out, when we get Megator, he’ll have someone to face off against, and finally, he can chill with He-Ro in the meantime (cuz he’s all by himself right now). The biggest drawback for me is the price tag. If this was $30, I wouldn’t have quite as much trouble justifying it. By the time you get through with tax ($2.50) and then shipping (presumably $12-$15) you’re spending at minimum $52.50… and as someone who still doesn’t have Battle Cat, I’m wondering if that money should be put towards getting him on eBay.
We don’t know if Matty will re-issue this guy, so here’s at least a chance to get him w/o having to pay the over inflated prices on eBay.
I'm thinking at the very LEAST, I could at least try to get him, providing that he doesn't sell out in .5 seconds and the site doesn't crash, and if I'm not happy with him, I'm sure someone would be more than happy to take him off my hands.
I have no interest in this guy, or the larger MOTUC format to begin with, but a couple of your points struck me:
1) I'm with monkey boy on this one
3) while I agree this will encourage more large format material, I feel like Castle Grayskull would be in an entirely different realm of sales, one I don't ever see being produced. Fer chrissakes they won't remake the stands!
4)I would certainly hope Megator would have better articulation, but then you'd be sad about a new level of asymmetry!
6) What about Zodac and Webstor, and other figures with no re-release scheduled? Their values have stayed very near to original retail. I think the exclusivity of Grayskull is what drives his price. Same inexplicable thing as the value of my SDCC Gears of War Carmine.
I think it's funny this guy wants you to explain why he should want it when he obviously doesn't want it in the first place.
If you don't want it, don't buy it, maybe I'll actually get to buy something from that wretched site this month before the three minute sellout.
Tytus is turning out to be an easy pass for me, based on price and design. I'm sure skipping the weapons pak is helping a little too, as I'm now free from being a completionist.
I honestly do not think this figure is worth $50. Far better sculpted and articulated figures like the Marvel Legends Icons series and the Famous Covers figures were less than half of $50.
If this was a re-issue of the vintage one, well…then it would be worth $50.
@George: I take it by hair metal you meant Manowar LOL they are Power Metal!
@monkey boy: @misterbigbo:
1.) It's admittedly the weakest part of my argument, but…I am happy Mattel is making this at all.
Though to be honest, I have no major nostalgic attachment to Tytus, and therefore I actually care less about the lack of ball joints; if, say, Trap Jaw, Tri-Klops or Skeletor hadn't had a ball jointed neck or shoulders, I would have been pissed.
3.) Don't count Castle Grayskull out yet. While a full-on set might be unlikely, the advent of things like Tytus, Gygor and the Heroic Guards two-pack make me think that a large "Door" display, like the one they made for the Stactions, is very possible.
4.) The one nice thing about Tytus's shoulder articulation is that it looks like it should be ball jointed. Therefore, visually there won't be any problem with asymmetry.
6.) I would think this was obvious–Zodac and Webstor haven't been re-released because they're unpopular, which is the same reason why they're price has remained close to retail on eBay. I'll concede that KG's value is largely related to his rarity, but I don't think Tytus will be as unpopular as Zodac or Webstor.
When I speculated about Tytus not being re-released, it was based not on him being unpopular, but on Mattel's famed WTF factor (see: Grayskull stands).
Finally, as for the price–it's high. I'm not going to defend that. If it's too high for you, fine. Don't buy him. As Valo487 says, that gives those who do want a Tytus a better chance at getting one. (And I'll point out yet again, I don't count the $10 shipping as part of the cost–I'll gladly pay that to spare me burning gas driving around to stores endlessly trying to find the damned thing.)
For me, it's not so much the price of these things (although I do say $40 is a bit much for this guy) as it is the AMOUNT of stuff being released at the same time. For people only collecting one line it's not as big of a deal but I get MOTUC, DCUC, and Ghostbusters.
Besides my subscription, May has Tytus and Walter Peck. June has Keldor, Pete Venkman AND the DCUC Wave 5 Box Set. August will have all the standard editions of the SDCC stuff! Too much beautiful plastic at one time. My bank account is tired of taking it up the coast.
Sorry, this turned into a rant. Tytus rules! Ball joints or not, and even at 40 clams.
Oh yeah,
@Valo487: Amen. It's obvious this Bricken guy didn't like the line from Day 1 and still complains about it despite "warming up" to it. If the dude doesn't like it then he shouldn't buy it. More for us.
@Poe: I agree 100% that we should be happy this stuff is being made. Regardless of price or articulation, if Mattel keeps producing these oversized or second-string characters and they sell out then I know that figures I really want to see (like Mosquitor, Rio-Blast, umm….MOSQUITOR) won't be far off.
Also, how pissed were we all when the 200X line was dropped? How mad would we be if MOTUC goes away? I'm happy to keep plunking down my hard-earned green every month for this stuff.
Not to be a total schill, but I think there's something to be said about being, erm, appreciative towards Mattel for making something they didn't have to make at all. I'm not all smiles about Tytus, but I'm glad to know they're at least putting the time and effort into making him. Of course the reality is that it serves their own interests… making money, giving fans a long sought after figure is sort of an afterthought. That said, why does anybody do anything? 9 times out of 10 it’s for the greenbacks. I still like my analogy of going to see your favorite band though, and hearing them play a long lost b-side or something.
People have been complaining about this line since day one. Fact is that you’re never going to please everyone, but if a few fans can get a Tytus or a Mosquitor or whatever and that makes ‘em happy, then that’s not such a bad thing.
I'm all for a friendly challenge, but if the guy doesn't want it, who the fuck cares?
Dead Man Walking
@RageTreb: Obviously Poe cares, so shut your filthy dragon mouth.
That was a joke.
Someone needs to check in at the Imagination Institute! 😉
Don't mind Tytus's shortcomings but honestly Matty online is becoming a real wallet breaker. Too much product too quickly.
My reasons for skipping Tytus:
– Looks too 200X for MOTUC (I dislike the "Millenium" term. Also 200X is easier to write) While I love 200X Tytus looks a bit out of place with the MOTUC.
– Poor Articulation. The dude's got about 12-15 PoA and some of them are limited thanks to the hard loincloth and hair. He can't look down to his smaller enemies. He can't kick them or crouch to punch them in the face.
-Can't use his own accessory. What's the Point of Tytus having a weapon if he can barely lift it. (Talking about the weapon without a "captured" figure.)
-Cost vs value: If Tytus could use all his PoA (even if they were less than a standard MOTUC) or at least be able to hold his weapon properly without it forcing his hand down, I would complain less about his $40 tag. (and the $9.95 to $15.xx Shipping costs.)
I honestly wanted to like Tytus and want him, but he just doesn't cut it for me. (Last figure I voluntarily skipped ended up being Miss Brittle crotch 2009.)
monkey boy
what i said before was actually relating to most of poe's points, rather than just the first.
for example, it continues into the "if we don't support large releases we won't get future large releases"…i have a problem with this. it's like when hasbro released the felucian "battle rancor" and then said sales of that figure would determine if they released it later as jabba's rancor. so it makes us, the collectors, feel responsible when a less desirable product causes a more desirable product to not see the light of day. like it's OUR fault that we're seeing tytus before grayskull or another large set, and it's OUR fault if it doesn't sell out in 5 minutes.
and @ prfktear, i'm sorry but you're totally sounding like a shill here. yes yes it's wonderful that mattel has descended from on high and reintroduced the MOTU line (which it helped destroy back in 200x), and they ALLOW us fans to buy them at soaring high prices (as for poe's argument that you're saving gas so you can't count shipping, i don't see how you can do that when the ONLY way to purchase the figures is through matty. and there's also that "mystery tax" thing). while it really is great that there is still a MOTU line in the world, mattel makes you guys take it on the chin and jump through hoops in ridiculous ways to get one measley figure, and you just sit there and take it and say "well thank god we have ANYTHING". not a month goes by that there isn't SOME problem resulting it a rant or a backlash, because mattel is just not a well run company, and their respect for fans is extremely suspect. they have no reason to change their ways though, because their fans still drool over their product. right now i've got a shelf full of DCUC staring back at me while i write this. i WANT mattel's product. if i could just go to the store and buy it at a semi reasonable price i would. but i can't.
so i have to make a deal with some guy and trade stuff for some exclusive figure like DCUC 10. or somehow get on a computer at 12 noon on a workday in the middle of the week to constantly reload my screen and HOPE TO GOD i get whatever figure they're selling that day before it sells out in 30 seconds.
and mattel has pretty much told us it considers figures "failures" if they don't sell out entirely, and do so in a ridiculously quick fashion. it's like they enjoy jerking our chains. if all figures had to sell out immediately to be successes, you'd have some pretty empty toy aisles. it's as though mattel relishes in making its toys difficult to procure.
furthermore they frequently give misleading information about all kinds of stuff, including especially the future availability of figures (TRU exclusives…or maybe not! we don't know! we'll never re-release exclusives! just kidding we did! but we won't tell you if we're going to or not…until we do!)
then there's stuff like the gleek debacle. it's like mattel enjoys creating problems and seeing how much they can push the fans until they stop buying the product. i guarantee someone somewhere in a mattel office is laughing at how much abuse matty fans can take and still buy up every single product they offer.
so no, i don't take solace in the argument that "hey, at least mattel is making MOTUC at all!" because it's more of a pain than it's worth to me.
i grew up with MOTU, and i collected the 200X line pretty heavily, which in itself was a pain, so you would think i would be right there with you all in kissing mattels' dirty boots, but the truth is their business practices have turned me totally off.
i would love to have a shelf full of MOTU figures, but it's not worth the hassle for me. although, as i've said, i'll trample a gaggle of soccer moms to get an optikk…however, i doubt i'll get the chance seeing as i have a fricking job that expects me to work at 12 noon instead of reloading a computer screen for a toy selling website. and since the figure will be considered a failure if it doesn't sell out in seconds, i doubt optikk (or two face) will be there for me at the end of the workday.
@Monkey Boy:
I agree with pretty much everything you said even though I do appreciate the MOTUC line's existence. The noon sale time (11am my time) is a huge pain but what sucks even more is the 15th sale date. I work Friday-Tuesday so if the 15th falls on a Wednesday or Thursday then no problem but otherwise I have to have my poor wife sit and the computer while I badger her on the phone to make sure my goods are ordered.
The Gleek business was ridiculous also. Good thing for me I don't give a rat's ass about Gleek. But the concept of having something that people will want and offering it only to SDCC attendees as a "reward" for coming is totally bogus. Basically if you don't live in San Diego or can't get the money/get off work to make a trip out to California, you're screwed.
I guess the main thing is, each person has to weigh the cost and difficulty of collecting something against their interest in the line. MOTU has always and will always be my favorite toy line and so far the appeal of MOTUC outweighs all the bad for me. Plus, I've been lucky because out of all the items I've wanted to buy from mattycollector, the only one that sold out before I could get it was Faker and I got him off eBay shortly after for a modest mark-up. I can see how constantly missing out on items would make someone lose interest.
monkey boy
@toyman2581: i also didn't care about gleek, but you only spelled out part of the debacle. imagine actually showing up for the con, thinking you got a gleek, and then finding out you didn't. and THEN mattel magically discovers a big ol' box o' gleeks someone "forgot" to bring to the con. then they let them go on fwoosh.
and instead of saying apologizing profusely, they pretty much said "hey we never SAID going to the con guaranteed you a gleek, we just said you'd have the chance to get one there"…unfortunately they said it would be the ONLY way to "have a chance" to get one, and that was a lie, as congoers missed out and fwoosh members got lucky.
but i'm sure everyone already knows this.
Regarding the issue of not wanting to be forced to buy figures now so we can get others later:
It's not Mattel being a dick, it's the nature of the business. If they see support and make money, they'll continue to produce figures. To hell with your not wanting to feel responsible, it really has no effect on the reality of the situation.
@PrfktTear: I think that this point gets lost too quickly amongst the so-called fanbase. Everyone is entirely too quick to jump on every little thing and blow genuine faults out of proportion.
And while it is true that the Icons line from Marvel Legends were better articulated, they came out during a much different economy.
A shirt for a weapons pak?
I traded like 5,000 Star Wars haiku for my prized TR shirt, and I made sure none of them were hot pink!
It's appropriate that they be used as barter, actually, the way Mattel seems to use accessories as leverage these days to coax and infuriate fans with their placement or absence in releases, such as SDCC bonuses or the lack of accessories in the TRU sets to keep peace with the Matty faithfuls.
Perhaps Rob's been away from ToyFare and all the related toy obsession to realize the largest omission from your list. The factor that seems to rule all toy releases from the major companies more than ever: Tooling costs! It's always been a factor(not so much for the 200x line until the horrible repaints)but it really seems like any new mold must be justified by Jesus and Odin before poduction. In a line that focuses on so many reused parts, including a pack of recolored bits of plastic, Tytus is a steal at any cost! Not as much as Battle Cat, but he's still worth a bit more to break up the monotony of identically shaped characters.
I'm not ordering though, I can't afford that line at all.
i'm personally skipping tytus for several reasons:
1) the price explanation is a lie. rotocast figs are cheaper to ship, not cheaper to produce. the process is dangerous, releases a ton of hazardous chemicals, and ultimately yeilds a less durable, less posable toy. the reason we were given that he "would cost 100 dollars" to produce to motuc standards is flat out wrong.
2) tytus will sell out anyway. i'm not worried about pushing the line or investing in future big figures… if i skip a figure here and there in motuc that aren't my cup of tea, i refuse to be compelled to "take one for the team" the team has been ensuring sellouts since the inception of the line.
3) if i bought a fig i didn't think was up to standard, i've voted to matel, throuh my purchase, that i am a whore w/ no standards and no restraint. i'm a lot of things… but i'm niether a whore nor lacking restraint
4) he's a giant who can't look down at his puny enemies… that's just flat out egregious
5) he can't hold nor use the provided weapon. so why is it there?
6) i'm willing to wager on my customization skills to get a better version of the figure for a character i like… yes, i like the character of tytus, i like the concept, it's just this figure i can't broker. so i snagged a maximum aggression triple h and am slowly doing the work… and he'll end up being much cheaper than tytus. and he'll be able to look down at his opponents, he'll be able to crouch, he'll be able to bend over, pick up skeletor, and toss him to the next county.
7) i'm saving my "big money" investments for this line into product i think is genuinely worth the price tag, like gygor and battle cat.
on the whole, i must say to the naysayers of this line, i too have objections on the price tag, and the overly difficult method of attaining these figures… but that said… this is without doubt my dream line for motu. for a number of reasons, including durability, character selection… millenium motu can blow my balls. to disrespect, but that line never appealed to me on aesthetic or playability.
I've got to agree with DayRaven about the $100 price quote, not that I understand how all this works.
Marvel Legends Icons are pretty massive 12" figures. Colossus is a huge chunk of plastic, and what were they, $25?
How much plastic is in a Barbie that Mattel sells for $5? Quite a bit. Granted, this is not a retail line, but Tytus will absolutely sell out in minutes.
I don't really know much about tooling costs, but it is bizzare that retail figures have gone up in price by 50% or so in a few short years while tooling has become such an issue. Why are the latest Dark Knight figures more expensive from Matty before shipping than the ones on the pegs that TRU bought to sell at enough profit to warrant carrying them?
I've never ordered from Matty, but the costs and excuses are keeping me away, since I love the stuff and wouldn't be able to resist once I started.
Diego Zubrycky
Honestly, I think he's too small to be called a true Giant… He's big, but not big enough to build a Castle.
I understand Mattel's side, of course ( The price of a truly giant would be very high ) but, IMO, the vintage figure is SO much better than this one.
Anyway, he is not giant enough to me… I'll be skipping this one.
The lack of articulation is a turn off as well.
He's not a bad figure at all. I just don't feel moved for his size and his lack of articulation.
Anyway, it's just my opinion…
@Diego Zubrycky: dude, not calling you out here, but i have to ask… in one statement, you say "the vintage figure is SO much better than this one" and then decry this one for "his size and his lack of articulation". i have to ask about this inconsistency… cuz i've seen a lot of photos of the old tytus and he's not articulated as well as new tytus, and he's smaller… the paint and the sculpt are MUCH worse as well… so in what way is the old one superior for you? rooted hair?
dayraven, I can't wait to see what you accomplish with that HHH figure. Sounds very promising!
I have a Battle Cat waiting for me in the States, 'cause a friend bought a few for customizing and then decided to customize the eventual Panthor instead, and so he kindly offered me one of his extras.
Presumably, I'll eventually buy a figure of He-Man to go with Battle Cat, and I predict that'll be my one and only purchase from this line. The 2002 series was very flawed, but for me the Classics series has still failed to match up to the imagination of the 2002 series.
I can count all the Mattel figures I've owned in the past decade on one or maybe two hands; I say again, everything Mattel does makes me feel an urge to write a thank-you note to Hasbro.
@dayraven: Vintage Tytus is bigger than MOTUC Tytus. Good Luck on turning Trips into Tytus… Which I might do If I find that big Triple H…
@dayraven: Vintage Tytus was designed as a toy with actual play features, for this alone he is far better than MOTUC Tytus. Also the rooted hair was very cool IMO LOL.
I'm actually not going to get him. 🙁
I know how much this figure means to the 4HM, and I think they've done a good job with the sculpt and design of him. But at the price he's at, and the fact that he'll be a pain to get, I'm actually going to pass on him.
Gygor is a much more interesting toy to me, so I'll save the money for him, and pray the online shopping gods are with me that day.
Unless he's available for more than a few hours, and I somehow find some extra money somewhere, I'm actually okay with Tytus (and Megator) not being in my collection.
This is an odd sensation for me, for anything MotU related and 4HM produced. I don't like that I've felt this way about Tytus, Adam and Orko, and Mo-Larr.
Could be a trend sticking with me, I think I'm becoming a picker and chooser instead of the completionist I thought I was going to be for this line.
@I♥AnimeskelesowrdsandMYPhaironheman: dude, ebay the triple h, i got mine from britain for almost what re retailed for. shop around a little and you can find some good deals on those maximum aggression figures.
and thanks guys, for putting all this pressure on me to make sure my tytus looks good… did i mention i don't handle pressure well? 😉
Diego Zubrycky
@dayraven: There's no inconsistency at all in my words… But I'll try to explain myself better this time.
The vintage Tytus is so much better than the new one because of the size. The old one was truly a giant. The new one is big, sure, but not that much…
The new Tytus is not giant enough to my taste. He can't carry his enemies like the old one. He's to small for that.
When I talked about articulation, I was talking about the new Tytus. In an vintage figure, the lack of articulation is not an issue for me ( Technology was different those days, after all… )but in a brand new action figure, lack of articulation is a major turn off for me…
P.S.: Rooted hair is cool too, by the way.
Diego Zubrycky
By the way, when I talk about the MOTUC Tytus' size as being not giant enough I'm thinking about his scale with the other figures… Comparing his size with the other MOTUC figures, he's big… But he should be bigger to have the same giant effect of the old one.
In this link there's a picture to show the size of the old one comparing it to the vintage figures.…
Thinking about scale, I believe the vintage Tytus is a better giant than the MOTUC one.
Diego Zubrycky
Note: I would glady buy a vintage Tytus re-released… My vintage MOTU collection needs one… And a Megator too.
I’ll be right there on the picket line with some of ya folks, Mattel has flocked up real good a bunch of times, but at some point you’ve just got to let it go. If you don’t like going on Matty on the 15th of each month and dealing with DR, then don’t buy ‘em. If you feel as though you’re being overcharged for shipping, don’t buy ‘em. If you feel as though their “mystery tax” (by the way, its called SALES TAX here in Massachusetts) is unjust, don’t buy ‘em. If you still hold it against Mattel for every single Gleek, art book, Wave 5-ocalypse, then don’t buy ‘em.
I cannot fathom how short sighted people can be when it comes to the cost in shipping. To me it is well worth the time and gas money you would spend going from Wal-Mart to Wal-Mart or TRU to TRU every day for two weeks just looking for that one figure.
Finally, if I had to have the option of MOTUC with all of its problems and complications or NO MOTUC at all, my choice is obvious.
People have been nothing but negative about this line since the beginning. It seems like they want it to fail just so they can sit in their highchair on their little mound of internet dirt and say “I told you so”.
I can't believe that, this far in the game, people are still f'n debating this shit. You like it, you buy it. You don't like it, you don't buy it. Very simple.
Nitpicking every fucking little detail, talks of cost, irrelevant comparisons with older lines, blablablablabla… Shit's getting ooooold.
@dayraven: A lot of the shops where I live were selling them for £9.99.
The more MOTUC stuff that comes out the more I think reissues of the older figures would be better…..Tytus, Megator, Laser Light He-Man and Skeletor etc.
@Mario: Thank you! I lol'd too!
If people are still around complaining, they're probably also still buying the figures (at least once in a while), or else why would they care enough to complain? You should be thanking the complainers for their retail support of the line you love. You're free to ignore the complaints and keep buying the figures. 😉
Incidentally, I think one of those old "Men of Honor" gigantic action figures would make a great Titus base figure. Talk about giant!
why would they care enough to complain?
Some men just want to watch the world burn.
Something to take note of with all the complaints and critiques.
(Moreso the critiques…)
If you're being criticized, then your most likely onto something. 😉
I would dare say that's the case with MotUC.
I, for one, am happily on the record as one who bitches and moans about Mattel's development of this line, and am as tired of being dismissed as some of you are of hearing me. It has nothing at all to do with wanting to "watch the world burn", and I find that general response belittling.
It has everything to do with wanting
1)a better product
2)distributed in an accessible way
3)at a reasonable price.
EVERY complaint I've ever had, and every reasonable one I've ever read, has to do with those criteria, and why I could be criticized for that is way beyond me. If you're one of the many who's willing to pay whatever price for whatever Matty's selling, good for you. Just ATTEMPT to realize some folks aren't.
Next time I'm just gonna email Rob directly.