And now, the second SDCC Exclusive: Fearless Photog(!)

OK, now that Mattel’s real April Fool’s joke is out of the way, we can get to the good stuff–the actual SDCC exclusive announcement, direct from their Facebook page. It seems all those supposed leaks about Orko or an “official” reveal on Attack of the Show next week was just smoke and mirrors for the real event on April 1–same as last year. I guess these “fake April Fool’s joke” reveals are a Matty tradition now…

Hey toy fans,

To answer your questions–

1: Yes, this is our other SDCC MOTUC figure. It is not an April Fool’s joke.

2: Yes, just like last year, all of the action figure exclusives will be sold online after the show on

3: Fearless Photog, like the other exclusives will be available online after the show. Also, his package will be the same as a standard MOTUC figure, no electronics, so he can ship worldwide.

Okay, I think that covers all the main points. Obviously we are very excited for this year’s show. It looks to be our biggest presence ever with tons of surprises in store. We’ll have more updates as we get closer to the show.

See you all in San Diego. I’ll be there to meet and greet in person!



Ask Mattel Answers > Early April Edition


Pic of the Day


  1. finkrod

    @Newton Gimmick: Awesome, that all makes alot more sense now. Thank you sir!

  2. @finkrod: There was a contest in the late 80's where a kid could design his own He-Man character and it would get made into a figure. Fearless Photog won! He never got a figure. Years later X-Entertainment dug up the story and began trying to find out why the figure never got made and what happened to the winner. Lots of stories were posted, the guy finally tracked down and even posted about it. He'd had a interesting and turbulent life and his story and character sort of became internet lore as a result.

    Photog was SUPPOSED to be made, but never got made. A lot of people (myself included actually) would love to see the character made, just so Mattel will fulfill this promise they made to a ten year old kid from 20 years ago.

    Hope that helps!

  3. AnimateTed

    AWWWWWWWWWWWW MAN! THIS was the BEST one yet! And damn if he couldn't be made with minimal tooling! Crap! Well done guys… and booo on you! LOL

  4. finkrod

    I don't get it. What the hell is a Fearless Photog?

  5. @Diego Sanches: Once again the attention to detail and obvious love of their craft shines through in Mattel's production photos.

  6. Anyone see Pixel Dan's "Super Secret Exclusive Preview"? Its hillarious.

    Sad part is, I actually do want one…

  7. Thomas B

    meh… i am torn. i would want one but not really.

  8. Matt at X-E pretty much started the whole Photog Phenom.

    That said, I've actually been pushing for Photog as an exclusive. He'd make good sense.

  9. I think Matt over at X-Entertainment did a huge write-up about Fearless Photog.

  10. Kid Nicky


    He worked on Halo.


  11. RageTreb

    Awww, but I actually want one.

  12. Ah, if only.

  13. MechaShiva


    He is actually more relevant than Mo-Larr.

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