And now, the second SDCC Exclusive: Fearless Photog(!)

OK, now that Mattel’s real April Fool’s joke is out of the way, we can get to the good stuff–the actual SDCC exclusive announcement, direct from their Facebook page. It seems all those supposed leaks about Orko or an “official” reveal on Attack of the Show next week was just smoke and mirrors for the real event on April 1–same as last year. I guess these “fake April Fool’s joke” reveals are a Matty tradition now…

Hey toy fans,

To answer your questions–

1: Yes, this is our other SDCC MOTUC figure. It is not an April Fool’s joke.

2: Yes, just like last year, all of the action figure exclusives will be sold online after the show on

3: Fearless Photog, like the other exclusives will be available online after the show. Also, his package will be the same as a standard MOTUC figure, no electronics, so he can ship worldwide.

Okay, I think that covers all the main points. Obviously we are very excited for this year’s show. It looks to be our biggest presence ever with tons of surprises in store. We’ll have more updates as we get closer to the show.

See you all in San Diego. I’ll be there to meet and greet in person!



Ask Mattel Answers > Early April Edition


Pic of the Day


  1. Its cooler than Molar.

  2. Zodach

    I like how you copied the Matty answers from last year, but replaced He-Ro with Fearless Photog.

  3. Someone's got madd photochop zkills!

  4. Lay Ze-Man

    I want that figure in a bad way.

    He would fit in perfectly as a bridge between the vintage and NA stuff.

  5. Sorry, I can't take any "figure revealed" pranks anymore. It's pretty much the same every year almost everywhere.

  6. DankOne

    What ever happened to Mr. Bitner? This will forever be in my mind…

  7. Ben


  8. MechaShiva

    I would get this and hope it gets that gimmick with several images from the comic inside the lens when you peek thru.

  9. Poe

    I will say, I feel bad for possibly raising the hopes of Nathan Bitner, if he's out there. Shine on, Mr. Bitner, shine on.

  10. Dark Angel

    Well, way to shatter the hopes and dreams of those of us who've waited TWENTY SEVEN FRAGGIN' YEARS for a Fearless Photog figure, Mr. Ghostal! Now that you've basically DECIMATED MY WILL TO LIVE I hope yer HAPPY! I HATE MYSELF AND WILL NEVER EVER BUY ANY MATTEL CRAP AGAIN EVEN THOUGH THEY HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THISWHARGARBLLLL!!!!111!!!!!


  11. Nik

    I enjoyed it. While I'm not big into MOTU outside of very few figures, I would buy this based on pure ridiculousness.

  12. Poe

    @Diego Sanches: I don't think it's that bad, actually. But to be clear, I didn't make it–this whole thing was dreamed up by OAFE and I just went along with it. So yes, I'm putting the blame on them entirely.

  13. this is a really poor photoshoping. each part of the figure has a different resolution and the hand under the right shield is a left hand.

    anyway, if you look at Optikk's images at you'll see the production sample actualy HAS two left hands.

  14. Scott

    Hmmm… I don't see that on their Facebook page. The Facebook link links to a youtube video with William Shatner. I hate April 1st….

  15. Will this one stay longer than the last MOTUCs, during the sale day? I'm guessing not.

  16. LOL

    That looks awesome!

  17. Fengschwing

    Ok, I admit it, you got me! Well done!

  18. Fengschwing

    What the hell is this thing!?

  19. Agh! I've been Shatnered!

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