There were certain figures that no matter how much you wanted to, you couldn't do certain things with… like Moss Man and Grizzlor… bad idea to put those dudes in the Slime Pit. Roboto… bad idea to play with that guy in the sandbox (learned that one from experience).
No guys. Matty should have made Moss Man waterproof! Don't you see?! This is just another way that Matty is screwing over the fans! This is worse than the Trap-Jaw/Battle Cat Matellocalypse by at least five orders of magnitude!!!!
I was a little apprehensive when I clicked the comments button for this post, but I'm relieved I'm with the majority opinion on this so far. After five minutes in water, the flocking comes off when you scrape it with your fingernail. I'm inclined to not be bothered by this.
(Also, what would happen if you let it dry before trying to scrape it off?)
I wonder what would happen if you put a MOC Moss Man in water? Maybe it would damage the card? Seriously, this seems like the equivalent of dropping a figure from high up to see if it breaks.
Now there is a guy on another forum who commented that he did accidentally spill a glass of water near the figure and in trying to dry the figure the flocking came off, but it kind of makes sense. I'm not sure what folks expected to happen. I've never heard that flocking was waterproof, has anyone else?
This video does nothing but piss me off. Destroying a Moss Man for such a stupid reason, particularly when the goddamned thing sold out in instances. Bastards!
@MechaShiva: That's an interesting thought. My GF puts sealent on her boots that have a similar fuzzy nature and they hold up fine. If it works for UGG boots, why wouldn't it work for Moss Man?
Based on the junk on his table, I'd say he's a customizer, so the figure isn't "going to waste". And based on the borderline face-stabbing comments made so far, I wish I had a Battle Cat to set on fire, just see what color the flames would be. xD
What's so bad about wetting a guy made/covered in plant-matter? A sane person would think a character like that would love a dip in the lake (unless he hated it in the cartoons or something, then this issue would be a funny way for Mattel to add that quirk to the toy).
At least this line is aimed at adults so they're not going to be taking it into the bubble-bath and putting it in their mouths. This is just good info for anyone who doesn't want to take a razor to their Mossman to prep it before painting it purple.
I'd be afraid of spraying him with sealer, he already looks pretty flammable, making him a potential fireball is worse than splashing him with water in my book, lol.
"Why would you even put Moss Man near water? Comon sense would tell you not to do it."
What "common sense"? So, everyone on the planet is supposed to know not to put Mossman in water? Was it on the news or something? LOL.
Or do you mean flocking in general should never get wet because it falls off? In that case, I don't have that common sense because I've never owned something that was flocked; I think it's a tacky effect. So, I never had the chance to accidentally get an item like that wet. I appreciate the video. Knowledge is power! 😀
Y'all can make fun of the nit n' pickers out there upset about this.
But they have a valid point of the fact that this is shoddy work done at Mattel's factory. The glue shouldn't sluff off with water. That's just bad QA.
Not that anyone should be surprised but still this is a 20$ figure that's DANG hard to get a hold of if you don't have the sub.
What if you live in a humid environment? People that do have posted that they're Moss Man figs are the worse for it. That's crap!
That IS something to complain about!
I agree with most of you, that there are too many "fans" that just want to nit n' pick the line to death, I don't agree with them for the most part. But here they do have an argument I feel.
Me personally? Hehe, I've never liked the flocking on figures. So I'm going to have fun de-flocking my Moss Man and repainting him. 😀
Still, I do feel bad for the fans that feel like they've gotten ripped off by shoddy craftsmanship on the part of the factory. That shouldn't be happening with a high quality collector's line.
Jokes aside, it's the stories of the figure accidentally getting wet–or peeling in a humid climate–that make me think this shouldn't be completely dismissed.
It appears the glue they ended up using for the flocking is very water-soluble. And I have to wonder if that wasn't avoidable.
Yeah, while most people won't be sicking him in water, its a good warning to keep him out of the way (Ray Stantz took a tumble off a shelf into my water cup last week :P) or take precautions if you live in a humid environment.
Okay, home from work so now I could actually watch the video. So, okay, you leave it in water for FIVE MINUTES and then start picking at it… what did you expect would happen? Then after a "bit more time in the water"? I'm not going to call this dude a liar, but who knows what they did to that head in between takes. I think even the humid climate is a bit of a stretch too, but I'm not going to completely dismiss any claims, but it seems a little far fetched.
Oh, and I just checked his thread at the dot Org. "My buddy had a loose knee on his and tried to fix it by heating up the knee in warm water." I dunno, to me it seems kinda dumb to give Mossy a bath, but thats just me.
I would try freezing it, but he might catch a cold.
These dudes are ridiculous. Even when you buy a towel (which is used to dry) it flocks off lint…you know what I don't care since I am not buying this figure.
Anyone who regularly reads these comments knows I have no problem calling Mattel out when I don't like the product or the service.
This just seems like a manufactured way to piss and moan,though. I mean,really? His flock can be peeled off? It's like me purposefully driving my car into a telephone pole and then complaining it doesn't drive anymore.
@DrNightmare: Wouldn't it be common sense to stop and think, "hey, I've never had a figure with flocking before . . . so maybe I should ask if there's anything to be aware of before I got ahead and customize or whatever instead of going forward assuming everything is the same"?
If you're trekking into an unknown mountain range, full of bears and cobras and mutant lionfish, you really should ask the local park rangers about how best to proceed, after all, your life is at risk.
What if the Park Rangers don't know anything about the region you're about to enter? Someone has to explore it, and that someone might as well be you. You're now a pioneer.
When you're trying to fix your toy by heating it up with hot water, all you have to do is go online, see what works, and do it. Boil-n-pop works, it makes sense for someone to try that method.
If you happen to miss an obscure article written 10 years ago about a toy's flocking being disintegrated by dampness, so what? Who gives a shit? It's not like the guy is endangering his life or the lives of others by accidentally wiping little hairs off his toy. He even made a video showing others a precaution to take so you don't ruin your precious pieces of plastic. If you already knew not to get it wet, good for you! You want a cookie or something?
I'm finding it hilarious how much MOTU fans are hating on the guy for trying to fix his toy. Think about that. xD
So he accidentally rubbed stuff off of it, PFFFT. How many accidents have led to great discoveries and inventions over the course of human history?
So if your accident leads to a scientific breakthrough or discovery of a new continent, you are brilliant, a brave adventurer. If your accident leads to anything else, like making a toy less fuzzy, then you're now some clumsy oaf who just wants to ruin toys based on a few people's favorite comic property.
What kind of crap is that? lol
Also, I realize you may all just be having fun and don't really hate the guy, that's cool, I liek funz!
It's just my experience that most people don't have a sense of humor, har har.
Also, I have to admit, I wouldn't even be having so much fun typing up these posts if it weren't that it's a MOTU figure being ruined. I don't particularly care for those characters.
If it had been a flocked Red Sonja figure, I'd be right in here with you guys telling the dude not to throw his toy into a volcano because it might loosen the joints xD!!!
Also, please don't flock your Red Sonja figures! xD
It would be nice if folks actually knew the circumstances surrounding it before reading me the riot act… and I wish they had been posted with this, as without them I can somewhat understand people calling me a "douche" (thanks for that).
My friend Matt and I both got figures with messed up knee joints. The peg wasn't fully through one of the holes. Matt thought that he'd just dip the knee in warm water to soften the plastic enough to get the peg to go through (the tried-and-true old method). We both thought that perhaps the glue might not hold up, but since vintage Moss Man never had a problem in water, then the newer $20 version would probably be okay for just a few seconds.
Guess what. He wasn't. The second he hit that warm water, he started shedding. Badly. Really badly. The edge of the knee was completely bald. We thought "wow, Mattel really didn't cheap out and use water soluable glue, did they?"
Yeah, all this guy did was spill a little water on his, and bam… mange Moss Man.
So since Matt wasn't going to use his 2000's head, we figured posting a somewhat jokey video about the whole thing while still showing what water can do to him would be a good warning for those of you who might need to fix a joint, or perhaps store him in a humid environment.
The head shed badly almost immediately upon hitting the water, but we left it in for awhile just to see how much would come off. All of it did. And that was tap water.
I don't often nitpick the line, but the choice of glue was a bad one, plain and simple. The video was done as a warning to keep him away from water… a warning which some customizers, folks in humid environments, and folks that have to solve Mattel's QC issues might appreciate. If I'm a douche for doing that, then so be it. I for one don't mind a little freindly advice now and again.
Sallah's right, I didn't provide the context for his experiment, and that's my fault, for which I apologize to him.
And obviously personal attacks are never acceptable–again, that's my fault, I wasn't paying enough attention. (Personal attacks are OK against Toy Aisle Trolls, but that's all.) I edited out the "douche" line he refers to. Hopefully this sort of thing won't happen very often.
@Sallah: I apologize for my flippant remark. I had just seen your video and at first blush I reacted negatively and inappropriately. I have a great love for MOTU and this line, as I am sure you do as well. I guess I'm burnt out from the incessant criticism, griping & groaning on the part of fan boys, naysayers, haters, and critics always making a mountain out of a molehill and taking every chance to take a shot at this line or Mattel and it's got me a little defensive.
@Poe: I'm sorry for making that remark on your public forum. I should know better than to resort to juvenile name calling. You and this site deserve better than that, and I did not mean any disrespect.
So… Flood insurance for your Mossman?
Why would you put your mossman in water?I wonder if sealant would "preserve" him.
He's not a flockin' Chia Pet!!!
There were certain figures that no matter how much you wanted to, you couldn't do certain things with… like Moss Man and Grizzlor… bad idea to put those dudes in the Slime Pit. Roboto… bad idea to play with that guy in the sandbox (learned that one from experience).
The Flash III
Yes, what exactly did they expect would happen? Way to needlessly waste an extra head…
Philip Reed
I love to pose toys in water for shots, but a fuzzy/flocked toy should never get wet. Never.
News Flash!!
Water is wet.
More at Eleven!!
No guys. Matty should have made Moss Man waterproof! Don't you see?! This is just another way that Matty is screwing over the fans! This is worse than the Trap-Jaw/Battle Cat Matellocalypse by at least five orders of magnitude!!!!
I won't be opening my Moss Man and even as a kid I knew not to put him in water! What a waste! I do wonder how he smells wet! LOL
I was a little apprehensive when I clicked the comments button for this post, but I'm relieved I'm with the majority opinion on this so far. After five minutes in water, the flocking comes off when you scrape it with your fingernail. I'm inclined to not be bothered by this.
(Also, what would happen if you let it dry before trying to scrape it off?)
I wonder what would happen if you put a MOC Moss Man in water? Maybe it would damage the card? Seriously, this seems like the equivalent of dropping a figure from high up to see if it breaks.
Now there is a guy on another forum who commented that he did accidentally spill a glass of water near the figure and in trying to dry the figure the flocking came off, but it kind of makes sense. I'm not sure what folks expected to happen. I've never heard that flocking was waterproof, has anyone else?
I see this more as a warning. Do not use the boil and pop method to fix Mossy's joints. Still it sucks that the flock comes off THAT easily.
@Andrew: I lol'd.
Other warnings: Do not put your Moss Man in fire, he will burn/melt.
Do not bury your Moss Man, he will not grow into a tree or bush or bean stalk.
Do not love your Moss Man, he will disintegrate.
Do not throw your Moss Man, he will fly away.
In the spirit of this video, I've gone ahead and conducted a few more tests. Here are my findings:
1) Man at Arms can't withstand even one minute against my weed whacker.
2)Battle Cat DOES NOT float in a toilet
3)When dropped from my roof onto a barbecue grill, He-Man and Stratos fall at the same rate of speed. Even when Stratos has his wings extended.
I guess they'd have a point if these were toys made for kids to play with. Since they're not, they don't.
This video does nothing but piss me off. Destroying a Moss Man for such a stupid reason, particularly when the goddamned thing sold out in instances. Bastards!
So ridiculous. Okay, so it's a warning. Who didn't know this would happen if you tried the boil and pop method on Moss Man?
Why would you even put Moss Man near water? Comon sense would tell you not to do it.
This video is pointless and just wasted a good figure some of us would be glad to have.
Newton Gimmick
Yeah this just in. Putting your Moss Man in water for 5 minutes, then SCRAPING your fingernail across it will remove the flocking.
Also this just in. Throwing Moss Man down a flight of steps will make him break.
Film at 11.
Newton Gimmick
@MechaShiva: That's an interesting thought. My GF puts sealent on her boots that have a similar fuzzy nature and they hold up fine. If it works for UGG boots, why wouldn't it work for Moss Man?
Based on the junk on his table, I'd say he's a customizer, so the figure isn't "going to waste". And based on the borderline face-stabbing comments made so far, I wish I had a Battle Cat to set on fire, just see what color the flames would be. xD
What's so bad about wetting a guy made/covered in plant-matter? A sane person would think a character like that would love a dip in the lake (unless he hated it in the cartoons or something, then this issue would be a funny way for Mattel to add that quirk to the toy).
At least this line is aimed at adults so they're not going to be taking it into the bubble-bath and putting it in their mouths. This is just good info for anyone who doesn't want to take a razor to their Mossman to prep it before painting it purple.
I'd be afraid of spraying him with sealer, he already looks pretty flammable, making him a potential fireball is worse than splashing him with water in my book, lol.
"Why would you even put Moss Man near water? Comon sense would tell you not to do it."
What "common sense"? So, everyone on the planet is supposed to know not to put Mossman in water? Was it on the news or something? LOL.
Or do you mean flocking in general should never get wet because it falls off? In that case, I don't have that common sense because I've never owned something that was flocked; I think it's a tacky effect. So, I never had the chance to accidentally get an item like that wet. I appreciate the video. Knowledge is power! 😀
For those that want an unflocked Moss Man, it's super easy!
But I've already heard horror stories about the figure accidentally getting damp, not soaked, and still having the flocking coming off.
NEXT:Will MossMan Blend?
Y'all can make fun of the nit n' pickers out there upset about this.
But they have a valid point of the fact that this is shoddy work done at Mattel's factory. The glue shouldn't sluff off with water. That's just bad QA.
Not that anyone should be surprised but still this is a 20$ figure that's DANG hard to get a hold of if you don't have the sub.
What if you live in a humid environment? People that do have posted that they're Moss Man figs are the worse for it. That's crap!
That IS something to complain about!
I agree with most of you, that there are too many "fans" that just want to nit n' pick the line to death, I don't agree with them for the most part. But here they do have an argument I feel.
Me personally? Hehe, I've never liked the flocking on figures. So I'm going to have fun de-flocking my Moss Man and repainting him. 😀
Still, I do feel bad for the fans that feel like they've gotten ripped off by shoddy craftsmanship on the part of the factory. That shouldn't be happening with a high quality collector's line.
Jokes aside, it's the stories of the figure accidentally getting wet–or peeling in a humid climate–that make me think this shouldn't be completely dismissed.
It appears the glue they ended up using for the flocking is very water-soluble. And I have to wonder if that wasn't avoidable.
I think they went for a non toxic water soluble glue to avoid people getting poisoned in case they ingested his flockings.
Yeah, while most people won't be sicking him in water, its a good warning to keep him out of the way (Ray Stantz took a tumble off a shelf into my water cup last week :P) or take precautions if you live in a humid environment.
Moss Man is not meant for consumption.
Dead Man Walking
@MechaShiva: Mossman goes good in a garden salad.
Wes GRogan
I'll make sure to keep him out of water, but I'm wondering how he looks hanging from a rear view mirror.
Just wanted to give a shoutout to my two favorite comments…
PrfktTear: "Do not put your Moss Man in fire, he will burn/melt."
DrNightmare: "I wish I had a Battle Cat to set on fire, just see what color the flames would be."
After seeing the pic of his head with the flocking removed, I kinda wanna do it to my second one… Prolly shouldn't…
Okay, home from work so now I could actually watch the video. So, okay, you leave it in water for FIVE MINUTES and then start picking at it… what did you expect would happen? Then after a "bit more time in the water"? I'm not going to call this dude a liar, but who knows what they did to that head in between takes. I think even the humid climate is a bit of a stretch too, but I'm not going to completely dismiss any claims, but it seems a little far fetched.
Oh, and I just checked his thread at the dot Org. "My buddy had a loose knee on his and tried to fix it by heating up the knee in warm water." I dunno, to me it seems kinda dumb to give Mossy a bath, but thats just me.
I would try freezing it, but he might catch a cold.
These dudes are ridiculous. Even when you buy a towel (which is used to dry) it flocks off lint…you know what I don't care since I am not buying this figure.
Kid Nicky
Anyone who regularly reads these comments knows I have no problem calling Mattel out when I don't like the product or the service.
This just seems like a manufactured way to piss and moan,though. I mean,really? His flock can be peeled off? It's like me purposefully driving my car into a telephone pole and then complaining it doesn't drive anymore.
Katar Hol
What a waste of time and figures…
Funny. I've seen this vid before it was posted here.
My first thought was something like:
Oh… and don't bask him in hot oil, let alone open flames. And don't put him into your toaster.
@DrNightmare: Wouldn't it be common sense to stop and think, "hey, I've never had a figure with flocking before . . . so maybe I should ask if there's anything to be aware of before I got ahead and customize or whatever instead of going forward assuming everything is the same"?
If you're trekking into an unknown mountain range, full of bears and cobras and mutant lionfish, you really should ask the local park rangers about how best to proceed, after all, your life is at risk.
What if the Park Rangers don't know anything about the region you're about to enter? Someone has to explore it, and that someone might as well be you. You're now a pioneer.
When you're trying to fix your toy by heating it up with hot water, all you have to do is go online, see what works, and do it. Boil-n-pop works, it makes sense for someone to try that method.
If you happen to miss an obscure article written 10 years ago about a toy's flocking being disintegrated by dampness, so what? Who gives a shit? It's not like the guy is endangering his life or the lives of others by accidentally wiping little hairs off his toy. He even made a video showing others a precaution to take so you don't ruin your precious pieces of plastic. If you already knew not to get it wet, good for you! You want a cookie or something?
I'm finding it hilarious how much MOTU fans are hating on the guy for trying to fix his toy. Think about that. xD
So he accidentally rubbed stuff off of it, PFFFT. How many accidents have led to great discoveries and inventions over the course of human history?
So if your accident leads to a scientific breakthrough or discovery of a new continent, you are brilliant, a brave adventurer. If your accident leads to anything else, like making a toy less fuzzy, then you're now some clumsy oaf who just wants to ruin toys based on a few people's favorite comic property.
What kind of crap is that? lol
Also, I realize you may all just be having fun and don't really hate the guy, that's cool, I liek funz!
It's just my experience that most people don't have a sense of humor, har har.
Also, I have to admit, I wouldn't even be having so much fun typing up these posts if it weren't that it's a MOTU figure being ruined. I don't particularly care for those characters.
If it had been a flocked Red Sonja figure, I'd be right in here with you guys telling the dude not to throw his toy into a volcano because it might loosen the joints xD!!!
Also, please don't flock your Red Sonja figures! xD
Hey all… I'm the guy that made the video!
It would be nice if folks actually knew the circumstances surrounding it before reading me the riot act… and I wish they had been posted with this, as without them I can somewhat understand people calling me a "douche" (thanks for that).
My friend Matt and I both got figures with messed up knee joints. The peg wasn't fully through one of the holes. Matt thought that he'd just dip the knee in warm water to soften the plastic enough to get the peg to go through (the tried-and-true old method). We both thought that perhaps the glue might not hold up, but since vintage Moss Man never had a problem in water, then the newer $20 version would probably be okay for just a few seconds.
Guess what. He wasn't. The second he hit that warm water, he started shedding. Badly. Really badly. The edge of the knee was completely bald. We thought "wow, Mattel really didn't cheap out and use water soluable glue, did they?"
Then we saw this:…158981#p15…
Yeah, all this guy did was spill a little water on his, and bam… mange Moss Man.
So since Matt wasn't going to use his 2000's head, we figured posting a somewhat jokey video about the whole thing while still showing what water can do to him would be a good warning for those of you who might need to fix a joint, or perhaps store him in a humid environment.
The head shed badly almost immediately upon hitting the water, but we left it in for awhile just to see how much would come off. All of it did. And that was tap water.
I don't often nitpick the line, but the choice of glue was a bad one, plain and simple. The video was done as a warning to keep him away from water… a warning which some customizers, folks in humid environments, and folks that have to solve Mattel's QC issues might appreciate. If I'm a douche for doing that, then so be it. I for one don't mind a little freindly advice now and again.
Sallah's right, I didn't provide the context for his experiment, and that's my fault, for which I apologize to him.
And obviously personal attacks are never acceptable–again, that's my fault, I wasn't paying enough attention. (Personal attacks are OK against Toy Aisle Trolls, but that's all.) I edited out the "douche" line he refers to. Hopefully this sort of thing won't happen very often.
@Sallah: I apologize for my flippant remark. I had just seen your video and at first blush I reacted negatively and inappropriately. I have a great love for MOTU and this line, as I am sure you do as well. I guess I'm burnt out from the incessant criticism, griping & groaning on the part of fan boys, naysayers, haters, and critics always making a mountain out of a molehill and taking every chance to take a shot at this line or Mattel and it's got me a little defensive.
@Poe: I'm sorry for making that remark on your public forum. I should know better than to resort to juvenile name calling. You and this site deserve better than that, and I did not mean any disrespect.
@Sallah: I think you will find there have been numerous complaints about the original having this problem also.
You should have used a hair dryer (ironically) to soften the plastic.