I get a nice break from the hell of ordering from Mattycollector this month, but for those of you who don’t, use this thread to document your experience.
Don’t forget that aside from the flocked ears/unflocked ears Moss Man, there’s also the Stratos reissue, DCUC 12 boxed set, and Movie Masters business suit Scarecrow.
I’m guessing that aside from the inevitable sell-out, the ordering process will be very smooth this month, with minimal screen-of-death.
Justin Gammon
I'm glad I get to avoid ordering too. And I get unflocked ears. I didn't mind the flocked so much, but unflocked seems good.
Wes GRogan
I've got to pick up the Stratos but I'm passing on Moss Man anyway. Funny thing.. I just went to the Stratos page to take a look and got the white screen of death. Uh oh.
This is the 1st sale date ever that I'm ordering from work.
I've already resigned myself to hunting down DCUC 11 and 12 at SDCC and Scarecrow i'll wait until TRU.
So just Moss Man.
*crosses fingers*
Wes GRogan
If you're seeing this screen, it means we're experiencing extraordinarily high levels of traffic. No need to worry — it's a normal function of us wanting to torture you and make you beg us to take your money.
And the unflocked ears Moss Man sold out in like 1 minute.
Newton Gimmick
Flocked Ears Moss Man… Sold out in 1 minute. No joke.
Err, *flocked
My page says both are sold out now? Anyone else see that?
Wes GRogan
Flocked and unflocked are both sold out. I did get my Stratos so that's something. This just can not keep going like or Mattel will run off all their fans.
"I’m guessing that aside from the inevitable sell-out, the ordering process will be very smooth this month, with minimal screen-of-death."
Guess again Poe.
4 minutes? SERIOUSLY? And Mattel hits another one out of the park.
Thomas B
wow…they both sold out already …crazy!!!
i keep seeing them sold out then back online then sold out again…i smell another website snafu
i was weak and ended up buying two flocked eared MMs. It went really smoothly…ALOT more smoothly than my ordeal with BC!
I did log in about 5 min early though.
I am surprised they left the 10 limit on the flocked eared version though.
I was able to get Stratos, Scarecrow and DCUC 12 without a problem… took me all of 2 min… glad I have a sub for Mossy…
It was available. It went into my shopping cart. I keyed in my credit card security number and thereby intending to complete the order.
Same story as with Battle Cat. Matty… superb.
Thomas B
hmm….i can still order unflocked MM as he is in my cart and it still says he is in stock. i think the sell out may be a glitch like MAA.
I highly doubt that they'd sell out fast, but I picked up a box set for wave 12. It is so annoying that I apparently live in a wasteland of Cyborgs and wave 6 figures and Targets that refuse to get rid of them and restock new ones. I'd rather spread out the financial hit over time than to buy a whole set in one moment.
I wonder if they'll sell wave 13 online too and when. It wasn't mentioned when matty talked about sales up through June (or was it May?).
I'm sure they will. They just don't have a date for it yet.
…holy crap. This doesn't make any sense…both sold out in less than a minute? How is that possible? Trap Jaw didn't even do that!
On my screen he's still gone.
I ordered Stratos, as I missed him the first time around, and had absolutely no trouble. I imagine if I had wanted Moss Man, it may have been a different story.
Was anyone lucky with Mossman?
Philip Reed
I still don't know if they are decreasing production runs with each new release or if more people are collecting each month. I suspect they could order 1,000 more of each figure and do okay.
Wes GRogan
@ Thomas – Bet on it.
@ Poe – I have no idea. People needed car air fresheners? Seriously, I never would have even guess this. Mattel blows this one big time. And more fans are lost. On the plus side, maybe I can get him on the reissue along with all the other freaking new figures released. I'll just stay happily about a year out of date. lol
I can't wait to read about this fustercluck tonight. Was it a sell-out or a glitch? Will MOTUC fans storm matty's castle with torches and pitchforks?
Wes GRogan
@ Nik I was just looking at the ebay prices myself. Those scalpers are making their money today.
@Wes GRogan: I just found the $1 buy it now and ridiculous shipping hilarious. 3 available too!
I could never be such a dick. There are ways to make money without fucking over other people.
I got my Moss Man order in just in time. The stuff went on sale about 4 minutes early and I was able to capitalize on that with a super speedy checkout.
Wes GRogan
Yeah, I'm guessing they pay less fees to E-bay by charging through the shipping rather than through the sale price. Completely ridiculous. Saw another buy it now for $75. It's only going to go up from here. As I said before, I'll wait for the re-release. I'm not so anal as to have to have the first version, although actually having the option from Mattel would have been nice.
I was able to get two (one for me and one for my buddy) of the unflocked one.
The second I was able to refresh the order page in activity I put two in the cart and raced to put the order through. I was a little concerned that my order would time out on the confirmation page but I got through.
After missing both Adora and Trap-Jaw, this was a real relief.
I think I'm most definitely breaking down and getting a subscription next year.
I smell a Man-at-Arms style glitch.
Newton Gimmick
@Poe: Nah, only Flocked sold out in less than a minute. Unflocked ears was there for much longer… Five minutes.
This suggests to me one or two of three things:
1.) Digital River DID handle the bandwidth better this time around. Had the bandwidth been this good last month, Trap Jaw and Battle Cat might have also sold out within five minutes.
2.) Something about the nature of going back and doing the unflocked ears production change meant they produced fewer Moss Man figures than intended–maybe because the unflocking alteration cost a significant chunk of change, so they balanced it out by reducing the overall production run;
3.) Mattel may not be producing each successive figure in production numbers as high as the previous figure, but actually playing around with the numbers based on how popular they think the character will be. If that's the case, they might have produced fewer Moss Man figures than Trap Jaw figures, figuring MM would be a harder sell.
Of course, it's been over a year since a figure that wasn't a bonus figure or a reissue hasn't sold out same-day, so why they're still playing so incredibly conservatively with the production numbers is beyond me. They make it sound like the few days/weeks it took for Zodak/Goddess to sell out almost killed the line.
Dark Angel
I suppose I am glad that I only wanted Stratos? Particularly in light of the fact that I completely forgot what day it was and only logged onto Matty a few minutes ago.
So…I have a rather bad feeling about Evil-Lyn next month…
It might also be the case that non-subscribers wanted any Moss Man and grabbed the unflocked as well as the flocked.
Since the flocked was something like an official variant, many subscribers grabbed another Moss Man with flocked ears. So that there was a demand close to double when compared to any other figure of that popularity.
Still, I can't believe that people are buying MossMans off of eBay for more than double the Matty price. Insane. And they are selling ridiculously fast.
The Flash III
This makes all the Wal-Mart runs for DCUC exclusives worth it. I'll remember these last two months as I'm trolling for wave 14 this summer. Glad to see Mattel plays no favorites.
Nik, I want to thank you for that eBay link. That retard selling those Moss Men using the shipping to make a profit neglected to change the "Each Additional Item" thing. Sure, shipping for one was $54, but each additional item was $4. Looks like I just scored three Moss Men shipped for $65, which is less than what Matty was charging.
I only got Stratos… Looks like Next month I'll only be able to get Hordak/Weapons Pak…
Mossy better get a reissue…
(Insert Generic GRR! NEEEERRRRDRRRRAAAAAAGEEE! Mattycollector.com sucks that is not I is kwitten teh lien! comment here. Mattle is killin teh lien is ok.)
Wes GRogan
@ Ryan – Too funny! Doesn't mean he'll actually honor it, but good for you if he does!! Well played, good sir!
@Ryan: LOL AWESOME! Rock that!
yeah… I missed out again because I was stupid enough to bother with the flocked ears, and by the time I could fix my cart (without having 4 moss men instead of the 2 I wanted) both were gone…
Mattel have perfectly devised away to make sure people drop the line, in that, I still feel I "collect" it, but I can't get the new figures anymore.
Newton Gimmick
@Poe: With all the scuttlebutt about Moss Man, I can't in good faith believe they produced LESS of him. They knew going in he was going to be very popular or they would have never bothered with all the running changes.
I think what it amounted to is that they only had a couple hundred flocked ears versions (if that) and a couple thousand regular versions.
As we've seen in the past these regular versions sell out very quick anyway, but once you factor in the subscriptions and the flocked ears variants… Nobody stood a chance.
It was a pine scented blood bath.
Wes GRogan
@Newton Gimmick: Pine scented blood bath? Oh, that's a classic line..
I think Poe might be on to something with the idea that DR had better bandwidth today or less traffic total than last month which resulted in fewer refresh screens, but which also resulted in faster sellout.
@Nihcolai: a wasteland of Cyborgs and wave 6 figures. so you live in massachusetts as well then? π
Newton Gimmick
I think you're seeing a false sense of "less refresh screens" because for the first five minutes or so EVERY MONTH people post up how it was so easy, in and out.
Then as five to ten minutes rolls around everyone is complaining about the refresh screens.
You didn't get that second part with all the complaining this month, not because DR did a better job, but because the toys were already sold out by then.
Wes GRogan
@Newton Gimmick: Yeah, that makes sense. Like a ripple effect. First it sells to the people who get no errors, and then the next wave to people who get one or two errors, etc. The problem was that there wasn't any product left for anything but that first wave. I was watching status updates and the first couple were "Man, that was easy" followed by Mattelocalypse 2.0.
Newton Gimmick
@Wes GRogan: Exactly and if you follow these things montly you'll see that first five minutes is usually smooth for x-amount of people. It's just that this time that's the only people who got served.
Glad I've skipped Matty the last two months! The ordering process is such a pain in the ass! I'll have to pay more for the figs in the long run but I think it's worth it. Less b.s. to deal with it. I'm going to try to get Evil-Lyn next month. Hopefully I don't miss her!!!
Thomas B
Ryan. Way to go! Let us know it turns out. If he doesn't sell report him. The wording of the auction is your proof. If take a screen grab of it incase he alters the auction.
Ha ha pine scented bloodbath lol I love it.