yo go re of OAFE has dragged the shambling corpse of POFToo!–which I think predated Twisted ToyFare Theater and Robot Chicken–back from the grave. Check it out.
I remember laughing my ass off at POFToo back in the day, though I think you really had to have been collecting SW at the time to get all the jokes. Still, it’s amazing how silly Hasbro’s first attempt at resurrecting the brand was, with all those hulking Lukes and Landos.
While I was a collecting youngun back in the day, was pretty unfamiliar with the internet. Never came across these. They are awesome. And very accurate.
LOL, the “pull my finger” joke from episode 13 is more funny than the previous five Twisted ToyFare Theatres combined!
Seriously, TTT is rather lame nowadays.
i think it’s fantastic that the guy who did those poftoo comics was paul levesque… a name he coincidently shares w/ triple H!! that funny.