ToyFair 2010 has a lot of great announcements, but perhaps one of the coolest is the upcoming mail away figure from the Star Wars Legacy line:
Friggen old school rocket firing Boba Fett, one of the most legendary of all unobtainable toys. Hot damn, with this and the new AT-AT Hasbro is going to have me completely hooked on Star Wars again.
Um, I guess this means look forward to more Star Wars news on in the upcoming months…
Thanks to:
Wes GRogan
Holy crap, that's completely awesome! Not a single bit of fail there at all!
Every time i try to escape Hasbro's galactic clutches, I get pulled in by awesome figures and vehicles. I think this may be the BEST mail in promo EVER! Least until I can get a Jack Kirby DCUC to beat on my Stan Lee Marvel Legend.
Hasbro just like taking Mattel to one side and giving them a good kicking don't they?
And why not, they know how to treat their fans and customers.
Newton Gimmick
That's pure win.
Sigh. Even I have to get one of these. OK, how many figures will I have to buy…?
i love you hasbro.
That's just beyond awesome.
It totally makes up for the lame Captain Rex mail-away from a while back.
I'd say 4-6 figures, based on past mail-aways. I can't wait to get my hands on this. Awesome.
I've been saying it for two years – this line has been my number 1 because it just does what a toyline is supposed to do – surprise and delight WITHOUT large helpings of balls-ache trying to actually purchase them.
The BMF was the best freaking TOY ever! and now the BAT-AT looks like at least giving it a run for it's money and the figures are just fantastic these days. Even the crappy Clone-Wars stuff isn't crappy anymore……and now Rocket-Fett? Heaven.
Much as I love my He-Man and DC toys I think Fengschwing is absolutely right – Hasbro owns the school and is learning Mattel's ass in Toy 101 currently.
I can almost forgive them the ruination of Marvel Legends…….but i did say almost…..
Looks like 5 figures will get you Fett. Anyone else see how good that new Dengar is? Agreed, the retro carding and some of the Clone Wars figures will suck me back in a little in 2010.
Sure Hasbro did a good job today, the Joe line looks like its on track for the rest of 2010, proving they are still the best looking 3 3/4 line out there. Nothing terribly amazing about the Marvel Universe stuff, still not sold on that line. The Iron Man 2 line looks good and fun and will surely have me picking up a couple at retail and Transformers…well, don't care, not a fan.
But lets not declare Hasbro the winner quite yet, tonight we'll all be drooling over the Mattel pics and they surely got a few Aces up their sleeves, so lets not count or chickens…
Kid Nicky
Well,let's see. Hasbro's got a bunch of cool figures from the best scifi film series of all time,plus a huge awesome version of one of the iconic vehicles from said movies.
They also have a couple new waves of the best military line of all time.
They also have a line of popular superheroes including a subline from what will be the most popular superhero movie this year.
Mattel will have 12 MOTU figures,6 ? Ghostbuster characters (including nobodies like Peck),and like 20 DC guys who may as well not exist since you will never see them with your own eyes.
I'd say Hasbro's probably got the better lineup this year.
I LOVE DCUC I really, really do but I can't see Mattel topping Hasbro this time out.
Well, based on some of the pics that have just been revealed, Mattel will MOST DEFINITELY top Hasbro in my books.
Frickin' Tytus!
@Mario: Where have you seen these pics? I've just looked all over and I haven't found any! Share the love man!
Thomas B
love it.
i will want 2 of these bobas.
look out neighbor kids…your eyes are gonna get filled with SW missles of nostalgia!
Hasbro is def the best. They seriously love us.
Yep, Mattel manage yet ANOTHER Wally exclusive and it seems a pretty lazy one at that, all those Green Lanterns and all we really want is Guy Gardener isn't it?
Hasbro 1, Mattel 0.
Gotta agree with you here. Definite win for Hasbro. What new DCUC figures got shown this weekend? Tomar-Re and Guy Gardner? Weak sauce compared to Hasbro's displays.
Kid Nicky
I do like Guy Gardner,though. I'm probably one of the few people still left who actually find him funny.
Can't wait to buy him when I find him at the store!! lol
Woot! I wrote a popular post!
This is so cool. This was hinted at (very generically) in the last round of Star Wars Q&A's, but the execution is flawless. After seeing this and Hasbro's Joe lineup, it would be much easier for me to drop DCUC. One more pricce increase or one more ridiculously underproduced wave, and I'm out…
Hasbro FTW!!
I'm not sure how I feel about this one. Since the smaller rocket appears decorative, I wonder if the "latch" works.
Also, as one of the kids that mailed away for the original disappointment, I'm just not sure about using the vintage figure to do this. It just seems to be an invitation to folks to dupe unsuspecting collectors on Ebay.
People that have the money to buy rocket firing boba fett will know the difference between this and the old one. I'm sure there is a 2010 stamp on his foot or something.