A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

DCUC Wave 14 announced in ToyFare

ToyFare #152 has the scoop on wave 14 of DCUC:

Green Lantern (Alan Scott)
C&C: Ultra-Humanite

Y’know, one of the issues frequently discussed during the early days of DCUC was that DC Comics perhaps didn’t have the same depth of popular characters that Marvel did. While I’m not sure that’s a wholly accurate assessment, I do have to say I don’t know who the “headliner” of this wave is supposed to be…Zatanna, I guess? Alan Scott?

As a collector, though, I think it’s great that they’re delving deep into DC’s characters. And as long as DCUC is winning Line of the Year awards, I’m sure it’ll have no problem selling, so really there’s nothing to say except: Looks good, Mattel!

[Update: According to the Fwoosh, ToyGuru has confirmed this as the 2010 Walmart wave.]


Paul’s Peg > First Good Shot of the Big AT-AT


Show and Tell > G.I. Joe in the Indiana Jones Crib


  1. Tyr is the weakest for me even though he is an LSH villain (Thanks for the pic of 70s Saturn Girl Poe). The variants will most likely be Hourman (3 very distinct looks over the years) and Zatanna (Need to see the Fishnets{Painted please, not real} and the Thigh High Satellite years boots).

    More Metal Men and lots of JSA goodness makes this a GREAT wave for me.

  2. Snakeeyes22

    As a Marvel fanboy, I can't believe I enjoy this line so much Maybe its because I love the Horsemen's work, and their style lends itself to the more stoic nature of the DC heroes.

    They've done a great job providing variety without doing all of the big guns right away. I'm glar Flash took awhile, it was something exciting to look forward to.

    There's still no Martian Manhunter, Kyle Rayner, Parallax, Vixen, Red Arrow, Jay Garrick, Wally Flash, Hawk, Dove, Modern Superboy, or a ton of Flash and Batman rogues. Not that these are all major, but a few well knowns that came to mind quickly.

    I think this wave's lack of star power is due to their mission to complete the JSA, Metal Men, and Super Powers, while Doom Patrol and SuperFriends will do this too.

    It's really geeky cool to see obscure team members, or even Kamandi there, but I am a bit torn. I'm glad Kamandi will exist, it's awesome, but do I want to pay $15 to giggle at his nerdy obscurity for 5 minutes just to complete Humanite?

  3. Mario

    I'm stoked, especially for Tyr. Yes, I'm a Super Powers devotee.

    Wether you're into the lineup or not, or into DCUC or not, the work that the Horsemen do never leaves a soul indifferent, & just when you think the line is getting redundant, they manage a wave like this. It's all over the place & I love it!

  4. Valo487

    You're half right Poe. They're delving into DC's heroes, the villains have an uphill battle unless they were in Super Powers. They really need to sort that out before they run out of heroic characters that anyone knows, because I don't get the impression they want to do villain heavy waves, because they haven't so far. Wave 12 had a very nice balance, I hope to see more like it.

  5. MechaShiva

    Yay,Kamandi can play with the 7th kingdom figures!

  6. Poe

    According to the Fwoosh, ToyGuru has confirmed this as the 2010 Walmart wave.

  7. Mysterious Stranger

    Well that settles it. I'll be grabbing Alan Scott, Zatanna and the Ultra Humanite on ebay. If this was a wide release I'd buy them all but as a Wal-Mart exclusive I'm going to pass on most of them. And if it comes down to it I can live without Zatanna and the big gorilla but I need Alan Scott to fill my Green Lantern obsession.

  8. JAG2045

    wow some cool figures- Alan scott and Zatanna are the ones im definetly getting

    I hope that mattel will stop the wal-mart waves though- its a pain for non-US collectors


  9. CrazyTrain

    Great, more figures from DCUC that will be damn near impossible to find. Love the line-up though and the pix, I just wish Wal-mart was not involved. Mattel must be gettin' a little sumpin' sumpin' for the exclusives;)

  10. Fengschwing

    Another Wal-Mart wave?

    Way to go Mattel, you're really learning from your lessons aren't you?

    Lots of 'mom' friendly characters in that selection.

    Better start saving now then…

  11. Thomas B

    i just want Tyr and ultra humanite. sadly Tyr will prob be the one that comes with the stand.

  12. Well that's another wave I can't order to split between my store and collection. Argh.

  13. The Flash III

    I saw some pics of the figures and they're pretty sweet. Obsidian looks fantastic and they gave Ultra-Humanite a nice evil little sneer. Kamandi, on the other hand, needs a construction hat so he can hang out with the rest of the Village People.

    They usually go with one 50/50 variant and one 70/30, but I wonder if that's what they'll do here and who'll be which?

  14. Ugh… and it seems like we JUST got through wave 10… and I know some people out there are still trying to complete their collections.

    That said, the wave looks great. After watching Smallville I've got a little crush on JSA now… this is a bad thing for me!

  15. Fengschwing

    @Tear, the JSA rock, check out the trades, great team book.

  16. Oh no. Wal-Mart wave? Really? They'd have to put some of my absolute favorite characters in a Wal-Mart wave, wouldn't they? It was hard enough finding Joker and Power Girl from Wave 10. What am I going to have to do to find Alan, Zatanna, and Gold? Sigh.

  17. Supermanjunkie78

    NOoooooo!!!! Wal-Mart wave exclusives means that us international fans cannot get them even if their available online – these will be too damn expensive! WAY TO GO MATTEL!!!!

  18. Sounds pretty cool, but I probably won't get any. The only two figures from wave 12 I want are Dr. Midnite and Iron, and found Midnite two days ago! However, at the new price of $14.97 I just had to put him back. So, unfortunately Mattel has lost me on this line. I still want Trap Jaw, but don't foresee any "must have" MOTUC figures in the near future after that.

  19. Thomas B

    i saw the pics as well.

    UH seems to have Grodd's arms but everything else looks new.

    i REALLY want UH now damn it!!! give me my monkey mattel!!!!

    tyr looks good too. the arm seesm a bit small though.

  20. Nicholai

    Poor news on the Walmart front. Especially since it means no Zatanna variant.

  21. americanhyena

    Well, I managed to get Wave 10 okay thanks to a buddy. Loved the leaked pics I saw. Humanite's face is amazing.

    Zatanna has the Canary legs.

    Bring 'em on, I say.

  22. Santo

    to me every wave is a wal-mart exclusive as it is the only store i seem to find any of the newer waves..target has had wave 4 since 2 christmas's ago and toys r us has 2 captain colds

    besides…wave 10 was super easy to find for me

    no complaints here

  23. Thomas B

    Yeah. I honestly have never had a prob finding figures yet. The worst wave to find was prob wave eight. The wal mart waves were way easier than that wave. Ihave just been very lucky though.

  24. The Flash III

    I think you do pose a good point, Poe, about anchors to the waves. There aren't a lot of big guns left that would be well-known to average toy buyers. I think Mattel and Wally World are banking on collectors to go out and pick up whole waves. With Mattel handing Wally World the repaint 2-packs for Batman/Robin, Aquaman/Black Manta, and Superman/Bizarro, they will have well-recognized figures on the shelf as well.

  25. Nik

    Zatanna is bought.

  26. Fengschwing

    I have this horrible feeling that as this line has no 'big names' in it, it's going to be produced in lower numbers and just be a wave 5 all over again…

  27. Greymattersplat

    For those upset about it being a Wal-Mart only wave, I ask you to remember this: these waves exist because Wal-Mart has requested it, and you don't tell Wal-Mart "no" if you want to sell your figures at all. We don't have to like it, but they are the single biggest point of distribution for these, and without them this line would likely be in some serious trouble. I think the lack of "star power" is actually a bit of a calculated risk on Mattel's part, seeing as many of these are characters we'd like to have but don't have to, and the Wal-Mart buyer doesn't know that Alan Scott is a completely different kind of Green Lantern from Hal. If I had to bet, Zatanna will have the rare variant (I'd assume the Satellite era costume) and Hourman will be the 50/50 with the current and robot versions. It also wouldn't surprise me if they picked Kamandi because of his lack of flashy parts which frees up some budget for the CnC…and also because there's not a New God in this series, and he's at least still a Kirby.

  28. PrfktTear

    @Santo: You make a great point. Every wave IS a WM wave… most of my Targets are still littered with Wave 4 and 7. All I get are Capt. Colds, Wonder Womans, Bardas, and Cyborgs.

    Greymattersplat: Another good point… if Wal-Mart says jump, companies have to say "how high" and then "thank you sir, may I have another".

    I think the ONLY silver lining is that there are no variants in WM waves…

  29. Dan C.

    Don't like the fact there's no Zatanna variant. I guess could bother with either Gold or even Tyr.

    I'm sure a few people are little angry about Tyr being in a Wal-Mart exclusive since it is one of the last Superpowers to get done, not to mention the amount of people waiting for Zatanna. But it'll probably be nowhere near the furor of having Joker in Wave 10.

  30. No real characters I want other than Humanite (Though I haven't seen the actual sculpts yet so that may change) but the fact that it's a Walmart wave counts me out.

    Yeah, I'm surrounded by Walmarts, but they never carry DCUC exclusives, so I don't care.

    In fact, frack it. I quit DCUC.

    I'm never gonna find the Joker anyway. I'll enjoy the ones I have, maybe buy someone if I really, really want them, but otherwise screw it. I'm out.

    You can keep your Walmart waves. Oh, that's right… You already do.

  31. americanhyena

    @Newton Gimmick:

    Newton I've got a buddy in PA who found me my Wave 10. He says his local Walmart can't seem to get rid of them. He's a pretty cool cat, usually picking figures up for cost plus maybe $5 in time and gas money (for the lot, not each). I can put him in contact with you if you want.

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