I am looking forward to Peter and Commercial Ray, but when can we expect some major villains? I really would like a Vigo figure and an in scale Painting if possible.
Oh I forgot, my follow up question (joke one) would be: Why did you make about three gentleman ghosts? I would like one, but 60 to 80 bucks on eBay seems a bit pricey.
Why did Mattel remove Masters of the Universe Classics from the Zazzle ordering site, since it was a great way to get other official merchandise related to MOTUC?
Is a modern Hal Jordan being considered as a repaint sometime in DCUC? And will we see Mon el in his most recent costume along with the new bat characters theat debuted in June in comics?
In a recent interview with Fwoosh, Toyguru commented that fans did not purchase enough of the Mattycollector DCUC 2 packs to warrant more being made. Here's my question: If these figures aren't sold out, and Matttel is concerned with the sales numbers, why are they removed from Mattycollector so long before the summer conventions? It would seem logical to continue offering fans a chance to purchase these figures at their convenience rather than limit sales to a designated period. With the high cost of shipping, I can certainly understand fans who would prefer to make a quarterly purchase from Matty-collector and save on some shipping. It just seems that Toyguru blamed fans for not buying these, yet they are no longer available for sale.
DCUC. It looks like Superboy will be sporting a retool of the Sinestro buck, making him taller than the current Robin,Kid Flash and Beast Boy. Will those sidekick characters get released twice in their younger versions using the small buck and then again as older versions using the Sinestro/Superboy buck?
Ideally we could do with a set of original smaller Teen Titans and then a larger Perez version of them using the Sinestro buck. Will that happen?
I was just reorganizing my JLU collection and I found about a quarter of them had splotches of hazy white residue or something (some as recent as Grodd), like the plastic was decomposing. Is this harmful? Why do JLU figures do this and other figures don't? Is there anyway I can prevent this? Thanks!
@Rustin Parr: I found a lot of that when I pulled out my DCUC Hal Jordan recently. There's been a lot of discussion about it, and I forget what the explanation for it was…I don't think it's harmful to people, but it might represent some decay on the toy.
We were told that a "200X" He-Man redeco would get a painted harness and the 200X sword from MAA/Weapons Pack, but no "200X/MYP" head. Does this mean that He-Variants that have a different head (hairstyle) like NA He-Man or Laser Power He-Man will get the "vintage hairstyle" MOTUC He-Man head instead of a head based on their toy?
1. Given the successful introduction of a "modern" Hawkman and new Robin from the DC Superfriends line, will there be future additions to this line (Hal Jordan and Wonder Woman would be obvious choices).
2. Unlike other lines, the DC Superfriends were not easily found on the MattyCollector.com site. The best way to find them was actually through a search. Will this be corrected?
3. Is there any chance of getting a Battle Damage He-Man (or Skeletor) with a spinning chest? They're the best figures and they're disappointing without the mechanism that made them great.
While DC Direct is doing a bang up job, is there still a chance we might see some characters from Blackest Night in the DCUC line anytime this year? Even a repaint like a blue Flash would be welcomed and snatched up far faster than an All-Star release…
Can you let the powers that be (Mattel, The Four Horsemen, even Cartoon Network) know that even though a lot of fans have their panties in a bunch about Mo-Larr, there are a select few of us (myself included), who absolutely love the figure 100%? The only thing that annoys me about so many fans complaining is those of us who love the idea will have our voices drowned out.
The reveal of "TV Ad Ray" (as well as Walter Peck) really give us insight into how wide your plans are for the Ghostbusters 6" line – is there any chance we'll see this line go monthly? There's simply just too many great characters and costumes for us to keep waiting!
@RageTreb: I agree! Let 'em know! This is a perfect exclusive. Its something very unique and different, and its a variant that won't leave a gaping hole the size of Jupiter in your collection.
As far as my question… When are we getting ORKO? (I doubt we'll get a firm answer) but I think thats one character that MOTUC needs POST STAT!
first I would just like to say how excited I am for the Green Lantern five pack, second my question "Is it possible we can get constructs and/or power batteries with this release?" Hal already had a battery and Stewart came with some wicked constructs and it would be cool to get more.
Will the MotUC vs DCUC 2-packs be also available on matty?
Can you tell us more about the glow in the dark feature on the Avatar figures – will they be painted on like Zodak or will the plastic be glow in the dark, like Scare Glow? If it's painted on like Zodak, could Mattel make sure that it will glow in the dark brightly?
Will Mattel consider producing a line of glow in the dark ghostbuster figures as a repaint/redeco (pretty much like what Kenner did in the Ectoglow figures in the 90s)?
Does Mattel have any plans for any other 2-packs besides MotUC vs DCUC? For example, will we see a Toy Story vs Cars 2-pack?
There were 4 Hot Wheels with MotUC logos for 200x. Does Mattel have any plans to tie in any of the lines on Matty to Hot Wheels? Perhaps as a Matty exclusive?
The 25th anniversary of She-Ra is this year. Will fans get to see a She-Ra Barbie?
DCUC has been re-releasing "headliner" heroes as part of the line going forward — with Batman & Superman seeing the first releases, and now Flash. As these characters are depleted, is there any chance we might get re-releases of popular villains from earlier in the line, like the hard-to-find Sinestro Corps Sinestro?
what exactly is the job of a brand manager? cuz the more we read about what toy guru ISN'T responsible for, the more i'm wondering what he IS responsible for?
I am looking forward to Peter and Commercial Ray, but when can we expect some major villains? I really would like a Vigo figure and an in scale Painting if possible.
How is the Infinite Heroes line doing? Can we expect more improvements in the figure detailing, sculpting, articulation?
Jii Dee
Will Mattel consider bringing back the shipping discount code for subscribers with the future large bonus figures like Tytus etc?
Thomas B
any chance for deluxe figures for the GB line?
is GBs doing well enough to increase tooling beyond the uniform buck and the reused DCUC suit buck?
Oh I forgot, my follow up question (joke one) would be: Why did you make about three gentleman ghosts? I would like one, but 60 to 80 bucks on eBay seems a bit pricey.
Why did Mattel remove Masters of the Universe Classics from the Zazzle ordering site, since it was a great way to get other official merchandise related to MOTUC?
Is a modern Hal Jordan being considered as a repaint sometime in DCUC? And will we see Mon el in his most recent costume along with the new bat characters theat debuted in June in comics?
@robinjr, Hal Jordan with grey temples is due out in the box set with Guy Gardener.
I'd like to ask the reverse scale question again please; we got a bigger Darkseid, would Mattel consider a smaller Lobo.
That's if they have time to stop tickling Wal-Mart under the chin long enough to answer any questions.
I second Nik's question, I'd love to see a Vigo, Gozer, and Dr. Janosz Poha (c'mon, if we got Peck…)
In a recent interview with Fwoosh, Toyguru commented that fans did not purchase enough of the Mattycollector DCUC 2 packs to warrant more being made. Here's my question: If these figures aren't sold out, and Matttel is concerned with the sales numbers, why are they removed from Mattycollector so long before the summer conventions? It would seem logical to continue offering fans a chance to purchase these figures at their convenience rather than limit sales to a designated period. With the high cost of shipping, I can certainly understand fans who would prefer to make a quarterly purchase from Matty-collector and save on some shipping. It just seems that Toyguru blamed fans for not buying these, yet they are no longer available for sale.
DCUC. It looks like Superboy will be sporting a retool of the Sinestro buck, making him taller than the current Robin,Kid Flash and Beast Boy. Will those sidekick characters get released twice in their younger versions using the small buck and then again as older versions using the Sinestro/Superboy buck?
Ideally we could do with a set of original smaller Teen Titans and then a larger Perez version of them using the Sinestro buck. Will that happen?
Rustin Parr
I was just reorganizing my JLU collection and I found about a quarter of them had splotches of hazy white residue or something (some as recent as Grodd), like the plastic was decomposing. Is this harmful? Why do JLU figures do this and other figures don't? Is there anyway I can prevent this? Thanks!
@Rustin Parr: I found a lot of that when I pulled out my DCUC Hal Jordan recently. There's been a lot of discussion about it, and I forget what the explanation for it was…I don't think it's harmful to people, but it might represent some decay on the toy.
We saw "Modern" Cheetah at toyfair and on the 15th on Mattycollector we see the cheetah that looks like the 2 up.
Which one are we getting? Fans really want the non spandex cheetah.
We were told that a "200X" He-Man redeco would get a painted harness and the 200X sword from MAA/Weapons Pack, but no "200X/MYP" head. Does this mean that He-Variants that have a different head (hairstyle) like NA He-Man or Laser Power He-Man will get the "vintage hairstyle" MOTUC He-Man head instead of a head based on their toy?
1) Will we see any more POP, Horde or Snake Men in 2010?
2) With the success of MOTUC, any plans to extend beyond figures to a comic or cartoon?
3) Will we see any vehicles or playsets in 2010 or 2011?
4) Any plans for a new artbook (prefarably increased production and more She-Ra/POP)
1. Given the successful introduction of a "modern" Hawkman and new Robin from the DC Superfriends line, will there be future additions to this line (Hal Jordan and Wonder Woman would be obvious choices).
2. Unlike other lines, the DC Superfriends were not easily found on the MattyCollector.com site. The best way to find them was actually through a search. Will this be corrected?
3. Is there any chance of getting a Battle Damage He-Man (or Skeletor) with a spinning chest? They're the best figures and they're disappointing without the mechanism that made them great.
While DC Direct is doing a bang up job, is there still a chance we might see some characters from Blackest Night in the DCUC line anytime this year? Even a repaint like a blue Flash would be welcomed and snatched up far faster than an All-Star release…
Man-At-Arms came with the awesome 200X powersword. Any chance Keldor will have the incredible 200X twin sword?
Can you let the powers that be (Mattel, The Four Horsemen, even Cartoon Network) know that even though a lot of fans have their panties in a bunch about Mo-Larr, there are a select few of us (myself included), who absolutely love the figure 100%? The only thing that annoys me about so many fans complaining is those of us who love the idea will have our voices drowned out.
Thomas B
Why did cheetah have her costume drastically changes with no notice what so ever? Now she has a black suit when before she did not
Evan Jones
Will the DC Super Friends Joker ever be released? Possibly on MattyCollector like the DCSF Robin?
Rustin Parr
The reveal of "TV Ad Ray" (as well as Walter Peck) really give us insight into how wide your plans are for the Ghostbusters 6" line – is there any chance we'll see this line go monthly? There's simply just too many great characters and costumes for us to keep waiting!
@RageTreb: I agree! Let 'em know! This is a perfect exclusive. Its something very unique and different, and its a variant that won't leave a gaping hole the size of Jupiter in your collection.
As far as my question… When are we getting ORKO? (I doubt we'll get a firm answer) but I think thats one character that MOTUC needs POST STAT!
@He-Dan: ToyGuru already said no to the twin swords. (That stinks!)
BOLLOCKS!!!!!! I wants MOTUC style 200x swords…. Oh well, if they're not made, I've still got the originals.
Thomas B
that AINT the chin mattel is tickling…..lol
first I would just like to say how excited I am for the Green Lantern five pack, second my question "Is it possible we can get constructs and/or power batteries with this release?" Hal already had a battery and Stewart came with some wicked constructs and it would be cool to get more.
Will the MotUC vs DCUC 2-packs be also available on matty?
Can you tell us more about the glow in the dark feature on the Avatar figures – will they be painted on like Zodak or will the plastic be glow in the dark, like Scare Glow? If it's painted on like Zodak, could Mattel make sure that it will glow in the dark brightly?
Will Mattel consider producing a line of glow in the dark ghostbuster figures as a repaint/redeco (pretty much like what Kenner did in the Ectoglow figures in the 90s)?
Does Mattel have any plans for any other 2-packs besides MotUC vs DCUC? For example, will we see a Toy Story vs Cars 2-pack?
There were 4 Hot Wheels with MotUC logos for 200x. Does Mattel have any plans to tie in any of the lines on Matty to Hot Wheels? Perhaps as a Matty exclusive?
The 25th anniversary of She-Ra is this year. Will fans get to see a She-Ra Barbie?
DCUC has been re-releasing "headliner" heroes as part of the line going forward — with Batman & Superman seeing the first releases, and now Flash. As these characters are depleted, is there any chance we might get re-releases of popular villains from earlier in the line, like the hard-to-find Sinestro Corps Sinestro?
Will an un-slimed Peter in Movie 1 jumpsuit be coming, or will the unslimed figures only be him in alternate outfit, like say the Movie 2 jumpsuit?
When am I going to get a 4H DCUC Martian Manhunter?……..repeat til fade out.
what exactly is the job of a brand manager? cuz the more we read about what toy guru ISN'T responsible for, the more i'm wondering what he IS responsible for?
Jason Todd
You've stated that the DCUC Joker will be re-released this year. Will he have the white face he is supposed to have this time?
Will you be making a Brian Pillman in your WWE Legends line?
When will we get a DCUC Apache Chief?
When will you release MOTUC to retail world wide?