How would you like to be slapped in the face with awesome? Well how’s this 3 3/4ths action figure scale arcade cabinet that was posted on Hisstank:
By Crom, that is an amazing replica of the classic Star Wars arcade cabinet. It was created by a crafty customizer who also got a Mortal Kombat II cabinet if Star Wars doesn’t do it for you:
The good news is they are for sale. The bad news is that they are pretty expensive, with the Star Wars unit costing fifty bucks and the Mortal Kombat one clocking in at thirty. You can save a little scratch by buying them together for seventy clams, but that still pretty costly.
If that’s still out of your range don’t worry! My buddy Shawn recently bought an ornament that any toy collector should appreciate. Behold, the Galaga Arcade cabinet:
How utterly awesome. These ornaments should be available at a Hallmark store near you, but I’ve seen them online anywhere from ten to twenty bucks. There’s also a Pac-Man unit available, if hot dot eating action is what your figures prefer. The only drawback to Pac-Man is that is was from ’08, so it’s a little more costly. Either way, I have to start saving my quarters.
These things should have sounds if they are priced that high.
The reason they are priced that high is that the guy who is making them has to custom build each one individually.
The Hallmark ornament does have lights and sounds.
Ha! That's wonderful! 😀
Fluff, that's sweet. I'd love a 6-inch scale one, though…
Those ornaments are $19.99 if I recall correctly. $10 more bucks for a more detailed MK cabinet shouldn't be that bad.
those are awesome indeed, but I'd like at least one offered in 6in scale.
These look cool, but are way too expensive! Except for the ornaments — those are affordably priced.
Anyway, if you guys don't mind props made of paper and cardboard, I think you can find printable arcade machine templates on the web. I can't recall whether they're in scale with 5" or 6" figures or not, but it'd be easy enough to resize them in a graphics program! And they'd be free (well, except for the cost of your paper/ink/tape/etc.), so that equals awesome.
A 6 player X-men arcade machine will be insane.The ornaments have sound?Awesome,I imagine buying all of them and activating them at the same time to get that being in an old arcade nostalgia.
I've thought about buying some of those custom cabinets, but that Galaga ornament really sold me with its sound effects. Plus, I have to buy almost anything Galaga-related.
Yeah, I can confirm that the Galaga one is awesome. Got it in the mail today. It's a must have for 3 3/4ths collectors.