A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Joes for Tots > More Cool Peeps

Joes for Tots entries are still coming in, but if you haven’t donated yet there is still plenty of time to help out. While many places are closed for actual toy donations, you can still donate even a small amount online. Aside from helping someone out and possibly getting a nice bonus, remember Poe offered up a sweet unmasked Dark Knight figure as well. Remember, you have until the 31st of December to submit your entry!

Anyway, I thought I’d share a few more of the photo entries I’ve received. This time the theme is pulling some of the entries that qualify as, “The Ladies of Joes For Tots.”

I think it’s cute she needed a chair. Also, it’s awesome that she’s learning to share.

Hatchi Matchi! Check out da size of dem toy boxes!

Are girls that look like this allowed to date toy collectors? Or is this some 21 Jump Street type of scenario?


Vote for the Poester Award 2009!


Pic of the Day


  1. I fully endorse this product and service.

  2. Mysterious Stranger

    21 Jump Street… heh heh heh nice!

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