The daddy of Prince Adam and popular fast food mascot goes on sale at 12pm ET today, alongside the Goddess, a reissued Skeletor and a ton of other stuff, including:
- DCUC Animal Man/B’wanna Beast 2-pack
- DCUC Wave 11 Boxed Set
- 6″ Flight Stands
- 6″ Prototype Suit Bruce Wayne
- 6″ Ghostbusters Winston Zeddemore
- 12″ Ghostbusters Egon Spengler
- 12″ General Zod
- Super Friends Robin & Hawkman
- and more (note: the sale date for the Retro-Action DC Super Heroes Green Arrow was pushed back to December 23)
Here’s a link to the all-in-one order page.
Why the flood of items in December? I dunno…maybe it’s for tax reasons or something. Incidentally, if you look to the sidebar you’ll notice I added a small at-a-glance Mattycollector calendar.
I’m definitely getting Randor, the Goddess, and Winston. I thought about the Skeletor reissue, but changed my mind when I found out that the “tighter grip” left hand is actually just the same hand with slightly more curled fingers–rather than the Zodac/Webstor hand, which is what I thought it would be. UPDATE: the word from Matty himself is that figure WILL have the Zodac/Webstor left hand. Which means I’ll be getting him.
Anyway, use this post as a discussion thread for all things Matty. The next Q&A should be up sometime later today.
Also: sign me up for a MOTUC Santa Claus.
I am probably the only guy on the planet whose most anticipated figure for today was B'wana Beast. I am serious, I never, ever, ever, ever, ever EVER thought I'd see a B'wana Beast DCUC figure before a Martian Manhunter. I am stoked out of my mind for him.
Philip Reed
@d. verburg: I can't believe that Mattel won't reissue Skeletor again. He's too important and it's way to easy for them to make more.
I can't believe Skeletor sold out that fast! I don't plan on buying another "original" version but will buy a Battle Armor or Terror Claws Skeletor!
To bad for those who were'nt able to get Skeletor yet again. Obviously Matty waaay underestimated the re-releases. We'll probably see at least He-man and Skeletor released again later.
The next bone of contention for everyone will be how small Battlecat is going to be after seeing that huge prototype. Ah, well. Let the bitching commence!
i know it's not a huge consolation for those who missed the reissue skeletor, but if we're getting BA he-man in jan, i sure can't see us getting out of 2010 w/out BA skeletor.
but indeed, i really want to know what the deal is w/ Digital Satan… i mean River. those folsk run the shoddiest webhosting i've heard of in the new millenium.
no skeletor for me, again…looks like i need the 15th morning off work every month
I was following a couple of discussion boards as the madness went down. Thankfully I did get my Skeletor, but it seemed completely random as to who was able to get through. I was ready to go at 12 noon, and luckily within ten minutes had my order and confirmation email. After the initial site crash I had to hit submit order twice, and then my card had to be processed twice.
It just seems odd that so many people had tried for over an hour and still couldn't get anything processed, but then a lucky few were able to get through relatively pain-free.
The Flash III
@PrfktTear: He's like the mascot for flame-broiled deliciousness crossed with a caveman crossed with a pirate crossed with a catholic bishop. Plus, he has long sleeves and no pants.
@Mark: God, would you just give it a fucking rest?
Newton Gimmick
I think I logged all the complaints. I'm shocked that I didn't have as bad of an experiance as everyone else. Glad I dodged that bullet.
Anywho, if you want to vote on if you thought this was the worst month yet and tell Matty how he's doing go here and vote in my poll… December 15th MaattyCollector Debacle
I don't know why some people are complaining about Randor wearing tights. Most MOTU characters don't even wear that. And it totally makes him look like a buff Henry VIII.
Yeah Andrew, heaven forbid he say something you don't like. Especially when he has the nerve to not even be rude or condescending. Wouldn't want to offend your delicate little sensibilities.
I think he looks more like a nightmarish version of the BURGER KING. I've come to make you some flame broiled burgery goodness! FROM YOUR FLESH.
This is from Matty's Facebook:
Also, here's an interesting quote concerning production numbers:
Mysterious Stranger
Got my shipment email late last night and my Winston should be delivered today. Whatever issues I've had ordering through Digital River I have to say they are shipping pretty quickly. At least from my perspective. I know some people have had issues in the past and now that I've said that I'll probably have problems in the future. But right now, based on my previous 3 orders (including this one) I haven't had problems with shipping. And the only ordering problems I had were yesterday with 404 errors for about 10 minutes. Based on all the complaints I've read here I do agree Mattel needs to find another digital distribution network because the Digital River portal isn't able to handle the load.
The Flash III
I don't know if it's worse if he's A) going bare-legged or B) wearing flesh-colored pantyhose. I don't think Henry VIII wore NUDE tights, and, if he did, shame on him.
The bare-legged look works fine for most MOTU, like He-Man, with the loincloth and bare chest and arms, but it looks goofy when you have a long-sleeve shirt on. And when that shirt is the same color as the loincloth, it looks like a women's aerobics outfit, though maybe his crown has a headband underneath.
@Matthew: I have to say I didn't find that funny so much as confusing…
I haven't received any shipment confirmations yet. Not even the UPS track-by-reference trick works. Have I mentioned my worst vice is impatience?
@Andrew: I only said to get it on Ebay whats wrong with that?
@Matthew: Yeah, I had to go to the fb page. In that context it is clearly an impostor mocking pretty much everything about the silly pretense of "Matty." Some folks did seem upset with it; but I thought it was pretty funny. In fact, there were a couple folks who were sort of defending Matty as though it is a real person, which is just hilarious.
Thomas B
wow mattel actually posted that?
the 1st matty comment: i actually am happy they are doing this for people. hopefully they make those 200 skeletors limited to 1 per order to get to as many fans as possible. one positve note about this. at least we know how fast 200 skeletors will sell!!
the 2nd matty comment: I see this as a weird attempt at a joke. is it me or does anyone else think their attempts at defusing situations like gleek, the art book and skeletor for example come off as awkward and better left unsaid?
i think they would be better off NOT referencing things like that until WELL after those situations kinda like how they make fun of themselves with smashblade he-man (even though that one still kinda stings for me)
Sorry, Poe.
To explain, I was on Matty's facebook page trying to figure out what happened and, from what I could gather, "Ryan" seems to be a spokesperson for Mattel. (Very apologetic. Addressing people's concerns. Other posters seemingly regarding him as legit (i.e. not writing "Stop attaching 'Matty' to the end of your posts, you poser." and the like).
In one of his posts (about ten hours ago now if you want to check it out), he basically wrote that Mattel ordered an extra 200 Skeletors to give away at their holiday party, but because of yesterday's situation, they'll be diverted to the December 23 sale date instead.
Hope that clears things up.
Just when I was getting hopeful…
Color me duped.
Sorry guys.
My facebook inexperience shines through.
Thomas B
yup i just went to check ryan's posts and he doesnt work for them. yikes this is gonna cause some serious problems when people come to the website thinking mattel has more skeletor's.
ryan is just doing a satire as a "mattel spokesperson". i am surprised they are not deleting his comments.
since he is giving out customer service advice he is actually doing damage since he doesnt work for mattel.
if you read all his posts you will see he doesnt work for mattel. his posts "evoloved" into a corp mascot type of persona
I just checked out facebook again, ya, definitely an imposter.
Here's a recent exchange …
Tom: … it's not a good idea to impersonate him …
Ryan: Tom, thanks! And don't forget! Battle Cat goes on sale this February!
Again, sorry guys.
I assumed too much.
I'm actually surprised Matty doesn't monitor the board to prevent this kind of thing.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some egg to wipe off my face.
Thomas B
more skeletors are on their way straight from the OFFICIAL matty.
just like mer-man ol skull head will have a 2nd shipment coming.
however it will be in the next couple months. this is odd since if they were made at teh same time it should be soon. anyone else think they are rushing a new production to appease the fans? i love conspiracy theories!!! mwa ha ha
Dark Angel
Of course, he was only able to pull it off because Mattel PR really has come off as that inept/tonedeaf/silly and unthinking…
Maybe Eternia is just very cloudy and he uses a sunless tanner/bronzer to keep his legs from being pasty white! 😉 It might be dumb, but whatever, its paying homage to the original figure, which as a kid I loved.
…just read the updates. Its one thing to make fun of or criticize Matty, but to actually pose as a spokesperson for Matty is kinda not cool, I'm all for having a good laugh and maybe in another forum it would be funny, but people will read that and believe it to be true, which will lead to either even more people pissed at Matty, or people expecting more Skeletors to go on sale, which isn't cool. Matty has enough trouble, constantly tripping over its own feet without some miscreant going and doing this.
I thought it was very funny actually, especially "I can honestly say we did NOT see this coming. Our statisticians estimated that we only needed to produce 275 Skeletors for this re-release (minus the 200 for our holiday party). "
Its funny, don't get me wrong! I just don't think someone should be going on Matty's FB and posing as them, it doesn't help, only makes matters worse.
80+ comments for Randor. RANDOR! Good for him, the old fuddy-duddy.
Newton Gimmick
@PrfktTear no offense to Matthew, but the guy impersonating him wasn't doing a very good job. He was just posting funny comments… But I mean it says his name was Ryan and he had a different avatar.
It's not like he was trying real hard to con people. He was just poking fun at some of Matty's daft practices.
Weird about the real Matty whipping up an extra batch of Skeletor though.
Fender Strat
Just save yourself the effort and misery of reading all those Facebook posts. Bring out the Paxil!
I haven't even seen the actual Facebook posts so I don't know what context to take them in, I just have what I read above.
@Fender Strat: I don't even read them, its not really worth my time.
I want to go back to they should always have He-Man and Skeletor on sale. Whether it be for people who STILL haven't been able to nab one yet, or for those who want a second, third, etc. or for customizers, it should just be a given that both will always be on sale. If they ordered an extra large batch, I doubt they'll warm space in the warehouse. I don't know if it would cost them extra to order more in addition to the regular figures, bonus figures, and other re-releases, but it just makes sense. There may still be people who are living under a rock and haven't heard about the line or are people who are still on the fence about whether or not they want to dive in, but won't collect the line because they haven't been able to get He-Man or Skeletor.
From Matty’s Twitter:
SKELETOR UPDATE: Not all units came in time for yesterday’s sale & he sold out in record time. More coming in Q1 2010. Arrival date TBA
@PrfktTear: Well said. I'd like to see them roll out standard He-Man & Skeletor once or twice a year.
As far as others, I guess demand would dictate that. I think every figure produced so far would do pretty well a second time around. Well, maybe not Zodac ;-P
The Flash III
@PrfktTear: I got nothing against Randor; if you like him, then enjoy! I think he looks ridiculous, though. Haha!
Matty deserves to be impersonated, considering Mattel doesn’t respond to people’s problems, even though it has a well-trafficked Facebook page to do that with. The way he doesn’t answer concerns, but changes the subject to product is reminiscent of Matty Q&As.
Yeah, its too soon to really see any patterns develop, but yeah, it'd be nice to have 'em out every 4-6 months.
For anyone who hasn't seen it, Matty posted on Facebook that they didn't have their entire shipment of Skeletors in time for yesterday's sale and more are coming.
freakin randor rules!! you haters are just jealous cuz your barbarian hero can't grow a bread!
and come on, for a non-he-man to tote a sword THAT big around… makes william wallace's glaymore look like a toothpick.
Thomas B
yeah i still don't believe the skeletors were still a partial order. i think they scrambled to place another order.
i have he-man/skeletor but i would not mind seeing them release the regular versions once a year and a variant of each once a year. regular he-man/skeletor and BA he-man/BA skeletor, next year we get the NA versions, etc.
ie this year we get
They can't make them that fast. It took them almost a year just to do the re-release.
Mysterious Stranger
Wanna bet they diverted the rest of the Skeletor shipment from being delivered to Fwoosh?
I feel I can make that joke because I got f***ed by Mattel out of a Gleek at SDCC.
So for my own amusement I was checking out Matty's Facebook page, apparently they banned Ryan Hipp, and now people are rallying for him. Gimmie a f%$@#& break!
Philip Reed
@Scott: Now that the tooling for the figure and packaging is complete it shouldn't take them more than 60-90 days to have a restock in-hand. Maybe even faster, since Mattel reportedly owns their own factories and can decided what to slot into their schedules.
The "1st Quarter 2010" sounds to me like someone at Mattel decided to order another run; I highly suspect the figures are not extras from the recent run but are actually a third run of figures.
Thomas B
@Philip Reed:
exactly what i was going to say. i work for a retail company and this sounds exactly like what is happening.
scott- like he said the tooling and other production is done, all that is left is manufacturing which can be done in about 2-3 months hence mattel stating 1st quarter.
it takes a new figure 8-12 months from intitial concept to seeing it on the pegs. this may be where the confusion lays since mattel has stated it takes this long and they waited a long time to re-release figures.
you also have to remember that they had to make changes to he-man/skeletor as well as packaging changes. they had to first figure out what changes to make and then actually make them which is what the hold up was.
@Emerald: I assume that's just a pessimistic remark? I believe the Horsemen sculpt MOTUC in a 1:1 scale, so he shouldn't, theoretically, be any smaller.
@Philip Reed: Is that true that Mattel owns their factories? Hasn't "Matty" made a habit out of blaming QC problems, delays, etc., on either the vendors or the process of changing vendors or whatever? I always thought he was talking about the factories.
Thomas B
no they do not own their factories as far as i know, nor have they stated otherwise.
they go to a vendor/factory like everyone else. they may use the same factory over and over again and that factory may be so busy with mattel work that they do nothing else but mattel product but they are not owned by mattel, just employed by mattel.
Thomas B
100th post!!!!! sorry had to do it