A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

MasterPOEce Winners

The totals on the board are correct: Jeff M. Donato is the grand prize winner of the MasterPOEce Contest! Jeff will receive a carded 200X He-Man (cross variant) signed by the Four Horsemen, as well as a custom figure of his Poe Ghostal design by Passion Designs, Inc.

And congratulations to runner-up Chris Pearce (CP), whose design won him a MOTUC Mer-Man!

And thanks to all who entered–the submissions were all fantastic, and it humbles me to see the talent on display among you Poesters.

Jeff Donato:


Chris Pearce (CP):



Ask Mattel Roundup for October 15


Mattycollector Fun


  1. Wow! I never expected so many people to take time out of their day to vote for my designs. I told my friends and I posted on Facebook and Myspace, (oh the wonders of social networking), and this thing just ballooned from there. It goes to show what you can do with a little public relations campaign, heh heh. I entered this contest at the behest of my good friend Brent, who is just about the biggest He-Man fan this side of Eternia. I will be giving the figures to him. He will be very excited. For me, the honor is in winning amidst so many awesome entries, and seeing how many people were rooting for me. Thanks to all!

  2. Thanks so much, Poe; My son will be excited to get his Mer-Man! I'd like to thank everyone who voted for my scribblings… there were so many great entries, I didn't think I had a shot at winning anything!

    I don't imagine there's a ton of cross-over between toy fans and folks who are interested in the daily happenings in a high school English class, but I've been doing a journal comic documenting the 2009-2010 school year over at my blog, Teachable Moments. I draw a comic a day everyday about working in an urban high school. If you want to see more of my work, please check it out.

  3. I really like your comic Mr. Pearce. My dad was a teacher, so i can appreciate the situational humor. Keep it up!

  4. Mountain-Man

    Congrats to the winners, and cool contest. Hope there's another one (motu of course) in the works? Vehicle design, anyone?

  5. Great job everyone! We've got a lot of very talented Poeple here at PGPoA!

    @Chris Pearce: Great comic! I'm going to pass that along to my friend Michael who works at an inner city high school. He is a History teacher, but I'm sure he'll appreciate it! I think geekiness and teaching and/or English go hand in hand (*cough*Poe*cough*. I took a Fantasy Fiction course in college and the first lesson my professor admitted that he's a huge D&D playin', LOTR-lovin' geek. We read an assortment of books and short stories, Alice In Wonderland, Harry Potter Stone and Prisoner, Artemis Fowl, and The Hobbit just to name a few. Oh, and we also read some Robert E. Howard and Lovecraft.

  6. and you didn't think to include the winning designs?

  7. Poe

    @yo go re: Well, you could just go look at the original post again. Lazy! But fine, I'll post full-res copies of the winners, just for you.

  8. Uncle Rick

    Congratulations Jeff!

  9. dayraven

    congrats to you both on well deserved honors!

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