A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Happy Teela Day!


Easy order page: http://www.mattycollector.com/store/matty/DisplayShopperDefinedBundlePage/OfferID.3198617709

I’m curious–due to the bonus figures, Ghostbusters, DCUC and so forth, how many of you have actually been able to avoid logging on to Mattycollector thanks to the subscription? As of right now, the only month in the foreseeable future that I’ll get away with it was…last month. Next month I have to get the He-Man reissue, then in December there’s the Green Goddess and Winston, January has Battle Armor He-Man, Battle-Cat in February and Walter Peck in March…sigh.

Oh, and Bank Robber Joker is on sale today, too. Also, don’t forget, the MasterPOEce voting ends tonight at midnight!


Pic of the Day


Turtles, meet the Turtles


  1. I am strangely more excited for 2002 Zodak than Teela.

  2. NIk


  3. Nicholai

    I'm logging on today for two Rays (one for a friend) and a Teela. I'll skip Zodak just as I skipped Zodac. In November I've got to pick up the redo of He-Man, but I'm unsure about Scare-Glow as he doesn't do much for me. December I'll probably pick up King Randor, definitely Skeletor, but will probably skip out on the Green Goddess. I may switch off ordering the Ghostbusters with my friend. I hope once 2010 starts I can let the subscription do its work now and then as while Battlecat is a must I can definitely skip on Battle Armor He-Man. I want to avoid double shipping as much as I can in 2010.

  4. Scott

    If the main MOTUC offering continues to be available more than a day, I'm going to be very sorry I bothered with the subscription.

  5. Poe

    @Scott: To be fair, though, that might not be a good way of looking at it, since I believe the production numbers were being adjusted based on the number of subscriptions.

    So while yes, it might be annoying that we have to pay extra shipping for other stuff while the monthly figure takes a few days to sell out, one could argue that if Mattel hadn't implemented the sub plan, they might have continued to undershoot or overshoot production numbers, leading to both collector-enraging shortages and line-killing pegwarmers.

  6. finkrod

    Just had to change the credit card info on my sub 5 mins ago. Hopefully all goes well…

  7. @Crazy: I feel the same way too for some reason, though I'm still really excited about Teela.

    After spending countless hours and gallons of gas looking for the remaining DCUC10 figures for myself and others, I think what we have to pay for s&h is a pittance in comparison. If this line were to hit brick & mortar, I don't even want to think about the frusteration we'd all endure.

  8. americanhyena

    Ah, there you are Red Screen of Death.

    We meet again.

  9. Poe



    I'd hoped the nightmare was over.

  10. Nicholai

    Teela (or Ray? – though probably Teela) looks like has brought the crush of popularity as this is the first time in several months that I got the red-refreshing-screen, but it only lasted for 20 seconds or so.

    I'll be very interested to see how long Teela, Zodak, and Ray last.

  11. The Flash III

    I have yet to partake in the joy of Mattycollector.com, except when I ordered some DCUC stands. I will be logging in next in December for the Animal Man/B'wana Beast 2-pack. Best of luck, Matty shoppers.

  12. Knight

    This is only my second time ordering from Matty, and now I can see why you guys hate it so much. I managed to get Ray into my cart, and tried to login to check out, but now I've been stuck on that red screen for almost 10 minutes.

  13. Poe

    OK, done. Annoyed, a bit, but done.

  14. Nicholai

    I notice the site is now red-screening again. Interesting indeed. My 20 seconds of red screen during my order look to be not the ordinary now as I can't even get back to the site itself.

  15. Nicholai

    @Knight: I think it is really showing the difference in demand between Teela and the previous months of Tri-Klops and Webstor.

  16. Scott

    Don't assume it's just Teela. Zodak and Ray are probably a big part of it.

  17. Knight

    @Nicholai: That was happening to me too. I got impatient and just started trying to get to the main page in another tab, and after hammering the refresh key for like 20 seconds, I got through and completed my order without another red screen. Man, I'm so not looking forward to doing this again with Winston.

  18. finkrod

    Red screens again eh?. I was hoping that was a bygone memory. Oh well.

    Managed to get Zodak in the bag. The payment preocessing screen never finished, so I refreshed it and got redscreened. But I got my order confirmation email, and it's in my history. So I guess all's well that ends well.

  19. americanhyena

    My computer actually *crashed* at the check-out screen (it's a recurring problem).

    I almost had a heart attack but managed to get it rebooted and ordered this month's lot.


  20. Megaduce Flare

    I just ordered Teela. I got the dreaded "red screen" a few times, but it didn't last long.

    Now I'm going to have to cancel my BBTS preorder of her that I had as a backup I had in case I couldn't get through on Matty.

  21. Mark

    When the novelty of MOTUC wares off I doubt Mattel will even finish producing the 2010 figures. MOTUC figures are cluttering ebay at really, really cheap prices and there is little interest in them. When the scalpers stop buying them the line is as good as over. Then we will see if Mattel offers any refund to all the 'Subscribers'.

  22. Congrats to those who made it through!

    There is no "refund" they'd need to offer to subscribers since they don't charge us until they ship the figure. I'm not sure what's caused your dour opinion of the line, but even if scalpers did stop buying them up (which I doubt they would), I think the line has enough support to thrive. If Mattel noticed a dip in sales, I'm sure they'd simply adjust their production numbers accordingly. Even if they up and cancelled the line, say after Moss Man, I've still got a great collection of figures and wouldn't be too disappointed.

  23. Dark Angel

    Hrm. Teela wins over pornstache for me.

    Yes, yes, after deciding that I would not bother with any other figures after the Hordak debacle, I decided I needed a Teela. What can I say? I am sucker for nice looking female figures, of which there are lamentably few out there.

    Only took about 5-7 minutes altogether, though the true test will be whether I actually have here in hand within the next 31 days…

  24. Barbecue17

    Just got home from work at 2 and ordered Ray.

    Easy as cake.

  25. dayraven

    i think we were getting red screened for all the new releases, since there were what, 4 today? teela, zo, ray, & BR joker? that's a lot of product. i think next "ask matty" i'm going to ask why they don't stagger these releases to manage site traffic.

  26. that might be ideal for someone who is just ordering Ray or Zo or Joker, but for those who want to combine shipping it really doesn't work, and even if they staggered by a day or two, whats to say that Ray will still be available once Zodak or Joker are on sale…

  27. PresidentJuggernaut

    I came on at about 12:15 to order Ray and it was smooth and quick for me. No red screen at all.

  28. I just woke up now (SO SUE ME! I had a late night!) and completely forgot about Matty's stuff.

    Went on, bought it, easy as pie.

    I can't believe I just spent $80 on 3 figures though. What with the subscription figure being $30 and Ray/Zodak being another $50.

  29. DankOne

    No worries for me Picked up 2 Teelas(Hey Skelly needs love too), Zodac, And Ray.

  30. Thomas B

    it was easy for me to order today.

    yeah having a sub for these first few months kinda blows since most people will still be at the site for the non sub figures.

    what makes the 2010 sub program worth(which is subjective) it is wun-dar. i bought 2 subs so i could get 2 wun-dars since i want 2 of every figure.

  31. I wonder how many people picked up extra Teelas for custom Evil Lyns?


    So, I get an email a few minutes ago saying they failed to authorize my credit card for the subscription Teela figure. Now, let me remind you, I signed up for this back in May and I've already gotten one figure from my subscription.

    They give me a number to call, I call, I get some foreigner on the phone and he's NO HELP. He says that my credit card must be invalid. I try to explain to him that I JUST ORDERED Zodak and Ray and the card worked fine, but he says "Well call your credit card company, find out what they changed and get back with us" and hangs up on me. No kidding.

    So whatever, my 4 month subscription is dead I guess. I'm not really going to fight it. I just wish they'd told me this BEFORE I'd placed my order for Zodak and Ray.

    Now I just ordered Teela, same credit card and of course it worked.

    I was tempted to cancel my Ray/Zodak order and then reorder all three so I could combine shipping, but I'll just eat the $9 because I can't trust that Matty & Digital River are competant enough to figure this out on their own.

    Dear Digital River, please die, kthxbye.

  33. finkrod

    See, that's exactly the kind of thing I was worried about when I changed my credit card.

    At the risk of making Poe cry again with Mattybashing ;-), it's scenarios like this almost make it seems like Matty has it in for us. And yeah, I know it's Digital Rivers fault, but I'm sure Newton ain't the first person to have this happen. And he aughta be able to call someone from Mattls customer service and get this bologna hashed out. Not get the run around.

  34. Kyle

    @Newton Gimmick: I received the exact same credit card authorization failure e-mail after ordering Zodak and Ray with the same card as well. I just canceled the other order and placed another and included Teela to save shipping. I hope that doesn't back fire.

    I actually hope my subscription is now invalid and I'm glad I didn't sign up for the 2010 subscription.

  35. Mark

    @PrfktTear: I am dour on Mattel because they finally make a good MOTU line with amazing figures, then you can only get them over the bloody internet from one of the worst websites ever created. Also as I have said before countless times, they are to expensive to get over here in the UK, no way can I justify £30 for a collectors figure that is neither rare or vintage.

    How about you all ask yourself a question, would you not prefer to go out into the shops and pick these figures up instead of sitting patiantly in front of a computer.

    Remember the thrill is in the hunt.

    I honestly hope know one bought a Teela to butcher into Evil Lyn, yes I know there are some good customs out there but over all I think it is a shame a good figure being wrecked…I mean they will make Evil Lyn eventuallly…I don't think when Evil Lyn comes out anyone will buy her figure to do a Teela custom.

  36. Poe


    How about you all ask yourself a question, would you not prefer to go out into the shops and pick these figures up instead of sitting patiantly in front of a computer.

    Remember the thrill is in the hunt.

    That ship sailed a long time ago for me. The hunt isn't at all thrilling when you know you'll spend weeks looking and perhaps never find the figures–and wasting hours and incredible amounts of gas in the process.

    Ask anyone here whether they'd rather hunt for DCUC Wave 10 or order them online one time.

    So no, I'd definitely not prefer to try and pick these up in shops–not given Mattel's distribution issues. So even with Mattycollector's problems (one of which I'll be describing later today), I'd rather order them off a website.

  37. Close to 80% of what I buy and collect these days is not available in North America so online has been my choice for several years now. I don't miss the crush of a Brick & Motor store one bit and dread having to go into one of those awful WalMart Super Centers

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