A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Pic of the Day

Ni by Nickwheeleroz

Poe’s note: I’ve been thinking about the ToyBiz Lord of the Rings line a lot lately…this was an incredible line. Marvel Legends-style articulation on near-McFarlane level sculpting and paint apps, incredibly character variety, all in scale with one another, PLUS NECA made the full-scale Balrog…this is Shambhala, people.


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  1. Nicholai

    Definitely a line I would have been interested had I been collecting when it came out. Have to keep an eye out for decent figures when the Hobbit finally comes out.

  2. Ben

    I am sort of glad it ended when it did. The line was very complete with a wide variety of main and secondary characters as well as army builders. I think it's going to stand the test of time as one of the greatest action figure lines ever produced.

  3. Dead Man Walking

    That Sauron is one of the best figures ever made. No argument.

  4. aguardiandevil

    one of the great est figures and lines ever.

    @ben yea youre right but I do wish the planned final waves came to fruition.

  5. This is the line that made me a toy collector. Definitely my favorite line of all. The NECA Balrog is amazing.

  6. Reverend Ender

    I wish I had been collecting then, as I grew up reading LOTR. I DID just get a pretty sweet lot of them on ebay though, mint in box, for $40 + shipping I got:

    Frodo (Goblin Armor)

    Samwise Gamgee




    Witch King Ringwraith


    Prologue Bilbo

  7. Mark

    Wish I had collected this intire line but I was in college when they came out….I did pick up an Aragorn from the first series but gave it to my cousin as he is a massive fan.

  8. There's a few I still need to pick up…Hama and Shelob come to mind…and certain elements of my LOTR collection were lost in a bad relationship. Including a PJ as Hobbit, Aragorn with Brego and Legolas with Arod, both of which I had gotten for a clearance price of $10. I hate that girl.

  9. I sold off most of mine last year. I kept the best ones, including Sauron. I found many of them sub-par after a while, with many stuck or far too loose joints, and a few sculpts that weren't very good. Overall, though, it was a fun line, and I enjoyed collecting it while it lasted. Once they repackaged them at $4.99 each, they were an absolute steal.

    Never could afford that Balrog, though, and that makes me sad. 🙁

  10. Mark

    After getting my Aragorn, and looking at a lot of the other figures in the first series they seemed pre-posed andhad stupid gimmick which kind of wrecked them for me….I now know they got rid of the gimmick in the later TT and ROTK figures….might pick a few up on eBay as I am starting to read the books.

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