After geeking out over the new AT-ST, I knew that there had to be some Star Wars product coming down the pipe that had to be ultra lame to make up for it. I was right! Here’s a collection of some of the lamest Star Wars toys headed to a store near you!
Anakin Skywalker Desert Sport Skiff
This is after Anakin went native on Tatooine or something and what fashion sense! He’s rocking a poncho and a skirt! This Jedi is setting trends. And yes, that skiff was Luke Skywalkers from the Power of the Force line in the 1990s and it hasn’t gotten any better.
The Birth of Darth Vader Battle Pack
I know a lot of you kids love to bag on ROTS especially for the, “NOOOOO” scream that follows this moment in cinema history. I never had a problem with it, but I really can’t think of a battle pack that is more useless than this one. You get a table, a half finished Darth Vader with a stupid Hayden Christensen head, and some useless droids all for around 27 dollars. Woot.
Tatooine Desert Ambush Battle Pack
Awesome, a battle pack full of characters I’ve tried to forget from a movie I wish didn’t exist. The ONLY thing going for this thing is Darth Maul’s space motorcycle and if you’re desperate enough for it to buy this whole set, we need to have a talk. And by the way, isn’t this the same cinema scene released about ten years ago at about twice the cost? Huh, almost.*
*In the interest of full disclosure the link does go to my own toy store, which reveals my secret shame that I once collected Phantom Menace toys.
Monty Python
Regarding the Phantom Menace set, Darth Maul and Qui-Gon were really the only redeeming qualities from that movie.
Liam Neeson is always cool.
Philip Reed
I just want the droids and not the Vader. But then I have a weakness for droids (and stormtroopers).
OMG SKIFF. I cant believe they brought that back. WTF?!!
The year was 1999, & I'd just seen the Phantom Menace… then & there I decided, " that's it, I'm selling it all ".
Luckily, Star Wars was not "dead" yet &, my trek from Montreal, Quebec to Fountain City, Wisconsin, really paid off. I say this because, seeing that you're selling that Cinema Scene for $8, & so much POTF2 stuff go for nothing, it just makes me happy that my brain thought of something bright, for once.
God Star Wars just blows now. It's the saddest thing.
The Birth of Darth Vader Battle Pack is basically a packaged together version of about three or four toys and I guess that helmet putter-onner thing. What a rip.
Playsets are always nice,especially an operating table one…
They must have released every SW figure imaginable now. SW figs are great but they just rehashing them with different paint schemes etc…thankfully I stopped collecting them hardcore ages ago. They do still produce the odd nice figure though.
The Desert Ambush pack has the only two decent characters in Episode I: Darth Maul and Qui Gon Jinn. Very telling that they both died at the end.
And the Vader pack isn't a very good "Battle" pack, but it's a decent display scene.
monkey boy
dude, if that maul and qui gon are the SA versions, that's a pretty good pack. phantom menace as a movie might not have been the bee's knees, but maul and qui gon get a pass for sure.
Kid Nicky
"helmet putter onner"
I feel really bad for the guys still out there hardcore completist collecting this junk. I may buy the odd "Galactic Hero" or Mighty Mugg here and there,but I cannot imagine collecting Star Wars figures at this point. I wouldn't want one Jake Lloyd,let alone to collect several.
The Phantom Menace Battle Pack is actually a pretty good update of the Cinema Scene set from ten years ago. You really haven't had those versions of the characters available for years, they have new sculpts and most likely updated articulation, and it comes with a vehicle.
I stand by my usage of technical terminology for Star Wars technology.
I think I just realized that the first picture could use a "Whose Responsible This".
I don't know, that operating table would make an awesome backdrop for some ROC toys. I'm thinking The Doctor in particular.