Pic of the Day By Poe On August 11, 2009 In Photos “Where do you think YOU’RE going?” by Decepticreep KennerStar Wars Previous Review > Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man Bank Next Odds ‘n Ends for 8/11/09 4 Comments Nicholai Solid gold. August 11, 2009 Mario Just gorgeous. August 11, 2009 Mario & I'm Gravatar enabled! August 11, 2009 Motorthing Wow – my first Star Wars figures, how lame is that? These little bastards are the start of an expensive habit – cocaine would have been cheaper over the long haul. August 11, 2009
Solid gold.
Just gorgeous.
& I'm Gravatar enabled!
Wow – my first Star Wars figures, how lame is that?
These little bastards are the start of an expensive habit – cocaine would have been cheaper over the long haul.