I think someone should create a pool where you guess where a particular wave of DCUC will show up first. BigBadToyStore? CornerStoreComics? Enchanted Toy Chest? Entertainment Earth? Specialty stores? Big box stores?
A specialty store won this round, it seems…interesting, because DCUC8 hasn’t had much big box store penetration so far. I’m not sure how well that bodes for wave 9, particularly when some Targets are still restocking with wave 4.
On a side note, the Marvel Legends 2-packs of Iron Man & Maria Hill, the Hand Ninja & Nick Fury, and Kree & Skrull are being spotted at TRUs.
Hey, don't complain about having wave 4! All I've been able to find is Cybrog from that wave.
My local Targets have tons of Wave 4. And nothing else.
@RageTreb: Would you be interested in a MOC Batman Beyond? I got a case of Wave 4 from CSC way back when, and he was an extra packed in.
I'm not really shocked by this as Mattel has no clue when it comes to supply. Next week the Walmart Wave will hit and no one will know but Scalpers. 🙂
I've been seeing a lot of wave 4 and wave 7 stuff – and not much else – at Targets and Wal-Marts. This is in the NYC area, and the Saratoga area of upstate NY (though I haven't made it up there in several weeks – pretty sure I'll miss out on Nemesis wave ML).
I have yet to see DCUC wave 8 outside of my LCS.
Still only seeing wave 7 at the Walmarts here in Reno, NV. Toy R Us stock has been non-existant. Target here still has the unmasked BB and sonic blaster Cyborg on the pegs and not much else. I did manage to find the black shorts Aquaman from wave 2 at a local supermarket a few days ago though. Score one for the boys back home.
Monty Python
Wave 6 is EVERYWHERE, and I've seen a lot of wave 7 as well. And Wal-Mart has the wave 4 exclusive variants.
Man i haven't even got my Hawkgirl and Gent Ghost from BBT yet.
Wow. I just found part of wave 8 at TRU, and also when I was serching i found the ML 2 packs as well. Also found the Nemesis Wave at Walmart mixed in with the Ares wave. Still don't have my complete Giganta.:(
@PrfktTear: How much do you want for him? Here's my e-mail: aspinner(AT)gmail(DOT)com
Do toy companies send out early cases of product to retailers? I'm just curious cuz I pre-ordered wave 8 from BBTS when they first made it available, and got the figures over 2 months ago. But they're still listing wave 8 figures as pre-orders. Now we're hearing wave 9 has shown up in at least one "specialty store", when it seems wave 8 hasn't even hit distrobution. How the hell does that work?
@RageTreb: I'll e-mail you later, I'm at work now. I'm not looking to turn a profit, just get back what I paid and help out a fellow collecor!
FWIW, here in Indianapolis, Target doesn't even have a spot on the shelves for DCUC. Meijer has only restocked Wave 2. Walmart only seems to have the black suit Superman (and has the figs priced a buck higher than everyone else!) TRU has a spot for them, but there's never anything on the pegs. It's sad here in Indy. 🙁