Those wacky Hong Kong thieves have struck again, this time posting an auction for Webstor (who I’m thinking has to be September’s figure, despite the recent confusion, right?).
The auction’s already over, but we did get a look at his bio:
Evil Master of Escape
Real Name: Araneus son of RaknusOne of the last remaining members of an ancient Eternian race of Spider Warriors called the Arachna, Webstor was awoken from hibernation beeneath Snake Mountain and occasionally allies himself with Skeletor. In ancient times, the Arachna were an advanced dominant race until driven underground by the Snake Men. Araneus retains much of the knowleedge of his people and while seemingly savage, is an expert mathematician and strategist as well as an accomplished escape artist. He often arms himself with a grappling hook Fast Pack and uses his climbing power to escape capture!
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He looks awesome.
RageTreb already transcribed it two weeks ago:
Evil Master of Escape
Real Name: Araneus son of Raknus
One of the last remaining members of an ancient Eternian race of Spider Warriors called the Arachna, Webstor was awoken from hibernation beeneath Snake Mountain and occasionally allies himself with Skeletor. In ancient times, the Arachna were an advanced dominant race until driven underground by the Snake Men. Araneus retains much of the knowleedge of his people and while seemingly savage, is an expert mathematician and strategist as well as an accomplished escape artist. He often arms himself with a grappling hook Fast Pack and uses his climbing power to escape capture!"
Webstor is one of the few figures from this line that I am actually less excited about seeing in the pacakage. He looks kind of boring in that packaged picture view. Not that it makes a difference, just an observation.
I want Webstor. Not too confident that I'll be able to get an order in though, we'll see how the launch goes.
Philip Reed
I'm gonna try to get Webstor. I bet he'll look great once he's popped out of that plastic prison.
Webstor's bio has been on the Mattycollector couple of weeks now, so there is nothing new about that.
I'm so happy that Webstor belongs in the subscription, so I don't have to worry about getting him (if Mattel / Digital River won't mess up things). I really don't like that he is bare chested in the package (I mainly keep my figures in box) and that's why I'm probably going to try to get one extra to keep loose.