A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Sooooo…any questions for the next Mattel Q&A?


The next round of Ask Mattel is due in a few days. SDCC is over, tons of info has been revealed, and my friend who attended all five days of SDCC wasn’t able to get me a He-Ro before he sold out.

This time around, I don’t feel like making my usual caveat about polite questions. Ask whatever you want, I’ll edit it in post before I submit it. (Just try to limit the swearing, or at least use some asterisks–not for Mattel’s sake, but because I try to keep this a PG-13 site.)


Show and Tell > The Official Ghostbusters Training Manual


Review > Man-At-Arms (Masters of the Universe Classics)


  1. Why do bad things happen to good people?

  2. Lee

    What is the official re-release date for the standard He-Man and Skeletor MOTUC that was originally slated for October?

  3. Frogster

    Given the success of MOTUC, what consideration has Mattel given to marketing Master of the Universe to children through the use of younger child themed figures and playsets ala' DC Superfriends or even Imaginext?

  4. Why are waves/series 6 and 7 of DCUC just now showing up here, when wave/series 8 is supposed to have been out for months?


    Can't you do ANYTHING right?

  5. Lee

    Is Zoar the Falcon Teela's bonus accessory?

  6. busterhighman

    Does Mattel ever feel ashamed for the repeated incidents of incompetence that plague the people that buy their product?

  7. Barbecue17

    What is the price going to be for the Batman Movie Masters? Will they come with any additional accessories?

    Why were the Joker and Powergirl chosen to be exclusive figures? How does Mattel rationally justify putting popular, well known characters into an exclusive wave considering the bad track record of Walmart in getting these out there.

    Who are these local toy aisle managers we are supposed to speak with? Whenever I call or visit my local stores (Walmart, Target) they tell me they have no idea what Mattel is talking about?

    And I'll end this rant with a joke: A local toy department manager, the Atom from DCUC wave 5, a Mattel SDCC exclusive action figure, and hooker are walking down the street and all see a dollar bill. They all jump for it: who picks it up?

    The hooker. The other three just don't exist.

  8. Motorthing


    Seriously, there is no point.

  9. Nolan aka robinjr

    Dear Mattel. By the showing of many re releases I feel like the line is not doing that well. This is my favorite line and I don't want it to end. Can you reassure me on this matter? and by the way only Donna troy, beast boy and tempest are left for the current titans. Any news on them?

  10. Nolan aka robinjr

    the line I was talking about was infinite heroes, so could you fix that for me Poe?

  11. RageTreb

    1. What was up with letting sellers not only buy MOTU art books and He-Ros, but letting them have more that the limit for normal buyers?

    2. Where is the re-released He-Man you guys talked about? Is Battle Armor He-Man what you were referring to?

    3. This might not be true, but I heard Beastman, He-Man and Skeletor were sold at Comic-Con. How is that possible? The figures are supposed to be sold out. Are we to understand you might have plenty more of other figures? And why wasn't the re-selling of these older figures announced before Comic Con?

    4. Any chance of seeing exclusives like King Grayskull re-released?

  12. Scott

    He-Man will be re-released in November. They said this on Facebook.

  13. Valo487

    Why when I asked last time about Toyman and non-armored Luthor, did you say no plans at this time when we now know non-armored Luthor is being made in the DCUC five-pack and Toyman is one of the choices for the new fan poll?

    You don't have to come right out and say "We're doing this and this," but a simple "Stay tuned!!" would have at least been truthful.

  14. RageTreb

    @Scott: Then why didn't the mention that at the Mattel panel?

  15. Tom-Tom

    Who's idea was it for Gleek so I can kick him in the crotch?

  16. Paddy Fitz

    Why is the release of 6" versions of the Superman Movie Masters figures dependent upon sales of the 12" versions? Traditionally, there is little crossover between collectors of 6" figures and collectors of 12", cloth-costumed figures. Also, the body shown at SDCC isn't suited to sixth-scale superhero figures — it is far too thin and awkward. You would be wise to leave the 12" cloth-costumed figure market to companies like Hot Toys, and concentrate on smaller-scale action figures.

  17. orionpax636

    Will Kilowog or any of the figures of DCUC 11 come with Power Batteries or any other accessories not seen at SDCC?

  18. JediCreeper


    3. This might not be true, but I heard Beastman, He-Man and Skeletor were sold at Comic-Con. How is that possible? The figures are supposed to be sold out. Are we to understand you might have plenty more of other figures? And why wasn’t the re-selling of these older figures announced before Comic Con?

    4. Any chance of seeing exclusives like King Grayskull re-released?

    they mentioned at the very first sellouts (back in december and january) that they were holding some of these guys for NYCC and SDCC but very very few… but those were the only ones, all the others are sold out

    and it was mentioned somewhere (probably the org) that grayskull will be reissued without the cool package

    my question.. why does Mattel refuse to learn from past mistakes and problems? heck, today i was able to order the 2 things from hasbro I wanted, no wait, no crash, no red screen and exactly the same as the ones at the con… and today, the monday after con… why is mattel incapable of this?

  19. Scott


    Don't know, but he mentioned it it response to a fan's question on 6/21, the day before SDCC. I'm sure a lot of people didn't see it.

  20. Scott


    They always reserve some in case of damages. They probably figured enough time had passed and they still had some left over.

  21. Nicholai

    What are the odds of seeing Lois Lane and other non-heroes/villains in DCUC? I'd love a Lois to go along with Supes. A two-pack with Lois and a re-release of DCSH Clark Kent would work too.

    I like the 12 inch Movie Masters figures, but wonder about the potential cost. Will they be comparable to other such figures from different companies?

  22. Scott

    You mentioned awhile back that you will be offering DCUC wave 9 on your site. Is that still the plan? If so, when? What will they cost?

  23. Joel

    When exactly will wave 10 be avilable at Wal-Mart?

    When will the Gotham City 5 pack be aviliable at Wal-Mart?

    Is there a chance additional accessories will be put in the Gotham City 5 PACK ?

  24. Scott

    Why is it called Gotham City 5-pack when 2 characters are from Metropolis?

  25. Any chance we might be seeing some flight-based DCUC stands? It would be great to pose GL and Sinestro fighting in midair.

    Speaking of flight..

    Any chance we might see extra articulation in the head/neck area, allowing for characters who are flying to look forward? The addition of extra articulation in Green Arrow is a great idea, and perhaps this could be done on an "as-needed" basis.


    What is the deal with that Zebra print Batman we saw at Comic-Con? Obviously, it was some kind of custom, but whoever painted it up should indeed get some kudos.


  26. DankOne

    Now that Powergirl seems to have a proper chest to use, any chance of seeing a Superfriends Cheeta? or Zantana? Either one before I'm done paying off my Gleek would be great? Thanks!

  27. Michael Lovrine

    My Q:

    "Will the Public Enemies wave be released in Fall 2009?"

  28. Michael Lovrine

    What is the release date for the Public Enemies wave?

  29. He-Dan

    What goes on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon, and on three legs in the evening?

  30. prfkttear

    Did Mattel learn anything from the way things played out with the exclusives this year at SDCC? For example, this year seems to be a prime example as to why they shouldn't offer exclusives that are in such high demand. Whats better, "rewarding" several hundred or so Con attendees, or pissing off thousands of fans? What about enforcing their own policies (MattyGate). Is the Mattel booth staffed by full time Mattel employees, or do they use a staffing or PR agency for events like this? Just like they hire the eye candy to parade around in Ghostbusters uniforms. Regardless of who's "Department" it is, what measures can be taken to ensure that the people working the booths adhere to the policies set forth prior to the Cons? If Joe Schmoe can't walk up and buy 20 books, then why especially should a vendor who is just going to turn them around and sell 'em for double/triple/more? As far as the figures themselves, from what I understand, the production run for this year's con was based off of last year's numbers. Was there any increase to the numbers at all? Knowing the popularity of a line like MOTUC, and knowing there would be especially high demand for a character like He-RO, did they increase the production numbers at all? Its understandable that with King Grayskull, they were still learning, they were essentially testing the line, so I can only hope they produced enough for the Con AND Matty Collector.

  31. finkrod

    @He-Dan: Man. A baby on all fours, a grown man on two feet, and an old man with a cane.

  32. Thomas B

    what incentive is there to subscribe if you end up PAYING for the sub figure AND you end up paying for the bonus figs the months they are released? it would not be a problem if there were only 1-2 months there were bonus figs but it looks as if there are bonus items EVERY month!!!

    will you make a sub available for the bonus items and will you(matty) actually spend some effort looking into adding bonus items to people with subs?

    if not, instead of subs why dont you do a pre-order for everything that will be on sale the month of jan and then a pre-order for everything on sale in feb. taht way we can order everything including bonus items.

    mattel SHOULD have done wundar as a mail away figure. if you get enough game pieces/stickers(like they did for Doc in the new gi joe line) this wouldnt be a problem,

  33. RageTreb

    @JediCreeper: That's so awesome that Grayskull is being re-released! It means I can skip those painful aftermarket prices, which is a godsend. If you happen to remember, could you post a link to where you heard that?

  34. prfkttear


    I think the incentive is being gauranteed every newly released figure in '10. Yes, it would be nice if there was an option to include bonus figures in the sub, or at least to combine shipping, but as far as offering a sub for bonus figures, when they get into the re-release figures, for those of us who don't need another Mer-Man or He-Man, it wouldn't make sense.

    Even though you're paying for Wun-Dar, its still an exclusive made available only to those who have subscribed, so in that it is an incentive.

    Pre-orders might be ideal, but you'd run into the same situation with them all selling out. So unless they did the pre-orders months in advance in order to give them time to increase production numbers.

    Other than a few small tweaks, I'm fine with the subscription the way it is. Its like a magazine sub, or one of those "cigar of the month" clubs.

    Thus far my problem has been that I do not have a credit/ATM card. I managed to convince Mumma PrfktTear to let me order the sub using her's, and I'll simply give her the money each month. That said, my issue is going to be getting the bonus figures I want. Where I work they're very strict on the internet use. IN fact, I'm surprised I'm even able to get on this site. Unfortunately I can't get on MC to place the order, so I'm going to have to rely on friends ordering an extra fig for me, or see if someone would be willing to go on MC when figures go on sale, login using my info, and then place the order on my account.

  35. andrew

    I was wondering if you had in mind of making a build a figure doomsday for the Dc Universe line?

  36. Scott


    Actually, that's the whole point of pre-orders. The idea is that they would give themselves enough time to adjust production based on pre-orders.

  37. Emerald

    1) Is DCUC Wave 12 not the Public Enemies bonus wave? And if not is Eclipso part of that wave?

    2) Can we now be assured that the remaining Matty JLU 4-packs (Shazam, Doom Patrol, and Justice Guild) will in fact be released and what might the release dates be?

    3) What will the MOTU Castle Grayskull Stands retail for and will they be limited in quantity?

    4) You stated at the end of the con that DCUC wave 9 will in fact be available on the Matty site. When, and how much will they retail for on the site? Can we expect all waves from here on out to be available on Matty (minus wave 10 and the PE Target wave)?

  38. RageTreb

    @Emerald: I really hope the Grayskull stands are cheap or at least easy to get… they only come three to a pack! And apparently you can dissemble them and make wall displays if you want, meaning I'd love to get more than just enough stands for each figure.

  39. eric

    When will know whos who in wave 12? Are we gonna get Martian Manhunter and Dick Grayson Robin this year?

  40. Would Mattel be open to either changing their Club Eternia to include the "Bonus" figures or would Mattel be interested in offering a second "bonus only" subscription service.

    Some of us feel that the Bonus figures largely render the Club Eternia useless as the bonus figures will still require us to go to the site every couple of months.

  41. Thomas B


    yeah that is what i mean. the pre-orders would be at least 4 months in advance. just like you order out of previews magazine. dc direct does this as do many other companies.

    i know not having to be online is a benefit but not really for me since i am always working on my comp at that time so i havent had a hard time like others have had getting onto the site.

    i still say a mail in offer would be better for wun-dar. seeing as how if i want wun-dar i will end up paying about 70-100 extra in JUST SHIPPING since i wont be able to combine orders makes me rethink how much it means to me to get him.

  42. Hey Mattel: if this consumer backlash is any indication, you might have a li'l turnover in the brand management department.

    If so, will you hit me up?

  43. captainzero

    1) After our experience with Wave 5, is it possible that we might get Walmart to make DCUC available on a Walmart.com site??

    2) Many of us would like to get "supporting characters" of the DCU like: Clark Kent with a larger body and a removeable fedora, a Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, Bruce Wayne in tux ala' playboy attire, Alfred, Commissioner Gordon w/a bat-signal, and possibly a Vicki Vale.

    Are such "supporting characters" being considered for the DCUC line??

    3) Thanks for all the GREAT DCU Classic characters. This is a wonderful line of Action Figures.

  44. captainzero

    4) Will we see any "army builders" figures in late '09 or early 2010??

    I would hope that Ra's Al Ghul, Talia, and Damian might surround themselves with the League of Assassins ninjas.

    If these ninjas were available on Matty, we fans could order as many as we might need.

    Is there ANY consideration of doing such an "army builder" line??

  45. captainzero

    I'm sorry, Poe… I forgot to ask:

    5) Could you please tell us HOW the DCUC line is selling??

    Are you satisfied…or more than satisfied with sales … and does the line show "strong" sales that insures its continuance??

  46. captainzero

    Sorry, …I forgot to ask:

    6) What is the statis of the Golden Age Hawkman and Hawkgirl and the Lex Luthor and Supergirl 2-packs??

    Will we see pictures of these two 2-packs and will they be released relatively soon??

  47. outburst

    It's now common knowledge to those of us who read these things that those involved in character selection and design for DCUC are big fans of New Gods and Super Powers. We're now seeing a broader Corps selection, more Teen Titans, Metal Men, Justice Society, all of which are great!

    But, is there any JLI love coming our way? While one can say that we have certain characters (Beetle, Booster, Shazam, Fate, etc.) those are characters that are well known outside the JLI.

    So, any chance we'll see a Fire and Ice, a Guy Gardner or Rocket Red?

  48. Dear Mattel, why do you hate me?

  49. Poe

    OK, I've got more than enough questions now, so I'm closing comments. Thanks all!

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