“Kirk to Enterprise…” by davebushe
Poe’s note: “…don’t wait up.”
Also: is it me, or is this, oddly enough, the best likeness of ’60s-era Shatner ever?
“Kirk to Enterprise…” by davebushe
Poe’s note: “…don’t wait up.”
Also: is it me, or is this, oddly enough, the best likeness of ’60s-era Shatner ever?
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Frowny McBeard
Fencing Sulu was the best figure from this series. His eyes weren't perfect but he was amazing.
It amazes me how they are able to capture likenesses with just a few lines on those tiny cylindrical heads (of course, the sculpted hair helps — but still…).
They impress me all the time, but another standout is the Clint Eastwood one from "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" set.
One that I can think of that kind of missed the mark seems to have accidentally hit another one. The Flint Marko Sandman from the Spider-man 3 wave looks more like Luke Perry to me.
Oh, and Re: Poe's note: Giggity.