A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Pic of the Day

Universal Monsters by TCM Hitchhiker


Magma Corps trailer


Spengler? I hardly know ‘er


  1. dwaltrip

    Are these the 3.75" size?

    I was going through an old box of toys from my childhood last week, and came across what looks like the same Dracula.

    If that is the same guy, I loved him as a kid.

  2. @Dwaltrip: Yeah they are 3.75 and I believe were made by Remco.

    I still have the Dracula and a footless Creature from the Black Lagoon hung around for years in my house.

  3. Mario

    These are very much missing from my collection.

  4. eric

    Oh I remember those!! I had The Wolfman, Dracula, and Frankenstiens Monster. I wanted the 6" versions of those too. I remember the 6" figures glowed in the dark. Man, I loved those figures!!!

  5. eric

    I also wanted to add that I used to do that "Frankenstien meets The Wolfman" fight scene all the time. I liked that movie.

  6. Poe

    I had the glow-in-the-dark Creature myself. Have never been able to find an affordable replacement…

  7. Lightsource

    Recently I found an old JC Penny catalog ad of these, showing the collector's case for them too. I think it was a coffin, but I can't remember. I really wanted these for Christmas but got Star Wars instead.

    …Back when toys could survive a good backyard lashing.

  8. Poe

    What amuses me is how some of them actually seem to be mugging for the camera, like Dracula and the Wolfman…

  9. PresidentJuggernaut

    Ha ha, they do kind of look like their doing that. Their was a stash of MOC Remco knockoff Transformers at my LCS this week. They were pretty silly.

  10. izdawiz

    @ POE RE: I had the glow-in-the-dark Creature myself. Have never been able to find an affordable replacement…


    I might be able to help depending on what you consider affordable…

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