A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

More Mattel SDCC updates

Mattel continues to update their Facebook page with more SDCC info.

Hey toy fans,

To put any minds at rest, we will have all items on Wednesday night preview night including the MOTU Art book. Also, sales on Wednesday will be limited to fans only. Vendors, exhibitors and professionals will not be permitted to buy anything on Wednesday night. You must have a Four Day (preview night) badge to purchase on Wednesday.

Sales on Thursday will be open to everyone at the convention starting when the doors open. No one will be permitted to line up until the convention hall opens.

Also, the MOTU 2010 Subscription, or the Eternia Fan Club(tm) will go on sale on MattyCollector.com at 4:00 pm on Wednesday night. It will run for 3 weeks. The 2010 subscription will include the Jan. through Dec. 2010 figures. You will be charged each month and figures will ship each month. There will not be a “ship them all in Dec.” option anymore. (due to very limited interest in this option in 2009). The subscription will not include bonus figures, reissues, or large scale beasts (like Battle Cat) as these items do not have a set schedule and will range in price.

In addition, this year there is a $20.00 sign up fee. For this fee you will receive a few goodies including an exclusive carded figure which will ship by March of 2010. This figure will not be sold any other way and is only available if you sign up for the Eternia Fan Club. You may buy as many subscriptions as you want and each subscription will include the bonus figure and other goodies.

We will reveal more details at our panel (including the bonus figure) on Friday at 1:00 in room 2, but if you want to purchase a subscription live at our booth, we will have Mattycollector.com computers set up. (or you can log in from home at that time).

See you at the show!


Some collectors who are being admitted to SDCC as professionals (and, in the interest of full disclosure, that includes my own SDCC connection) are bitching about this, but I’m fine with it. If all the MOTU art books sell out on preview night to fans, I don’t think it’s fair for anyone to complain–not that that will stop them, of course.

As for the Eternia Fan Club, I’m cool with it (although I’d like to know whether we’re on the hook still if there’s a price increase–I’m sure they’d have to mention that in the fine print somewhere, so make sure to read the contract before ordering). The bonus figure sounds like a nice added value. I hope it’s a unique character and not just some exclusive repaint; we’ll find out this Friday around 1pm PDT.

There’s also going to be a sculpting demonstration:

An exciting new event has been added to the Mattel booth!

Mike Berling and Saun Omos from Mattel’s sculpting team will be at our booth creating a live brand new statue sculpt at SDCC. They tell me they are going to take a stab at a stylized He-Man sculpt of their own creation. This will not be a Classic or a 200X figure, but a one-off artistic interpretation of the defender of Eternia, created live at the show right before fan’s eyes!

Then, on Friday we’ll run their new sculpt up to Mattel in El Segundo and use our rapid prototype machines to make a handful of one-off casts to raffle off on Saturday! Ain’t that cool?

So come on down to see just how the Mattel sculpting process works! Raffle tickets will be given out throughout the show.

Sculpting demos will be as follows:

Thurs: 11-1pm, 3-5pm

Fri: 10-11am, 4-6pm



Pic of the Day


SDCC Exclusive Reviews Roundup


  1. It's unfortunate that the subscription isn't a good deal. It's nice that Mattel keeps providing info, I just wish the info made me happy.

  2. PrfktTear

    I'm all for the subscription. Providing that everything works according to plan, and I presume the test will come in September when Webstor goes on sale.

    It kinda stinks that there's a $20 charge, but since we're getting an exclusive figure out of it I think that makes it worth while. On one hand I too hope its an exclusive character, something that would have made it worth signing up for. Yet on the other hand if it was Keldor or Prince Adam, something that everyone would want, I think a lot of people may be left out. That said, people who are cherry picking this line and don't order the sub have no right to complain that those of us who are committed to the line, not just a handful of characters, are getting rewarded.

  3. finkrod

    I'd feel a bit more comfortable signing up for the subscription if I had an idea of what was coming out. Who am I kidding, I'm gonna sign up for it anyway.

  4. I'm cool with the $20 charge, since we're getting some (presumably) cool stuff. The exclusive figure will likely be something small like Orko, I imagine. Personally, I'd like it to be a MOTUC version of the old Savage He-Man mail-away figure.

  5. Poe

    @DF: You know what, I bet the bonus figure is Savage He-Man. It's both sort of a new character but also a repaint, so it's not as if you're missing out on a classic main character.

  6. JediCreeper

    meh.. I'm just mad that I don't have the option of combining shipping.. especially if I AM going to buy something else that month. So, the only thing I really have to gain is the extra figure, if I don't care about it, I'm not signing up.. since I'm still going to be there every 15th to get ghostbusters or DCUC or bonus figures, or whatever..

  7. PrfktTear

    Savage He-Man would be a great exclusive! I still have the first mini-comic where He-Man the Barbarian meets the Green Sorceress of Grayskull. As a kid I always wondered why that He-Man was so different from the Filmation He-Man.

  8. Michael Lovrine


  9. mjturny23

    $20=an extra figure in 2010 plus every monthly figure guaranteed plus bonuses so I’m more than happy! Count Marzo or King Randor would be great, but even Orko would be cool. I hope it’s a new character.

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