A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Mattel Panel #2 – MOTU and Ghostbusters

And just like that, Mattel renders what little I cared about the art book fiasco moot. Holy crap. Scare-Glow! Savage He-Man (a.k.a. Wonder Bread He-Man–I totally called that, btw). Walter Peck–WALTER PECK!?

Here are Rustin Parr’s notes from the Mattypalooza panel.


  • 2010 subscription comes with poster-map of Eternia and Wun-Dar, a.k.a. Savage He-Man (If you get 3 subs, you get 1 package with 3 Wun-Dars, but all subs ship separately each month from any other Mattycollector purchase).
  • Sub does not count bonus figures or giant figures like Battle Cat or “army builder two-packs”
  • Accessory packs are coming
  • Figures: September – Webstor; October – Teela, plus first bonus figure: Zodak repaint in modern paint scheme w/ tattoos and different bio; November – Scare-Glow; December – King Randor, plus bonus figure Green Goddess; January – Princess Adora, w/ bonus figure of Battle Armor He-Man (w/ three interchangeable pieces for chest); February is Trap-Jaw w/ alternate Kronis head and arms, plus Battle Cat and display stands; March is Moss-Man, who is flocked w/ own head and flocked Beast Man head)


  • 6″ figure every other month starting in October. October – Ray Stanz w/ logo ghost; December – Winston w/ ghost trap w/ blue energy explosion; February – Walter Peck w/ Ghost Containment Unit; May – Peter Venkman (yes, he was shown)
  • 12″ figures: One per quarter, start with Ray Stanz, then Egon, then Venkman, then Winston
  • Will be doing Marshmallow Man, but not as a CnC; “going to do him right”


Mattel-DC Panel News


Pic of the Day


  1. What about a non slimed Egon?

  2. Poe

    He's coming sometime down the line, with a PKE meter.

  3. finkrod

    Trap-Jaw gets the star treatment. Woo-Hoo!!! What do they mean by "bonus figure" btw? Ones that you can only get from Matty, but aren't covered by the sub?

  4. PresidentJuggernaut

    Walter Peck? Seriously? I just might buy him.

  5. Poe

    @Finkrod: Yes. It's a little confusing, but basically, every month will have one "regular" figure, and occasionally, a "bonus" figure of some sort. You also get a one-time "bonus" figure with your yearly sub (i.e., Wun-Dar).

  6. I hope there's a Man-E-Faces.

  7. finkrod

    Trap-Jaw and Scare-Glow just pushed me over the edge to subscribe(guess I'm just a sucker for hyphenated villains). Aside from Randor,I'm stoked by the announced line-up. Huzzah!

  8. prfkttear

    WOW! WOW! WOW!!! and WOW!

    I feel like a kid on Christmas morning!!! Teela, Zodak repaint, yadda, yadda, SCARE-GLOW?!?!?! Who would have expected that so soon?!

    King Randor will definitely be awesome…and I'm also excited about Green Goddess, a pretty obvious re-paint. And Princess Adora?!? WoW! Who saw that coming either?! That all said, the one I'm most excited for is Trap Jaw!!! I hope he comes with a ton of accessories, especially based off ones seen in the cartoon! I wonder if Moss Man's entire body will be flocked of if its just a flocked head?

  9. Michael Lovrine

    All the females look daughters of DCUC Black Canary. Didn't they say He-Man and Skeletor reissues were coming in October and November too?

  10. Thomas B

    i bet they made peck(reused dcuc suit body) in order to delay venkman due to likeness issues being hammered out.

    i LOVE alll the bonus figs for MOTUC. i am at a cross roads. do i get the sub and buy the bonus figs seperately and pay all that extra shipping or do i just buy the figs the day and date they are released adn hope for the best and lose out on wun-dar.

  11. Dead Man Walking

    Let me make sure I understand this. If I'm subscribed, in January I will be receiving an Adora, which will cost me $20 + 8 shipping. But if I want Battle Armor He-Man the same month, I will have to pay another $8 in shipping for that figure? And the month Battle Cat comes out, I'll have to pay shipping for him too? And if I want a second Trap Jaw, I have to pay separate shipping on him too?

  12. prfkttear

    Apparently… which blows. So much for saving $$$ on shipping, but also trying to cut down on space used for shipping and therefore being more environmentally friendly…

    If we can send a man to the moon, if we can fit 10,000 songs into the palm of your hand, if we can elect a black man President of the United States, we should be able to combine our friggin' shipping!!! 😉

  13. PrfktTear

    Still amazed! I just got home from werk and the first thing I did was check the .org for pix. I can't wait! We've got some great stuff to look forward to!!!

    I'm interested to see how the swappable arm will work on Trap Jaw!

  14. PresidentJuggernaut

    Wow, the containment unit coming with Peck looks great. It makes me seriously want him, it will be great with the Ghostbuster team.

  15. Barbecue17

    I have never in my wildest dreams believed that i would own a Walter Peck action figure. Never.. Now we need Janine Melnitz and possessed Dana Barret! Make it happen, Matty!

  16. Thomas B

    the arm on trap jaw should work like any other type. it will just plu into the socket.

    i also noticed that the arm was sculpted specificaly in mind for trap jaw/kronis. it looks like it was sculpted with man-e-faces in mind since he will share the same legs/arms and waist as trap jaw.

    all they need is a new head and a new chest/armor piece for him si will almost guarantee we will get him in 2010

    i am sore about having to make separate orders if i want bonus figs,etc since that will add ALOT of shipping in the long run and is 40-70 in extra shipping charges worth getting wun-dar?

  17. PrfktTear

    Not only Man-E-Faces, but possibly also Roboto, as he shared the same legs and arm as MEF.

  18. I'm with you on Walter Peck, Poe!

    My buddy has been teasing about how he was going to get a Walter Peck (jokingly) and I kept giving him a hard time about it.

    But dude. My jaw hit the desk. That's crazy. And Mattel's ingenious for taking the money saved on his Joker Thug body and putting him with Containment wall. He's a must buy now.

    The He-Man stuff was awesome. I'm worried about getting through to the site to get it all – even the subscribers are going to go and gawk – so it looks like we get a brief rest in September and it begins anew, culminating in February when even subscribers will want a Kronis, Battle Cat, and stands. Adding three things to the cart against the red screen? Great…

    But it all looks so good. Mattel will break us one way or the other.

  19. @PrfktTear – "Not only Man-E-Faces, but possibly also Roboto, as he shared the same legs and arm as MEF."

    I'll take both if you're gonna force me. 🙂

  20. Motorthing

    yeah, we all forgot what a jerk you've been Matty when you said Scare-glow and Trap Jaw………

    Sub me.

  21. Awesome news all around; almost better than I'd hoped!

    (If I was a bit less mature, I would point out that I called the Savage He-Man as the bonus figure earlier. But fortunately, I won't mention it. 😉 )

  22. Poe

    @DF: You're probably right and I just forgot. Fortunately, I'm not getting a thing out of it, not even the mildest respect of my peers, so I'm pretty sure you're not missing anything.

  23. clark

    The Battle Armor He-Man was the only figure I had of that character growing up, so I'm pretty excited about him, I wonder what weapons he'll come with. Also, yay for Moss Man!

  24. I just wanted to let you know that I'm all in now, Poe. I've broken down and got a subscription. I'm HOPING I can get some of the other figures before the subscription kicks in. I NEED a Teela. NEED!

    Now we just need a re-release of He-Man and Skeletor and I'll be happy.

  25. @ Poe: Just kidding around; I'm sure I wasn't the first person to think of it. He was just the first figure that popped into my mind when I read that we were getting an exclusive figure with the subscription, and posted about it in the comments. I wasn't seriously quibbling about who should get credit; it's not important. 🙂

    I'm surprised at the indifference most people seem to have toward him. I'm pretty pleased about it, myself. I really like the black sword of Grayskull, too. I had to explain the whole history of the Savage He-Man figure to my girlfriend this evening when she saw the photo and asked me, "Uh, why does he have a loaf of bread?"

  26. Wait, I'm not familiar with "Wun-Dar". Is this an original character, or just created for a re-paint?

    Also, does He-Ro go on sale tomorrow (Monday the 27th)?

  27. PrfktTear

    @Dharma Dave: Wun-Dar is based off of the Wonder Bread exclusive He-Man repaint that was created back in the day.

    He-Ro and the rest of the Matty exclusives will go on sale August 3rd at 12-noon EST.

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