A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

It Figures #42 – Hellbabies



OK, this seems like…maybe not a good idea. (Marvel Legends Nemesis)


New NECA: Bioshock, Boondock Saints, Conan


  1. RedKryptonite

    OMG. Would Cthulu be Nanny – like all we'd see are stalks in green and white striped hose?

    Huh. Nanny had some wack fashion sense.

  2. Digby

    Isn't Hellbaby a little young to be playing with guns?

  3. Poe

    @Digby: It's a popgun…OF DOOM!

  4. Mumma Ghostal

    You would have sooo had those when you were little!!

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