A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

It Figures #38 – Ipokalips



Mattel Q&A Roundup for July 1


A $3 DCUC Price Hike?


  1. Good use of the twist ties. My cat loves those things, so I always just give them to him.

  2. Dead Man Walking

    Less It Figures, more reviews and features. Please.

  3. Digby

    i like the it figures…

  4. finkrod

    Is that fun-tac on the sides of his head? Classic. I like that Darksied, but I'd put him 3rd behind the old 'Super Powers' one, and the new DCD Kirby one. That one is the sh!t. I think the Horsemen gave this one a bit too much of the Thanos physique; tiny head, huge wide body. Darksied isn't about being a physical powerhouse(which he is), but a figure of menace.

  5. renefgarcie


  6. dayraven

    i love this gag!! keep up the great humor.

  7. MldMnrdReporter

    Apokolips doesn't have a Genius Bar?

  8. clark

    I like the It Figures, keep it up.

  9. Fengschwing

    Keep the It Figures up, I like 'em!

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