A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Hasbro schools Mattel on how to do a toy book


Remember how Mattel is teasing us all with the SDCC-only, limited-to-1,000 MOTU art book? Hasbro’s doing something similar, only they’re letting anyone who wants one get one. Oh, and the profits go to charity.

Sales Of Book Featuring Images Of G.I. JOE, MARVEL and STAR WARS Action Figures To Benefit ALS Foundations And Family Of Innovative Artist And Hasbro Employee Battling Lou Gehrig’s Disease

Pawtucket, RI – July 15, 2009 – Hasbro, Inc. and friends of Gianni Lopergolo, a Hasbro employee living with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, are introducing Insight:, a book of Mr. Lopergolo’s stunning and unique photography of Hasbro’s G.I. JOE, MARVEL and STAR WARS action figures.

Spanning Mr. Lopergolo’s eight year career at Hasbro, the book features over 90 images of action figures posed and photographed at Hasbro’s internal creative studios.  Using simple props and a creative use of lighting and imagination, Mr. Lopergolo revolutionized how the toy maker photographs its beloved action figures.  He captures in his photography a tangible world of fantasy and adventure, portraying scenes evocative of childhood imagination where action figures become real characters.  His images reach deep into the human psyche, extracting the wonderment and imagination inherent to children lost in a world of play.  His ability to portray the essence of this wonderment transcends simple product images and elevated the photography of action figures featured on packaging to a true art form.    This one of a kind collection includes such well known characters as DUKE, BARONESS and COBRA COMMANDER from Hasbro’s G.I. JOE brand as well as CAPTAIN AMERICA and SPIDER-MAN from its MARVEL line and LUKE SKYWALKER and DARTH VADER action figures from its STAR WARS line.

“Hasbro is extremely proud to offer this book of Gianni’s remarkable photography in support of his family and ALS charities,” said John Frascotti, Hasbro’s Chief Global Marketing Officer.  “Hasbro has a long history of giving back to the local communities in which it operates as well as to charities around the globe.  We’re honored to be able to bring this book to market via Hasbro Toy Shop so the world can see the unique art Gianni brought to our company and fans as well as to be able to support a member of the Hasbro family.”

The development of Insight: is led by Hayes McCarthy and Stephanie T. Baxendale. Mr. McCarthy, a fellow Hasbro employee and good friend of Mr. Lopergolo’s is a producer within Hasbro’s internal creative studios and has worked side by side with Gianni for several years.  With the support of Hasbro, Mr. McCarthy and Ms. Baxendale, a writer at Hasbro, began to compile the very best of his unique imagery and tell the tale of his work and challenges he now faces with ALS.

“This is an ideal opportunity for us to compile this collection of his work while raising funds for his family and to benefit others suffering from this horrible disease,” said Mr. McCarthy.  “Gianni has done so much for Hasbro creatively and it is an opportunity to give back.  We’re excited for fans of the G.I. JOE, MARVEL and STAR WARS line to be able to enjoy his amazing images in a new context.”

Insight: will be available for sale nationwide on www.HasbroToyShop.com for the approximate retail price of $29.95 beginning today. The high quality book features over 120 pages of images, some previously unreleased, for readers to explore and appreciate and will also be available for immediate purchase at the Hasbro Toy Shop booth at San Diego Comic-Con July 23-26.  To learn more about Insight: visit www.hasbro.com/giannisbook.

About Gianni Lopergolo

Gianni has been an artist since a young age.  He grew up with an appreciation for architecture and followed his passion for special effects and an intense love of cinematography and photography to New York University’s film school.  He found his niche at Hasbro’s creative studios finding inspiration in iconic action figure characters and making an indelible mark as a devoted father, husband and friend as well as a trail-blazing photographer. At the young age of 39, Gianni has been living with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, for three years.  No longer able to work, but still as passionate about photography as ever, he has compiled this collection of images, which he hopes will teach, entertain and inspire.  Gianni currently lives in Rhode Island with his wife, Alex, and their three sons.


Pic of the Day – Leonardo & Hellboy by Poe Ghostal


Show and Tell > Meet the Raisins


  1. Sold. F-U Mattel.

  2. clark

    Hasbro–120 pages, available online, $29.95.

    Mattel–53 pages, SDCC only 1000, $50.00.

    Thank you, Hasbro for the book….oh and for good 3 3/4" figures too.

  3. Nice! I'll take one of these.

  4. nerdbot

    Hasbro has been schooling Mattel in a number of areas for some time now.

    This book project sounds great. I'll probably get one.

  5. Motorthing

    Hasbro – I can almost forgive you for fucking the Transformers film up so badly with how you continue to show how it should be done in the real world.

    Shit, now I just remembered how you screwed up Marvel Legends……ok, how it should be done in this particular instance.

    Now send me some Swars figures I can actually buy and we will be sweet.

  6. I don't think Hasbro had any control over the Transformers movies. I think all they could do was sit back and try to play along.

    This book looks like an excellent deal. And the sample photos are very nice.

  7. Cobra1977 (cobra.cre

    Hats Off, gentlemen.

    Hasbro schools Mattel, definitely.

  8. americanhyena


    If it's for charity I may in fact buy a couple just to give to friends.

    Kudos to Hasbro.

  9. Dead Man Walking

    I'm so tired of feeling disgusted by mattel that I can't even muster a good comment.

  10. mjturny23

    That does sound great from Hasbro, especially because it is for charity. But the MOTUC book is quite different. No need for the Mattel abuse.

  11. PrfktTear

    I think this is a great idea! If I had the $30, I'd want to pick it up.

    Hasbro is really good about "giving back" thing. They're hosting a charity premiere of G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra which will support Hasbro Children's Hospital. I'm not certain if they did anything for Fallen, but I think they did something similar for the first film. I'd be willing to go, its only about an hour from me, but tix are arond $75. I guess they're giving out all sorts of goodie bags and stuff too!

  12. dayraven

    you know, i have my issues w/ hasbro, but this is great, no two ways around it. sounds like a total blast. i might have to do this, to support a good decision for a good cause.

  13. Michael Lovrine

    Nice, only if you're a huge fan of those properties. If not, then why even bother? They're 2 different things.

    Apples and oranges. Its like comparing Marvel's Sentry character saying he is the exact same thing as DC's Superman. Fans of their relevant properties will buy the books they want. We snark all we want, but thats just the way the cookie crumbles.

  14. I understand what you're saying Michael, but a lot of people would be interested in either book. A lot of people who likely would have bought to MOTU book but now can't will be putting their dollars towards this one.

  15. nerdbot

    @Motorthing: I haven't seen it, and I certainly don't know who is most responsible for the suck-fest that it is reported to be – but I suspect that Michael Bay is a bit more responsible for its awfulness than is Hasbro. That said, I've heard it might be on its way to grossing a billion dollars, so I doubt those responsible are losing sleep over making a movie.

    And I'm with you on the Marvel Legends thing. But at least you could find the damned things (I mean, with the exception of the Wal_mart waves). Of course, one could certainly argue that they haven't been worth finding. When they got the license, I think Hasbro knew that Toy Biz had hit the highlights already, and they were always looking to the 3 3/4' line. Overall, I've been happy with the ML that Hasbro has released.

    As for the books… Yes, they are different properties, and…

    Actually, it doesn't matter which properties are covered. The differences worth noting are in how the respective books are being released. One is a proper book that will please any number of fans while raising money for a good cause. The other is a glorified pamphlet seemingly designed to please a relative handful of obsessive collectors (and/or the scalpers who prey upon them). The content of the books is irrelevant. The way Hasbro is handling their book is commendable, while the way Mattel is handling theirs is- well- not.

  16. nerdbot

    oops. I meant to say "…losing sleep over making a bad movie."

    And that should have been 3 3/4" (that's inches – not feet).

    Always take time to proofread, kids!

  17. dayraven

    yeah, i was actually saying that i may get the book simply because it's a decision that does indeed seem to be "for the fans" as it's being handled responsibly, AND because they're helping a worthy charity.

    i mean come on michael, if you saw a kid w/ a lemonade stand trying to raise money to take his dog to the vet, are you gonna just keep right on walking cuz you don't like lemons?

  18. Did I ever mention that I met the head of the casting dept. for Hasbro a couple of weeks back? Really nice guy, recommends doing two-part molds instead of fill molds when doing your own casting. Didn't have a bad word to say about anybody, including Mattel, even when I gave him several openings to do so. Maybe not relevant. but an interesting story nonetheless.

  19. @Reverend Ender – That doesn't surprise me. If the toy business is anything like the game business (and I suspect it is), then there's a lot of friendships across companies and people have spent time at more than one company.

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