A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

DCUC Wonder Twins Packaging in all its Glory

Poe is away doing whatever it is he does on Poe Base Alpha, so it’s up to me the Power Pal known as Paul to bring you this extra juicy video from Mattel:

Yep, it’s the promised Wonder Twins San Diego Comic Con ’09 exclusive packaging in action. This is clearly a cool package with some awesome lights and sound effects. What do you say, Mattel fans? Does it beat last year’s King Greyskull’s cool packaging? I’d say it comes close at the very least, but I guess that depends too on if you’re more a He-Man fan than a DC fan.


Pic of the Day


Paul’s Peg > Gotta Get Back in Time!


  1. The package is cool, but I'm going to beat a dead horse here and say that without a Gleek the set seems a bit pointless.

    He's even featured on the box which will just get into fan's craws even more.

    I'm more curious what Gleek will come in now?

    Anyway, I prefered the KG package. It was cool. Although the twins rings matching up is neat.

  2. Fengschwing

    Being brought up in the UK, I have no idea who these ridiculous losers are and therefore do not feel as if I am missing out on anything.

    I do, however, think that it SUCKS that Mattel are continuing in their effort to royally get fans back up all around the world.

    If people want the damn monkey, give it to them. Charge them Mattel, if you get folk to pay $5 they'll gladly pay it and you'll make a mint.

    Rant off.

  3. dayraven

    don't hold back feng, tell us how you really feel.

    no sweat man, i'm american and i watched the cartoon growing up and still don't feel any attachment to these characters… oh well.

    i agree, just give people the damned monkey. why not make the fancy box the SDCC exclusive, and make the monkey standard? i know, that would make sense… and the goodfolks at mattel? they cornhole sense in the prison shower.

    gleek, per toy guru, comes in a little plastic bag… like a happy meal toy. so your forty dollar exclusive wraps the gravy toy in mickie dees leftover polybags while putting the stepford twins in the fancy box that costs twice what it's worth. it's a talking box. i was similarly unmoved by grayskull's box. it was nifty once, then it was dumb and a waste of money that could have scored me another REAL accessory!

  4. finkrod

    Awesome packaging. I'm not gonna buy it mind you, but very cool nonetheless. They don't really fall into the DC Universe IMHO, they just represent comic relief from a cartoon. I'd no more buy them than a figure of Super Marvin or whatever the kids name was from the earlier cartoons. But kudos for going the extra mile on the packing.

  5. Nicholai

    All annoyance about Gleek and general DCUC anger which seems to abound aside I think the packaging is quite good. Normally I'm not one for packaging at all as I take everything out of the package, but this is certainly a very sweet package.

  6. Ant

    i agree the packaging is cool, but they've spent a lot of time and effort on MOCers, and on two characters that no one really likes, and the whole thing amounts to a joke, really, that only a certain group of people will get. and no, they're not really DC universe cannon. if they were in a series they'd have to do the DCAU variants from the JLU cartoon, which would be awesome.

  7. George-bob

    okay. these characters were used in the 60's and seventies to brainwash kids about hitch-hiking and playing chicken on jet-skis.this is defenitly targeting children (I'm 14).still,though I have to admit that packaging is pretty snazy.I'll pass on this one though because of them not being in countiuity and such.plus it is a tad juvinile.

  8. Scott

    I would hardly say no one likes these characters. Just because they were from an earlier generation doesn't mean they don't have their fans. For those who have the Superfriends sets from DC Direct, these will fit in nicely. I guarantee they'll sell out quickly.

    On a side note, I wonder if DC Direct can make Gleek. Are there any "Ask DC Direct" Q&As?

  9. Wes

    Okay, that is fucking awesome. The box talks!!! The closer it gets to SDCC, the more I think I want these flipping toys.

  10. Thomas B

    damn. that is AWESOME!!!! i wanted them way before they were announced. it even has multiple voice samples…that is awesome….now wedge a monkey in there mattel

  11. "this is defenitly targeting children (I’m 14).still,though I have to admit that packaging is pretty snazy.I’ll pass on this one though because of them not being in countiuity and such.plus it is a tad juvinile"

    Waaa? How is it any more juvenile than over half the toys produced today. It's also not targeting children, it's targeting older people who grew up watching the show. Kids wouldn't care about these guys and frankly they won't ever see them, unless the A. Go to comic con and B. can afford it/have parents that will buy them.

  12. PresidentJuggernaut

    I don't own or want this set or King Grayskull, but Grayskull's packaging was much cooler. It was a castle!

  13. Eric

    That is the greatest packaging ever!!!!

  14. Sorry but all I see is wasted money. I open my figures and display as a group. Without all this packaging I could get the figures for $25.00 or get more accessories. I am all for making a con exclusive just that – EXCLUSIVE TO THE CON. I have no problem with Gleek not being available online and would stand behind Mattel if NONE of the con exclusive product were offered in any way away from the con they are for. What I do have a problem with is all the waste in material, and cost as well as the hazardous waste (The battery) that must be disposed of. We have to much crap going to land fills all ready.

  15. dayraven

    i swear i've read that rant before tek…

    but i agree. i'd rather the extra money got an extra accessory they could turn into… or just got gleek w/ every set.

    but i'm not a MOCer, who they seem to think is their demographic, given this move.

  16. The Flash III

    They did kind of work them into the continuity. They were in Extreme Justice, though they fiddled with their backstory and amped up the powers to update them.

    The packaging is awesome, and I’d keep them in it separate from the rest of my DCUC. But I’m not going to SDCC, so no monkey, no money!

  17. PresidentJuggernaut

    I don't keep anything packaged, but I do keep packaging occasionally. This would definitely be something I'd save.

  18. Drunken Fist

    I made the decision the moment Gleek was announced as being only available at SDCC that I would not be buying the Wonder Twins set from matty. I'll try to pick up a set with Gleek on ebay right after the con, when it'll be flooded with them, but I have no interest in owning the set without Gleek, as he is the main point of interest to me.

    That said, Mattel did a fantastic job with the packaging for this set. It looks to be completely collector-friendly, too, like Lobo was last year. It looks as if you can remove the figures completely from the trays once the slipcover is removed, and then replace them if you wish, with no problem. I don't think the elaborate packaging is worth paying an extra $15(if the rumored $40 price tag is true), but it is very cool.

  19. Ronnie

    Wow, nice. Very snazzy. A con exclusive I'd definitely get, were I there, along with Spengler.

  20. I almost want that just for the box.

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