According to Scott of Enchanted Toy Chest, DC Universe Classics will go up $3 per figure starting with Wave 11.
I’ll write more on this later, but feel free to discuss/rant/go apeshit below. Try to maintain a modicum of decor, por favor.
According to Scott of Enchanted Toy Chest, DC Universe Classics will go up $3 per figure starting with Wave 11.
I’ll write more on this later, but feel free to discuss/rant/go apeshit below. Try to maintain a modicum of decor, por favor.
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Yeah, screw that, I'm not buying them anymore. I'll just trade customs for a bunch of them.
Suddenly those MOTUC figures don't seem so overpriced.
WHAT!?!?! These little f'ers are already like $12!!! Is this toy line some kind of bizarre tax right off?
Over priced already for all they are.
It's like Mattel is actively trying to slowly kill this line, in some kind of crazy revenge plot against all us DCU fans. What's next, are they going to coat each 10th figure with cyanide?
I went from buying any of the DCSH that I could get my hands on at $8.99-$9.99, to buying only a handful of DCUC since they went to $10.99-$12.99. For another $3 I'll just tip my hat, put my wallet back in my pocket, and give this line one last look as I mosey on by in the toy aisle.
Man, the Matty crew better have extra-extra security at SDCC! It's gonna be a freaking lynch mob!
(I hear the Jackson Security Task Force is looking for a new job…)
Why don't they just cut down on the stupid big packaging, surely that would save them a bit of money.
Dead Man Walking
…and all the figures will be based on the same couple of body types. Wait…
Still worth it to me.
So wait, we are experiencing the lowest oil prices in years, the line uses about 3 different basic body types, and is selling out so frequently it takes months to see a newly released figure actually hit the shelves, and Mattel is going to raise the prices 25%?
I don't mind price increases that much, if it makes sense. For the Hulk Legends wave, it made sense. Larger figures with a huge BAF all when oil prices were ridiculous. Hasbro's price hike for Legends after getting the license, in order to pay for the license. Even Mattel raising the price between DCSH and DCUC in order to pay for the BAF. But this? How can they justify a 25% price hike?
Toy prices rise. It happens, we have all experienced it. In Mattel's defense, they are not the first, nor the last, to do this. Still, this seems like an odd time given the circumstances…
Of course, this is all assuming that this is true. It very well may not be, and we all may be getting incensed about nothing. Nothing is confirmed as of yet…
This could be the final nail in the coffin for a line that a lot of people (myself included) are getting tired of.
I only started collecting DCUC because I liked the figures (reading Poe's Wave 1 reviews helped too). It was more or less a stop-gap line for me to collect until MOTUC. I've kept up with it because I like the designs and its been a lot of fun, but I don't have any deep seeded love or nostalgia for DC comics.
Maybe the price increase is a good thing….maybe they have hired better staff or a better production company so we won't get pieces of crap with the same limbs and paint flaws etc.
@PrfktTear, totally agree with you I just like Shazam as he was the first super hero I was introduced to, along with Superman and Batman…but that was through the cartoons. I only own 4, might get Black Adam….now if they made Isis and the rest of the Freedom Force I would deffinently want them. I just want MOTUC.
@Mark: Coupled with my declined interest in TF (mostly because of ROTF line) I have to admit the thought of only collecting one line is kind of enticing.
With MOTUC subscriptions we don't even need to worry about pre-ordering or fighting the web site or going on toy hunts @ brick & mortars.
HAH! As always, a line dies soon after I quit that line. Happened with Super Powers, Secret Wars, Thunder Cats, Silver Hawks, MASK, Chuck Norris line and many more 80's toy lines I used to collect, quit and the line ended.
Most of the DCUC bodies are the same bodies with different paint and weapons. Even MOTUC looks more "varied" than dcuc.
The $3 price hike is a joke. We live in desperate times but people at retail stores won't be paying $15 for a figure.
If dcuc doesn't end, I predict they will move to MATTY COLLECTOR.
Mattel seems to be testing the waters. If sales drop, they'll make these figures $20 a pop and sell them in more limited quantities at matty.
@Jim, you quit a line and it dies…….Jim if you quit MOTUC you are getting knee capped LOL.
Not that I collect DCUC but all of these price hikes make me glad I'm slowly "getting out" of toy collecting.
Pretty much all I buy these days are Transformers and I've already bought the only 6 figures I care about for the current and foreseeable toys available.
@Jim: I'll come after you too. It shouldn't be too hard to find you. I mean, how many Jims can there be in America.
Even with creative paint apps, there are only so many ways that they can re-use the same bucks w/o them just looking like carbon copies of each other.
This is a line that shouldn't be costing them much at all. Maybe I'm a cheap b@stard, but I think anything more than $10 for an action figure is too much. I don't even like paying more than $10 for Deluxe class Transformers. Buying specialty lines like NECA or MOTUC is one thing, but for a mass-market line that should be available at every local store.
Another thing, with a $3 hike, they're putting it into the "collector" category. What kid is going to be able to afford $15 or $16 for an action figure? More importantly, what parent would pay that much for one either?
I'm afraid the Rise of Cobra line for us Joe fans will be reaching into the 8 plus range. It's just this odd feeling. This sucks though, if it's true. All these price increases makes it hard to collect anything.
Yeah over here its £12 for a deluxe Transformer and £8 for a Star Wars figure. £10 is enough for a DCUC/ 6" figure and £5 is more than enough for a Star Wars/ G.I. Joe. Even Voyager Class Transformers have gone up to £25.
It took a lot paying £20 for Voyager Bulkead, deffinently not worth it, didn't even get that much back on it…still better to be rid of the piece of crap.
Some shops are even charging £8-£15 for a WWE figure.
I still want to pick up Leader Bulkhead, I'm waiting for a good TF sale, oh yeah, and money. I really don't want to pay more than $25-$30 for him though.
The trouble with a lot of the Transformers figures, especially the Voyagers is that they don't really feel like they're worth what you're paying. A lot of 'em are just glorified Deluxes.
As far as Joes, I've been outfor a while now, as great as the TFAC figures are, just too much for my tastes!
@mark and finkrod: LOL I could be wrong but I just notice a trend from my toy collecting history is all.
Actually, I don't think my "trend" applies since the internet and online sales has changed the toy industry.
MATTY collector will save DCUC. Wait and see. I just wonder if anyone will be paying $20 for a dcuc figure! :O Maybe they'll be $15 hmmmmmm… so my guess is the 15-20 range when dcuc shifts over to matty.
@Prfkttear: I think Mattel's the "cheap bastard" of the toy industry. They're the company MOST obsessed with resuable parts.
I personally think a lot of the new Transformers feel cheap…with rushed designs….like Universe Silverbolt, now there was a figure I was so excited about then I seen his transformation along with those hollow legs….
To be honest I think the prices also turned me against Animated, Magnus was a pretty cool toy, but he wasn't that good or big to be worth £40, I want a lot in a toy when I spend £40.
I am pretty sure Leader Bulkhead is still marked down to £20 over here.
@Jim, LOL. Don't know about Mattel being cheap, but stupid yes….if they supplied their products better they might make a better profit and be able to lower their prices.
Movie Masters is moving to Matty collector.
Next up….DCUC
Walmarts down sizing their toy ailes.
Wouldn't it be insane if you could only buy toys online?
Matty's success ushered in by motuc's success may yield a new era in toy collecting.
@Mark and Finkrod: BTW….I am quitting Horde and Snakemen. Just MOTUC heroes and skeletor villians for me. The WHORE and Snackmen of the 80's suck….except for the 200x Horde….man they were the best part of the 200x toon IMO.
@Jim I loved the 200x Grizzlor. Yeah I agreewith you. I am only getting the characters I like I am not bothered about getting every single figure.
I think its just a statement on the toy industry. Its still becoming a very niche market. Even "Mass Market" lines that once populated toy aisles.
I always forget about Universe Silverbolt. That was one figure I refused to pick up.
Yeah now I don't want him they have him in and Darkwind.
Hey Mark,
Read my post on Hordak review!
whatever…i was paying 15 for dc direct before dcuc came out…and i like these better , still more worth it than 9 dollars for marvel universe figures….what a rip off , i remember paying 9$ for toybiz legends and they were uber posable , 6-8inches , unique sculpts , included a comic and a BAF piece..what the hell
The Flash III
I agree with outburst; it's the only line I collect and unless they start looking like the Super Powers ripoffs Toy Biz did way back in the day, I'll still pay. It's overpriced though, for sure. Hopefully they'll spend the $3 on quality joints and weapons that don't warp in the packaging.
so glad i don't collect this line. though i imagine mattel spent a lot of money getting the DC license…
Yeah Marvel Legends were awesome, I got Sasquatch for my Birthday, amazing figure.
Pfft, we're already paying $27.99 or £16.99 in the UK for these anyway.
Like I said, plastic crack and Mattel act just like dealers.
I'm still gonna stick with this line, it's just too good to quit. But I am gonna be more selective about who I pick up. Unless the BAF is a must have, I'm just gonna pick and choose who I get.
I already pre-ordered it, but if I had a choice now I would only be getting Black Adam, Wildcat, Deadshot and the two Mantis figures.
@Fengschwing, just out of curiousity what part of the UK are you in?
@Mark, near Southampton, their Forbidden Planet is doing okay on DCUC at the mo, but the price has been rising there for a while. Wave 2 figs are still just under a tenner while the Atom Smasher wave is 7 quid more, talk about inflation…
There's a recession on for the love of God, think of the children!
Cool, I am in Northern Ireland. I live over 60 miles from our nearest Forbidden Planet. Yeah the children will suffer with the recession….in the 80's figures were less than a £5, in some shops £5 could get you 2 figures. Its a bloody rip of asking £8 for a Star Wars figure, whatever happened to pocket money priced figures.
I think it's ridiculous. They use the same sculpt for damn near every figure woth new heads, capes and/or belts. They have two different hand sculpts for characters already made and being used. Why the hell is the price going up? I swear the production costs for these can't be that high. Mattel, I will give you $100. That should last for what, 10 waves? 20 waves?
Yeah, it's just not worth it. I might buy another one if I love the character or a fantastic figure comes out, but I'm not someone who will pay whatever. Half of them don't include accessories, and those that do rarely have much. The BAFs are not big enough to add that kind of value. There has never really been much value with DCUC. The raving success of MOTUC, which is crazy overpriced, probably doesn't help here either.
What makes me sad is that it doesn't matter how outrageous it gets, you know there are plenty of people who will complain, and buy every single figure. Even when they go up another $5.
I'm out, too. After wave 9, that is. That'll give me most of the DC characters I care about (and quite a few I don't).
And as for wave 10… Well, I just have no expectation of ever seeing those anyways.
So if the price is jacked up on wave 11, I think I'll be done. (Except for any potential cool Batman-related figures, that is.)
I'll be happy with Black Adam for nostalgia as I always liked the Shazam cartoon and comics and Isis if they make her.
Michael Lovrine
I really don't care at this point. You could probably get them online for the same price after shipping anyway. For Wave 11, the only figure I need is Shark. Otherwise, I'm skipping the rest of the wave unless something REALLY good shows up.
Well, that would about seal it for me as well. I pretty much stick with MOTUC as it is anyway. I'll be disappointed if I don't get a DCUC Cheetah, and a proper black and gray costumed Batman (not the poo stained one w/ Clayface).
MOTUC will be have multiple offerings per month next year anyway, and I am going to need to save up for those Horde troopers.
monkey boy
everytime mattel makes a decision i think "it can't get stupider than this" and then it does.
to be fair, lots of toy companies are raising prices while simultaneously cutting costs, and i have to assume the profits are just rolling in. honestly, mattel could just keep DCUC going as a labor of love and still make a shit ton of money as a company. the fact that there is very little uniqueness already makes me wonder what the hell justification there could be for a price hike, other than the fact that mattel is run by ebenezer scrooge, pre-visitation.
That's my exact problem. How can Mattel justify this? If oil prices were skyrocketing, ok. If BAF pieces got bigger, ok. If they used more then 3 basic body types, ok. But I do not see or foresee any of this. It just seems like Mattel is being good ole Scrooge McDuck Mattel, and boy is it ever frustrating.
It's simple, they think people will pay it so they're raising the price. I'm not being cynical, they just think they'll be able to make more money and they probably will. They don't need to justify it. Sure they'll get asked 9,000 times about it in the monthly Q&A, but they just need a new stock answer.
"Um, rising production costs, and um, economic issues have caused this."
Then there will be a MattyCollector Facebook update. "Hey gang, just to let you know, we're bumping up the price of DC Universe Classics figures! Isn't that swell? Don't worrry, you'll still be able to get all your favorite base bodies! If you are not seeing your favorite DC or other Mattel line at your local retailer, ask for it by name!"
You know what? I understand why they need to do it, and I love the line too much to give it up. I'm not mad nor do I plan to boycott them or anything of that nature.
But if you asked me, I would certainly prefer the old $10 price tag. Oh well.