A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

This will undoubtedly be THE GREATEST MOVIE EVER.

MUCH thanks GeekTyrant for the tip.


Toy review roundup (via Fanmode)


Any questions for Mattel?


  1. Drunken Fist

    Okay, it's in my netflix queue. Some things are so deliriously awful they must be witnessed.

  2. Poe

    Netflix queue? I went ahead and ordered it. I'm incapable of not owning it.

  3. Santo

    thanks for the laugh….god i needed that

  4. Jim

    This was the stupidest trailer I've ever seen. I only clicked on it because I agree with 98% of your reviews. You have this "sophistication" about you.

    Poe, you're an intelligent guy…a gifted writer…etc etc.

    I love campy movies too but this is way off my limit. lol

    I mean seriously…you're joking right?

    This would've been the best April Fool's joke ever if you were! lol

  5. Jim

    Okay i'm retarded…a naive retarded fool. I think I'm a bit too naive. lol Sorry everyone. Bash away….(curls in a dark corner).

  6. So wait, it's NOT real?

  7. Haw haw, Debbie Gibson.

  8. Poe

    It's available for pre-order on Amazon, so I sure hope it's real.

    Obviously I don't honestly think it's the greatest movie ever–quite the opposite. But given that JAWS is my favorite movie, I hope one can see why I have to see this movie.

    I love sharks. I love octopuses. I love "Godzilla vs." movies.

    And the frigging shark jumps into the sky and destroys a plane.

    As for me being sophisticated…hey, Shakespeare had some seriously vile puns.

  9. Andrew

    So, for those of us not in the US, what's the hubbub about?

  10. Poe

    @Andrew: An immensely stupid but hopefully fun direct-to-video movie where a giant CGI shark fights a giant CGI octopus. Also the shark jumps into the sky and eats a plane (obviously a reference to Snakes on a Plane–the filmmakers knew what they were making here).

  11. Just when I thought it was safe to sit on the toilet, now for the nightmares to begin where a shark jumps out of the toilet to eat my face.

  12. Chuck20

    that was awesome. I must see that.

  13. Poe

    My dad's response to this trailer: "20 years ago you would have been out of your mind for this movie…."

  14. Ant

    that looks heinous

  15. Catnip

    I love these types of movies however I can't view the trailer (non-US citizen). What's the movie called so I can find this trailer somewhere else on the web??

  16. Catnip

    Nevermind, I found the name (which was provided above) and google'ed the trailer at http://www.traileraddict.com/trailer/mega-shark-g

    This is so cool!! I'll buy it!

  17. izdawiz

    How can this not be awesome?

    Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus?

    Debbie Gibson and Lorenzo Lamas?

    This is already my favorite movie and I haven't seen it yet…

  18. izdawiz

    I even have a favorite line from the movie:

    Lorenzo Lamas (Deadpan) -"We're dealing with a menace."

    Ya think?


    Because you're dealing with a Giant Shark that can jump high enough to eat a 747 and can devour the Golden Gate bridge? Or an Octopus that can knock fighter jets out of the sky and destroy a battle ship?

    Naw, that couldn't be it…


  19. monkey boy

    so when is this airing on sci fi? it's got sci fi original written all over it.

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