A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Odds ‘n Ends


  • Saw Star Trek over the weekend. Review to follow anon. Short version: loved it. I’m glad the figures aren’t that great, or I might be way too tempted to collect them.
  • CornerStoreComics and ETC will begin shipping DCUC8 this week. I’m very proud to say I never broke down and got any figures–not even a single Parademon–off eBay or anything.
  • I’m surprised no one has taken advantage of my Most Wanted feature. Send me those submissions, folks!
  • I’m also going to start making the interviews a weekly thing, interviewing collectors as well as industry types. If you’re interested in being interviewed (and showing off some pics of your collection), email me.
  • On a random note, why hasn’t DC incorporated Space Ghost and some of the other Hanna-Barbara characters into the DCU now that Warner Bros. owns the H-B library? Seems to me Space Ghost would be a perfect fit for their cosmic books, and they already did the Space Ghost miniseries. I’d love to see SG face off against, say, Despero. And Space Ghost has way more name recognition than, say, The Shield.
  • Remember, Friday is Zodac Day, and the following Monday the subscription plan will go on sale. I’m very curious to see how quickly Zodac sells out compared to Mer-Man.


It Figures #16


It Figures #17


  1. Nicholai

    What I don't understand is that it seemed like wave 7 was broken up into two distinct parts and it was quite a while before full sets started to ship, but wave 8 seems to be going out full set style pretty quickly. To say nothing of the fact that it still hasn't been found at a store.

  2. Frogster

    I think Zodac lasts 3-4 hours, but wouldn't be surprised if he goes sooner. There is still some serious heat in this line.

    Mer-Man may be flooding eBay right now, but I am sure that is due to not only the scalpers, but the multiple ordering fiasco on the matty site.

    Wait until June when Hordak hits. There can potentially be a bunch of pissed off fans on the 15th then.

  3. Poe

    I predict Zodac will become unavailable on Mattycollector at approximately…2:15pm EDT.

    I suspect DCUC8 will be easy to find once it hits retail. Seems all the even-numbered waves are abundant–plus, since the online retailers are getting them first, a lot of collectors won't break down and buy them at retail while waiting for their retail order.

  4. I'd like to be interviewed! Oh wait, I think I was already or something. Pooh. And ditto on the Star Trek toys, I'd be buying a few if they were decent. I want the bridge, but it's so hard to justify buying a playset that is missing about 80% of it's pieces.

  5. Is the readership ready to enter the mind of PrfktTear?!

  6. Fengschwing

    I love the most wanted feature, the only problem is that my most wanteds are all peg warmers in the States, thus not terribly interesting!

  7. Thomas

    I noticed that a charge from Corner Store Comics hit my credit card today and I couldn't be happier!! I cannot wait to get wave 8!! With Giganta, my Legion of Doom (although somewhat of a mishmash of styles) will be nearly complete.

    I'm missing Toyman only. I know I could buy the Alex Ross Justice version and call my LOD complete, but I'm really hoping that the DCUC line will come out with more of a LOD-like version.

  8. I want The Fright Zone… I never got that as a kid… how poor and unfortunate my childhood was… anyone wanna give me one?! 😉

    I'll settle for SDCC Exclusives…

  9. I'd be all over some Space Ghost figures. The others go for so much off Ebay. I almost broke down and bought a complete set, but passed.

    Space Ghost has a lot of crossover appeal with both the classic shows, the comics, the Alex Ross art as well as the Coast 2 Coast stuff.

    SG is the father of Adult Swim.

  10. I'd love to tell you that I desperately want to find a Gormongous, Shao Lin, and Primate Avenger from the old Captain Simian line, but I loathe to expose the awesomeness to more fans in your "Most Wanted" feature.

  11. I was talking with my wife the other day after opening Mer-Man when I realized that the _only_ other figure they could convince me to order would be Stinkor. Damn Mattel, I hope that if they make a Stinkor they have their system working by then.

    It will be very interesting to watch what happens this Friday. If it goes smoothly then maybe the problems are solved.

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