Good Great news, MOTU fans!
Nothing bums me out more than fans not getting the figures they want. So, to make sure you get all your fave MOTU figures, I’m starting a subscription service! All the details will be on the sign-up page when it launches, but here’s how it’s basically gonna work:
- From May 18th through May 22nd (five days only), come to to sign up for the 2009 service.
- Every month, from September through December, you’ll be guaranteed to get the figure of the month at current prices, for a total of four.
- Once you sign up, you’re in for the whole period (subscriptions can’t be canceled).
- Exact figures will be announced approximately three months from each on-sale date.
- Figures can either be shipped and charged once per month as they become available, or they can be held for the year, and charged and shipped together on December 15th.
- You can sign up for as many subscriptions as you want during the five day period. No limit!
- Figures will also be available at on the 15th of each month without the subscription. So, if you want extras of some figures, you’ll still have the option to buy more — but availability won’t be guaranteed.
- The subscription will only be for the figure of the month, and won’t include convention figures, or other special figures.
- Subscriptions for the full year 2010 will be available in August 2009.
It doesn’t get a whole lot easier. Sign up once and you’re done… MOTU figures just show up at your door! No worrying about being logged in when a sale starts, or a figure selling out before you get one.
Again, complete details (including all the legal mumbo-jumbo) will be on the sign-up page. And remember, you can get as many as you want but subscriptions will only be available for five days, so mark your calendars for Monday, May 18th!
It's a bummer not knowing what you're signing up for – there aren't a lot of MOTU figures I can think of off the top of my head as wanting, beyond a He-Man and a King Grayskull. Still, I guess it's about time.
Newton Gimmick
I have no problems with the blind buying because I'm a MOTUC completist and they said this wouldn't be repaints.
I am curious what the legal mumbo jumbo is.
At this point in the line I don't think there are any characters they could unveil that I wouldn't want. Maybe in a year or two when they get down to Gwildor or Blast Attack… but by that point I think I'd buy 'em just for the sake of having them all.
Philip Reed
I don't see the deal here. We're expected to accept a deal that we can't get out of, but what happens if Mattel decides to cancel the deal?
Where's the discount for subscribing? Free shipping would have been the perfect incentive.
No limit? Are they hoping that each scalper will take 15 to 20 subscriptions?
This entire program feels like it's going to be a mess.
@Philip Reed: I think the only "deal" is that you're guaranteed your figure and you don't have to be sitting at your computer at 12 noon every 15th day of the month, frantically trying to get your order in.
I actually think it's possible the sub program may work smoothly.
Michael Lovrine
@everybody I think Teela is coming in September.
They said from the moment they showed her prototype that Teela was not the September figure, but will be out this year.
Mattel said Teela will have two heads so I am guessing it will be a vintage style head and a 2002 style head.
That's cool, although I kind of wish we could get this look.
Newton Gimmick
Maybe Teela with two heads will be like Two-Bad.
I may have some memory loss, but has there EVER been a time when Mattel kept their promise or made things go "smoothly".
I'm just worried that this may be the Mother of all Fuck Ups for Mattel
be the Historic FIRST smoothly run event Mattel has ever had. I won't hold my breathe for that though. lol
@Poe that is indeed a very cool look.
My only question is in regards to the credit card we use, mine expires in November and I want to know would it automatically switch over to my new card or would I have to resubscribe?