A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Toy review roundup (via Fanmode)

fanmode-copy Corey Tincher reviews the Shocker Toys Indie Spotlight ShadowHawk (variant) figure. Excerpt: “You’re … getting a character in plastic form that you would probably otherwise never see, so paying a little extra premium is more reasonable.”

Nathan Newell reviews the Shocker Toys Indie Spotlight Scud (Sol version) figure. Excerpt: “… a pretty solid figure.”

yo go re reviews the Diamond Select Toys Marvel Select Anti-Venom figure. Excerpt: “The Marvel Select figure isn’t as articulated as it could be, of course, but it’s still … more than acceptable …”

Artemis reviews the Diamond Select Toys Star Trek Deep Space Nine Lieutenant Commander Worf Previews Exclusive figure from Soldiers of the Empire. Excerpt: “… a valuable (though not mandatory) version of Worf; if you’re a Klingon fan this is the one you’ll want above all others.”

Nathan Newell reviews the Playmates Toys Star Trek Warp Collection Kirk and Spock 6-inch figures. Excerpt: “… the terrible designs of these figures are totally uncool.”

Joseph Baxter reviews the Playmates Toys Star Trek Galaxy Collection Spock 3.75-inch figure. Excerpt: “Star Trek figures have either been well-articulated, but too large and expensive, OR too small and lacking in articulation and detail. This one definitely falls somewhere in the comfortable middle.” (See also.)

Philip Reed reviews the Playmates Toys Terminator Salvation T-700 3.75-inch-scale figure. Excerpt: “A nice, menacing piece that’s ready to tear into the rest of my 3.75-inch collection.”

Poe Ghostal reviews the Playmates Toys Terminator Salvation Deluxe T-1 figure. Excerpt: “… the T-1 is incredibly under-sized (it should be about 7″ tall) and the mini-tread should be in the back.”

yo go re reviews the Hasbro Star Wars Comic Packs 12 Emperor Palpatine Clone and Luke Skywalker two-pack from the Star Wars Dark Empire II comic. Excerpt: “… one of the most horrible things ever seen in the Star Wars galaxy: a nude Emperor Palpatine.” (See also.)

Michael Crawford reviews the Hot Toys Movie Masterpiece Iron Man Iron Man Mark III 1/6-scale figure. Excerpt: “Yep, he’s expensive – but there’s plenty of good reasons for it.” (See also.)

Corey Tincher reviews the Mattel DC Universe Classics Booster Gold (classic version) figure. Excerpt: “… I would have preferred a much more vibrant yellow and blue.”

Darren Cilenti reviews the Takara Tomy Transformers Gentei Dirge Toy Hobby Market exclusive figure. Excerpt: “While there are a few differences compared to the BotCon exclusive Classics Dirge, they’re both strong tributes.”

Darren Cilenti reviews the Takara Tomy Transformers Gentei Thrust Ganbo Store exclusive figure. Excerpt: “The changes made by the BotCon crew for their version are more elegant, but this is still a useful retooling.”

yo go re reviews the Hasbro Transformers Universe Armada Series Hot Shot figure. Excerpt: “This was really the best they could do?” (See also.)

Darren Cilenti reviews the Hasbro Transformers Allspark Power Voyager class Mudflap Toys ‘R’ Us exclusive figure. Excerpt: “A good mould with two solid modes, good gimmicks and great play value but a colour scheme that’s dubious at best.” (See also.)

Retro reviews

Philip Reed reviews the Hasbro Transformers Battletrap figure. Excerpt: “… I like him for what he is.”


Most Wanted: Mercenary Gunman


Paul’s Peg > Terminator Salivation?

1 Comment

  1. AmericanHyena

    Zach Oat has review of the Maxx and Shadowhawk up on Buster of Chops


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