Corey Tincher reviews the Mattel DC Universe Classics Ocean Warrior Aquaman figure. Excerpt: “This is just an ugly costume, and they matched it quite well, meaning it’s an ugly figure too.â€
Poe Ghostal reviews the Mattel DC Universe Classics Ocean Warrior Aquaman figure. Excerpt: “… because of the odd way Aquaman is hunched in the package, my Aquaman’s head was completely locked in a ‘looking up†position.â€
Poe Ghostal reviews the Mattel DC Universe Classics Booster Gold (modern variant) figure. Excerpt: “… one of the best-looking DCUC figures to date.â€
Poe Ghostal reviews the Mattel DC Universe Classics Kid Flash figure. Excerpt: “More than anything, the small size of this figure disappoints me.â€
Thomas Wheeler reviews the Mattel DC Universe Classics Captain Atom figure. Excerpt: “It took me three tries to get a really good Captain Atom.†(See also.)
Artemis reviews the Sideshow Collectibles Tomb Raider Legend Lara Croft 1/6-scale figure. Excerpt: “The bottom line is that this isn’t a cheap figure – but it feels like one, because there are just too many annoyances …†(Related.)
yo go re reviews the Hasbro G.I. Joe Ghost H.A.W.K. with Lift Ticket set. Excerpt: “It’s a good-lookin’ vehicle, inside and out.†(See also.)
Thomas Wheeler reviews the Bandai Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Super Legends Gold Ranger figure from Power Rangers Zeo. Excerpt: “The figure is very nicely made.â€
Michael Crawford reviews the DC Direct Watchmen The Comedian (flashback variant) and Dr. Manhattan (translucent variant) Diamond Comics exclusive figures. Excerpt: “… when it comes to Manhattan, if you can only have one, get the variant.â€
Retro reviews
Josh Larimer reviews the Bandai Machine Robo BH-02 Mach Blaster figure from Machine Robo Battle Hackers. Excerpt: “I just can’t get excited about it …†(See also.)
Thomas Wheeler reviews the Hasbro Marvel Legends Signature Series Mr. Fantastic figure. Excerpt: “Demonstrating the stretching powers of Mister Fantastic on a CLOTH-COSTUMED figure is a first.â€