In addition to the Soundwave Hasbro is offering at this year’s San Diego Comic Con, they announced that there will be another Transformer available in the form of a Mighty Mugg. It’s Optimus Prime sporting a new metallic finish.
Yeah, I’m not really that big into Mighty Muggs, so this doesn’t even blip on my radar as desirable. There’s a few Mighty Muggs that seem kind of cool, but Transformers make the worst transition to the world of these fake indie toys, due to the fact that Transformers are supposed to be blocky and not flattened out on round surfaces. Nevertheless, I’m sure I’m wrong because my wife said that Optimus here was, “adorable”.
Thanks to: Tformers
Philip Reed
Mighty Muggs are fun. I've got a complete collection of every stormtrooper/clone trooper that has been released so far and each one looks fantastic.
The Muggs are fun, even though they certainly have their detractors. I've already got my OP and just because he's got a metallic finish, that doesn't justify a double dip.
I don't collect MM, I have one Mola Ramm, because it was mandatory that I purchase it. I've been "toying" with the idea of at least picking up Prime. I wonder if this will be sold on the web site after the Con… I think I'd prefer the metallic finish to the matte one.
I have a few Mighty Muggs, and particularly love the Snake Eyes and Stormshadow. Like most of us I can't really explain why the aesthetic of one item or line appeals to me, or why the Transformers or Indiana Jones MM don't appeal to me.