Hey y’all, Paul here to talk a bit about the Terminator Salvation toys from Playmates. Since Poe is so awesome at reviewing toys, I’m just going to go ahead and give my two cents on the overall line as well as one figure I picked up. First of all, I think as collectors that the line overall looks kind of like balls. From the first pictures that published online, we all knew that this line wasn’t going to be the kind of quality in our toys that we’ve come accustomed to in the last few years. The human figures are laughable and only a couple of the robots look presentable. The other toys in the line that look passable are the T-1 and the HK, and perhaps the 6-inch endoskeleton if you’re desperate for more Terminator toy action.
The role-play stuff for kids is simply hilarious. The movie does not look at all appropriate for children, yet kids will be able to dress up as their favorite killing machine. I know if I was a kid though, the pieces that make you look like a battle damaged endoskeleton T-800 would have been a must have when I was a kid.
Out of all the figures I have seen in the store, the only one that I’ve purchased so far is the T-R.I.P. due to the fact that it most looks like the endoskeletons seen in the old films. Plus, it was one of the only figures that didn’t look like puke. I’m sorry Playmates, but the line looks horrific. The human characters are beyond laughable and that John Connor that doesn’t even have Christian Bale’s face is a bloody shame. Wasn’t it possible to at least get the rights to the likeness of one of the other four actors who have played John Connor? Collectors might have actually bought one of the things then.
The packaging looks way too busy and it reminds me a bit what generic toy packaging must look like. There’s really too much here. The bio, the terminator eyes that are DNA helixs, the “includes movie card,” the “HIGH TECH RIFLE” calling out the extremely lame gun, it’s all too much. It looks like a toy I’d buy at the grocery store.
As for the figure, the T-R.I.P. is fairly decent, especially considering how bad the rest of the figures look. I’m not picky about the paint and since he’s a dirty silver then I’m happy. He’s got a lot more articulation than I thought he’d have. I wish it had forearms that turned and it almost looks like he was supposed to by the way he’s holding the rifle in the picture on the back of the package (the rifle that he doesn’t come with). I really hate that he can’t turn his head though. He can’t turn his torso either, so my T-R.I.P. is always going to be facing in one direction. Despite these drawbacks, I’m probably going to get a few of them along the way to fight my G.I. Joes and Indiana Jones figures and since I don’t really have any other 3.75 scale Terminator options, these are the ones to get.
Overall, this figure pretty much proved all my preconceived notions about the line. It’s a real shame that Playmates has so badly screwed the pooch on this one. It would have been nice to have a wide variety of Terminator figures in 3.75 and 6 inch scales that were of a decent quality.
Philip Reed
I'm happy with the 3.75-inch T-R.I.P. and T-700, and have plans to buy the 6-inch T-1 and the 3.75-inch scale Hunter Killer (and maybe the battle damaged Marcus), but everything else I've seen for the line isn't all that great. The Barnes and Connor figures I saw at Target were terrible.
And Playmates' other new line, Star Trek, is even worse. I picked up Original Spock and he's not even suitable for customizing.
I'm not a kid, but if I ever run across them with the cash to spare, those endoskeleton patches are going home with me. XD
Yeah, I got a couple of T-RIPs to throw down with my anniversary GIJoes. $5 a pop woulda been sweet but $7 ain't bad. If the movie is decent then I'll probably get BattleDamaged Marcus and the Skynet ship with the black terminator. I'll let Flint fill in for John Connor. The 6" T-RIP looks pretty decent to me too for $10.
Dead Man Walking
Honestly, I don't think Playmates has ever released good figures, except TMNT. And the only reason we overlooked the poor sculpting, articulation, and paint on those figures was because the characters and designs were so wacky and endearing.
I'm sticking with the 3 3/4" on these. The updated NECA Endo will fill my 6" demands. So far I have two T-RIPs, and a Hunter Killer (with T-700). When they go clearnance, I'll probably get more Endos. Right now, I plan to get a T-600 and a T-1. Possibly a Marcus if I like the character when I see the movie.
Philip Reed
How's that Hunter Killer? I've been thinking I want to grab it.
Honestly I only want a T-600 6" figure. It looks awesome. I don't know why specifically this figure… maybe its because it has all this destoryed rubber flesh on its body and its packing a chaingun.
I like the HK. I has swiveling turbines with rotating blades, with a wheel on the back that will rotate them when turned. Two firing missiles, and four swiveleing guns on the undercariage. A compartment on the bottom opens up to store/drop an included T-700.
Newton Gimmick
I don't think the 3 3/4 line is that bad. It's certainly leagues above DCIH and a lot of people have given Mattel a pass on those.
The T-RIP is a really nice figure for this scale, but he could use a few more joints. Head and waist respectively.
The T-1 looks pretty cool too.
The humans are crap, but was anyone really clammoring for a John Connor figure? I know I wasn't. Screw him.
Terminator is about robots and ARNOLD. Everything else is just a waste of space.
They should have made an Arnold figure. Who cares if he's in the movie or not. Arnold is the Terminator.
Philip Reed
@Newton Gimmick – "I don’t think the 3 3/4 line is that bad. It’s certainly leagues above DCIH and a lot of people have given Mattel a pass on those."
It's also way ahead of Playmates' new Star Trek 3.75-inch line. I've been playing with the Original Spock figure over the last week and it's a disgusting piece of junk.
Maybe my T-700 can wipe out Spock.
I'm wrestling with the idea of picking up T-RIP. Also, the T-1000 looks cool too…
Sorry but.. T-1000?!?!?! WHAT?!?!!?
Wait what about the T-1000???!!!
Anyways, I read that Arnold's stunt double will be in the movie as the T-800 (with added CGI face of young Arnold and Arnold himself is doing the voice).