A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

It Figures #7



G.I. Joe Resolute: A Sh*t Load of Awesome (Spoiler Free)


Updates from Action Figure Displays


  1. Cade

    what a beautiful joke. that was so nicely set up poe, just fantastic

  2. Seriously. Awesome.

  3. Mumma Ghostal

    Totally terrific! Father Ghostal is still chuckling at it…but still disturbed at how long it took him to GET IT!! ( Which was not really that long!)

    And I won that League 3 times.

  4. I so want that damn set.

  5. Bravo! High brow humor with action figures?!

    What figure is that?

  6. izdawiz

    That made me laugh.

    Thanks Poe!

  7. Poe

    Thanks, all. I'm glad this one has gone over so well…I think this "Far Side" style is the direction I'll be going in.

    As for the set, it's the Cabin Control Nemo from Mezco.

  8. Bwahahaha!

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