Pretty much every other DCUC-related blog and website has already reported this, so I’m way behind the curve, but I know some of you like to discuss this stuff here on PGPoA, so here we go.
AFI has posted exclusive photos of DCUC Power Girl. She appears to be made mostly from the same basic female body used for Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl, but with a newly sculpted chest, for obvious reasons. The head sculpt is beautiful.
The article doesn’t say which line Power Girl will be a part of, but chances are it’ll be Wave 10, which will be Walmart-exclusive. The only other semi-confirmed member of that line is the Joker.
As for my guess for the line-up of this wave? Power Girl, Joker, black-and-gray Batman, Infinity-Man, brown Man-Bat, BAF Doomsday.
Walmart exclusive? So much for me getting my hopes up, there's no Walmart here in the old U of K :(.
Hopefully not part of the WalMart Wave, because she is gorgeous. Top Notch work from the Four Horsemen.
I read from someone who seemed to know that the next Wal-Mart wave would include The Joker, Man-Bat, Power Girl(before she was even confirmed) and a Fourth World character who they didn't name as well as a fifth character they didn't say anything about, no idea who the C&C will be.
@Valo487: I'm guessing that was Marillion over at AFI? Same place as my "source," though I'm going out on a limb with Infinity-Man.
monkey boy
i'm sorry but if this wave ends up being wal-mart exclusive, i might just never buy a mattel product again and burn all the mattel products i currently own.
mattel is WELL aware of the bullcrap that was associated with the previous exclusive wave of wal-mart DCUC figures, and if they don't take SERIOUS steps to correct the scarcity, this wave won't be any easier to find. that means most of our DCUC collections will be WITHOUT ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT CHARACTERS IN THE DC UNIVERSE. i cannot believe how utterly stupid it is to make the joker, the FREAKING JOKER, a retailer exclusive figure. that alone means he will be produced in less numbers than most of the other figures in the line, and he's by far one of the most popular and enduring DC characters ever. mattel just seems to make one moronic decision after another. if they can't get these out to EVERY WAL-MART in the US, they aren't doing enough. there's no excuse for the crap they are putting fans of this line through just to get their product. as i've always said since the MOTU2k days…MATTEL WE WANT TO BUY YOUR FIGURES, PLEASE STOP MAKING IT SO HARD. DCUC is hard enough to find without limiting it further by releasing exclusive waves.
now i'm sure mattel has said "we know DCUC 5 was hard to find and we're working to get more out there!" but i've never seen a mattel answer that didn't stink of bullcrap. i can see it now, down the road, the same complaints about not being able to find the wal-mart DCUC wave 10, and mattel being all "unfortunately our retailer exclusives are limited to how much is ordered by the retailer. if you want to see more figures, please tell your local toy aisle employee you want to see more on the shelves!!" which is basically mattel saying "please spread your legs while we give you a swift kick in the balls! :D"
i'd like to be optimistic, but this IS mattel we're talking about here, and other than hiring the four horsemen to sculpt their figures, they haven't made a solid decision in about 10 years.
Yep that's him, haha. I felt like it might be Desaad, as he's not the most exciting Fourth World character but he's one of the original Super Powers which they seem keen on recreating, and he'd balance out well with Joker and Man-Bat for kids/Collector Appeal, and Power Girl is a big fan-favorite so I figured this might be a good way to get him onto shelves. Out of curiosity, what makes you think Doomsday might be the C&C? I really hope so, I'd love a more accurately scaled version of him, I still haven't bought the DCSH one because I feel like he'll get re-released sooner or later, same as Darkseid. They could definitely use a bit of a size-boost, now that Kalibak is out and is much bigger than his father.
Man-Bat has already been confirmed for wave 10. And given the fact the wave is already Batty, the non-mud smeared black/gray Batman should make an appearance as well.
i agree with all of what Monkey Boy said. times are desperate, and the industry is getting worse, what with the influx of 3inch figures (that no one wants to buy) and the crappy quality of the Star Trek and Terminator figures, the only stuff worth getting is DCUC, so they better step it up a little
Megaduce Flare
I just hope that the next WalMart exclusive wave is available through their website, like Target does for a number of their exclusives. If nothing else, they should be listed on the site with a "Store Availabily" button next to it.
As much as I want the Joker and Power Girl if she's in this wave, which really I hope she isn't, I'm not going to break my back (and more importantly, empty my gas tank) searching for them.
In the most likely event I won't find this wave, there's always the chance they'll be reissued in either another 'All-Stars' wave, or more two-packs. The Joker is certainly iconic enough to warrant rerelease if no one else.
Not to rain on anyone's parade, but I'm 90% sure Power Girl will be in Wave 10 a.k.a. the Walmart wave, and I'm 75% sure the Joker will be in it.
The Wal-Marts near me have been carrying DCUC faithfully since wave 6, so I hope that we won't have to deal with the same distribution issues again. Now that Wally World carries DCUC I think they've learned that these things sell and they'll be available at any Wal Mart DCUC is sold, so where I saw no wave 5 whatsoever, I'll hopefully be able to drive two minutes and find these now. Keyword: HOPE.
Wave 5 was over five months ago, and in that time, their distribution with Wal-Mart has vastly improved. Just this weekend I've been to TWO Wal-Marts with FULL pegs of DCUC. Three or four months ago this was NOT the case. I am still a bit skeptical, and even with a character as big as The Joker, I'm sure it'll still be a pain in the arse to track down, even if it is well stocked.
Wave 10 could be a BATMAN Wave.!??
Maybe Black & Gray Batman
Man-bat (brown)
Robin (maybe Dick Grayson)
Batgirl (Black & yellow costume)
and Maybe The Joker…
or is that the 5-pack???
Lots of speculation!!
Maybe PowerGirl is in Wave 11.??
Has Gray and Black Batman been confirmed? The Joker’s big enough to anchor the wave on his own, I’m not sure Batman’d be necessary. Also, is this wave five figures like the last Wal Mart wave, I thought Mattel said from now on waves would be 7 figures a piece? I know not a lot has been confirmed, I’m just curious what’s fact and what is an educated guess.
Newton Gimmick
Joker in the Walmart wave would be a mistake. A pretty terrible one considering how Walmart has been thus far with DCUC exclusives.
Since it's such a terrible idea, it's pretty much a lock that Mattel will do it.
I been beggin’ and pleading all over the ‘net, and in print for this!
And I am stoked that they didn’t rush her! She’s magnificent!
I must now offer sacrifices to Poe and the Toyfare crew for posting/printing my questions and demands over the years.
Monkey is 100% right here. If Mattel includes both the Joker and Power-Girl in this Wal-Mart wave, it will be a slap to the face. Sure, some people found Wave 5 in stores. I live near 2 larger Wal-Marts in the North Bay Area in California, a well-off and profitable area, and have not seen one SPECK of DCUC. They show no sign of picking it up any time soon. So I'm supposed to go up to these stores, who are flooded with customers every day, and ask them to carry a blarming toy line? Does Mattel even think this is feasible? Really? And if they don't listen I'm just out of luck? Am I supposed to camp outside with signs or what? I don't want to start a !@#$ing grassroots movement just to get a 10 dollar action figure.
That answer just reeks of crap to me. If they listened to fan responses to wave 5, why OH GOD WHY are we getting another Wal-Mart exclusive wave? The fact of the matter is Mattel doesn't care. They are going to feed us crap over and over and over.Remember when Mattel said that Wave 5 would be in good supply because the wave would be released steadily from late-summer on? Remember how big of bull that was?
I don't know, but if Joker is Wal-Mart exclusive, doesn't that exclude him from being an All-Star figure? Mattel keeps jabbering on about how they can't re-release wave 5 due to legality and exclusivity issues. This one wouldn't surprise me, unless they gave us some stupid variant.
Wal-Mart exclusivity every 5 Waves or so in this DCUC line ???? Everyone is still railing about the Wave 5 fiasco, and rightly so! I knew Mattel doesn't care about how they hawk their products, as long as they know they've got the fanboy demographic hooked…….God, I HATE them for putting us through the hoops for a couple of (occasionally well-sculpted) plastic products – and I HATE myself even more for knowing that I'd try to get their crap anyway, ugh! Nothing like good old-boys club capitalism to rain on an otherwise bright Power Girl parade……
Well I beleive I made a full on raging-ass of myself a couple of threads over shouting about how Terrible Mattel is/was as a company and about how practically nothing they do seems to be in the best interests of Us the Consumer.
Thank Goodness I've wised up to my mistaken attitude, can swallow my pride and applaud when credit is due…Bravo Mattel, Joker and Power Girl in another WallyWave.
It's not like that will upset anyone.
I know I sound like a broken record, but another Wal-Mart wave?
Mattel hates the UK.
Anyway, given the quality control issues these figures have, I expect her boobs will fall off the second she is out of the pack.
monkey boy
even if mattel does their very best to get these out to as many wal-marts as possible, the very fact that they'll be a wal-mart exclusive means less overall numbers will be produced than would be in a normal mass market wave. for a figure like the joker that's a huge mistake…so is wasting unique tooling like power girl on a retail exclusive wave. and even if mattel does their best, wal-mart traditionally is very iffy with their exclusive, no matter what the company is. some stores get some exclusives but not others, some stores never get any exclusives, with no rhyme or reason.
and that gloomy scenario is IF mattel does everything in their power to ensure the wave gets out their more than DCUC 5. i have serious doubts about mattel even giving a crap. but even if they pull out all the stops, putting the joker and powergirl in an exclusive wave is a dick move, right up there with making that monkey a special gift for SDCC attendees and then basically flipping everyone the bird who said maybe that was a jerk thing for them to do. but hey this is mattel "let's make 100 hal jordan JLU figures and then burn the mold". never, not even with mcfarlane, have i seen a company that screws genuine collectors so gleefully and seems to have a hard-on for making its figures rare and valuable on the secondary market.
Michael Lovrine
This is still a weak Wave if all of those are true. They only one I'd buy is Power Girl. But I'm starting to a little ticked off her new monthly series might tank with the crappy Amanda Connor on art. Don't care for Man Bat, another Batman figure, Joker, or Infinity Man (yeah the guy that killed ALL the new gods inexplicably). Doomsday C2C is also a bit bland if this is true.
"given the quality control issues these figures have, I expect her boobs will fall off the second she is out of the pack."
Another classic quote! lol