fanmode-copy Artemis reviews the Diamond Select Toys Battlestar Galactica Razor Kendra Shaw figure. Excerpt: “I don’t forgive her anything because of affection for the character, but her technical quality alone makes me quite fond of her.”

Updatedude reviews the Bandai Motion Revive Series (MRS) Kamen Rider Special Best Selection Kamen Rider Kabuto trading figure.

Dave Van Domelen reviews the Hasbro Star Wars Transformers Crossovers Shock Trooper to V-Wing Starfighter figure. Excerpt: “Making the arm joints more useful and adding pegs to keep them together in vehicle mode would have made this toy a LOT better.”

Michael Crawford reviews the Hasbro Star Wars The Legacy Collection Joker Squad Lord Maleval, Sergeant Harkas, Anson Trask, Jes Gistang, Hondo Karr and Vax Potorr Entertainment Earth exclusive set. Excerpt: “… this is a very good deal.”

yo go re reviews the Hasbro Star Wars 30th Anniversary Collection Emperor’s Shadow Guard figure from Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Excerpt: “Not a lot of work went into designing the Emperor’s Shadow Guard – he’s just a Royal Guard toy with the colors reversed.” (See also.)

Thomas Wheeler reviews the Mattel DC Universe Justice League Unlimited Green Lantern, Captain Atom and Supergirl Fan Collection 3 Pack. Excerpt: “(Re: Captain Atom) … an excellent representation of a popular animated character …”

yo go re reviews the Hasbro Marvel Legends Ares Series Crossbones Wal-Mart exclusive figure. Excerpt: “Personally, I might have given him some minorly redesigned legs, to cut some of that height and bring him down to the 6′4″ the cardback says he is.” (See also.)

yo go re reviews the Hasbro Transformers Animated Deluxe class Swindle figure. Excerpt: “… act now! Supplies are limited and operators are standing by.” (See also.)

Monkey Boy reviews the Hasbro X-Men Origins Wolverine Deadpool (Comic Series version) figure. Excerpt: “Despite having a giant weapon that belongs in an entirely different scale, tiny Deadpool is really an awesome figure.” (See also.)

Updatedude reviews the Hasbro G.I. Joe Dreadnok Torch (single-carded 2009 version) figure. Excerpt: “There are other ‘must haves’ that you can get first.” (See also.)

Retro reviews

Tom Prankerd reviews the Bandai New Material Model Turn A Gundam figure. Excerpt: “… sadly, only a qualified success.” (See also.)

Darren Cilenti reviews the Hasbro Transformers Universe Deluxe class Frostbite figure. Excerpt: “An over complicated mould that failed the first time, and it fails again on this random repaint which overdoes the colours.”

Darren Cilenti reviews the Hasbro Transformers Classic Legends class Autobot Whirl figure. Excerpt: “A good Legends mould and an aesthetically appealing set of colours make this a nice toy.”

Darren Cilenti reviews the Hasbro Transformers Classic Legends class Bumblebee figure. Excerpt: “One of the lazier repaints in the Classics Legends …”

Darren Cilenti reviews the Hasbro Transformers Legends of Cybetron Vector Prime figure. Excerpt: “… it’s significantly flawed …” (See also.)

Nathan Newell reviews the Kenner Batman: The Animated Series Turbojet Batman figure. Excerpt: “I was looking for a basic Batman, but this is good enough.”

Philip Reed reviews the Select Convertors Maladroid Volcan figure. Excerpt: “… you can tell that he was designed as a cheap alternative to Transformers.”