A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Guns guns guns!


“C’mon, Sal! Tigers are playing tonight! I never miss a game.”

One of the many ways I enjoy my action figures/waste time is, when an action figure comes with some sort of gun, I try to identify what type of gun it is (or what type inspired its design, in some cases). With military action figures, it’s usually pretty obvious what the guns are, as those guys are obsessed with accuracy and the name of the gun is usually spelled out on the packaging.

But for the DC Universe Classics line, sculptors the Four Horsemen have a bit more freedom in their designs.

The DC Super Heroes Two-Face (which ToyFare has listed for $40+, which makes me really thankful I got mine at TRU) came with a tommy gun. After a quick check on the Internet, I discovered no extant Thompson submachine gun looked much like it, particularly its distinct perforated cooling barrel. However, I did come across a toy gun made to accompany gangster-themed Halloween costumes that looked awfully familiar.


After Captain Collector posted his recent photos of Wave 8a, I got curious about Vigilante’s weapons. The smaller gun is obviously a Mac 10, and the larger one looks an awful lot like a scoped M16. Still, I wasn’t entirely certain, so I took a closer look.


The gun looks a little thinner than a “normal” M16, and the telescoping stock is unusual but not unheard of. Still, there’s no reason to think the sculpt wasn’t based on a standard M16. Still, remembering the tommy gun, I searched a little more and came across this.

Rap4 T68

It’s a $450 M16 paintball gun (a.k.a., glorified toy gun). I’m hardly an expert on firearms–and from what I know of gun enthusiasts, it’s quite possible one will show up in the comments below to correct my guesses. However, I’m pretty sure Vigilante’s gun is meant to be some sort of M16. Deathstroke’s assault rifle, on the other hand, is perplexing.


I think it’s at least partially based on the XM8, a lightweight assault rifle that was developed but then abandoned by the U.S. military.


However, I did find a gun–based on the XM8–that looked even more like the Four Horsemen’s version than the actual XM8. It’s from a recent first person shooter called Frontlines: Fuel of War. The standard “Western Coalition” assault rifle looks like this:


Was one of the Horsemen closely following the development of Frontlines? I have no idea, and I’m guessing probably not, but I do think this gun looks even more like Deathstroke’s than the XM8. If anyone has a better candidate, let me know–as I said, I’m no expert.

It’s worth noting that the tommy gun is one of the earliest and most common results when you do a Google image search for “tommy gun” and–for whatever reason–the Frontlines rifle shows up in the first page of results for “assault rifle” (though that may not have been the case a year and a half ago when the Horsemen fabricated the accessories).  Did these weapons inspire their miniature counterparts? Only the Horsemen know for sure.


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  1. Nice. Wish I had that Two-Face…mostly for the gun. The Mr. Fixit Grey Hulk figure came with a giant tommygun, that looks good with him only.

    And I lost hours to the Internet Gun Database when you had that link up…

  2. jumper11

    You know, I have never been able to peg that M-16 looking thing… But one just like it came with my 1/12 Aoshima T2 endoskeleton!

  3. misterbigbo

    That Vigilante long gun looks like an M4 with a 20" barrel. Normally the M4 platform features the telescopic buttstock and 16" barrel (a carbine and not a rifle), but the parts for and M16 and M4 are almost entirely interchangeable. That handguard seems contrived, as does the magazine. And trivially, it would appear the sculptor came from a state that still has an assault weapons ban (CA, MA, etc) as the front sight base is lacking the bayonet lug. Gun-nut rant over!

  4. Poe

    Appreciate you setting me straight, MBB. By the by, when I saw Chief this weekend I entrusted him with a little gift for Itty Bitty Bo, so remember to ask him for it when you see him.

  5. I <3 the Robocop reference.

  6. I want a ML scale cobra gun from Robocop. I also want an ML scale Robocop 2 "Kane". He was so bad ass.

  7. Had to go with the Vampire Lady… Boobies = Win.

  8. honestly, the RAP4s are pretty nice paintball guns but there are much better out there. And they are much more expensive. I love life like paintball guns.

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