A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Toy news roundup, 2/9/09


  • NECA wasn’t in attendance at NYCC, so there are no updates on the status of their Ninja Turtles line.  It’s not looking good though, folks.
  • However, Playmates is going forward with their Mirage-based line. Here are some photos of the Turtles, Shredder, Splinter, and a Foot Soldier. The Turtles and Splinter look all right, but Shredder and the Foot Soldier look terrible. But then, Playmates seems to be having trouble with human figures lately.
  • Captain Collector has photos of DCUC series 6 and 7 up. Lovin’ that Flash. Kid Flash is way too small, though.
  • In case you missed it, Mattel announced how you can redeem those Anti-Monitor points you’ve been getting from your Infinite Heroes figures. 50 points gets you a 3 3/4″ Anti-Monitor figure at SDCC (alternatively, you can buy him for $10); while each 25 points gets you a raffle ticket for a titanic 30″ Anti-Monitor figure with light-up eyes (one will be raffled off each day at the convention). Before you ask, Mattel apparently told reporters “the figure is so large that mass production tooling was too expensive to do. Mattel instead hand-made each and every 30″ Anti-Monitor to be given away.” At least you do get two raffle tickets when you purchase a 3 3/4″ Anti-Monitor for 50 points. I can’t help but feel like this is another (unintentional) kick in the teeth from Mattel, though. They don’t seem to understand how annoyed, stressed and sometimes downright angry it makes collectors to know there are things out there they’ll never own, even if they were willing to spend the money on it.  I know if this was a DCUC thing, I’d be really annoyed. Part of me thinks it would be better for Mattel not to make the 30″ Anti-Monitor at all…what do you think?
  • Hmm…there wasn’t as much toy news as I thought there would be out of NYCC. I suppose Mattel is ahead of the curve in making NYCC their primary collector’s con. We’ll have to wait until SDCC for all the cool toy-related panels and so forth.


A few more Mattel updates


Toy review roundup (via Fanmode), 2/7/09


  1. Mattel seems intent to kick the fans in the teeth. You haven't covered it much, but the whole Anti-Montior thing is such a debacle.

    The fact that you have to be at SDCC to get these figures is silly. The points are on EVERY figure, but only if you trek out to SD do you have a shot.

    Sad news is, whoever wins that thing will sell it. For lots. Not that I blame them, so would I.

    I'm dying to know what Mattel's insistance on making everything so rare and exclusive is. Just make the great products, people will want them on their own. It's not like Mattel makes money from the fact that their stuff is sold for 4x the price on Ebay.

  2. I'd be ticked about the Anti-Monitor, if it was more articulated, i.e. if it was part of DCUC. I'd certainly be willing to pay for a larger figure like that to crush the puny 6 inch DCUCs.

  3. Griffin

    People who look at this as an investment of sorts probably like the whole exclusivity thing, but those of us who open our figures and view it as a fun hobby dislike being unable to get a good figure, not that I'm too disappointed in this one. In general I dislike convention exclusives though and it seems to me that mattel should also dislike them too, since they could sell more of them if they weren't exclusives. I assume they are meant to draw people to the cons , but I mean honestly how many people go to cons just for the exclusives?

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