A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Pic of the Day

Warduke close-up by Poe Ghostal

Warduke close-up


Odds ‘n Ends


Review > Captain Marvel (DC Universe Classics)


  1. Dark Angel

    Warduke is love!

  2. Poe

    Here's a neat custom 6" Warduke someone made.

  3. Matthew K


    Here is another cool Warduke by Zombihamma.

  4. BHD

    Wait, is that from the reeeeeeeeeeeeaally old D&D toy line?!

  5. Poe

    Yup, the old LJN line from the '80s.

  6. Mark

    Great pic. My favourite and only figure from D&D.

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