A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

NYCC Mattel news roundup

Mattel dropped a LOT of news on us yesterday. (I’ll do a general NYCC news roundup tomorrow.)



  • Wave 9 will feature Black Canary, Green Arrow, the Guardian, Deadshot, Black Adam, Wildcat, and Mantis (both the comic and the Super Powers version as a variant), with a collect-and-connect Chemo (pronounced “kemmo”). Black Canary will have fabric fishnet stockings; the Green Arrow figure will have hinged wrists to facilitate holding his bow realistically; and Chemo is made from translucent green plastic.
  • There will be another Walmart exclusive wave in 2009 (collective groan). Better distribution was promised, but I don’t think any of us are going to hold our breath on that one.
  • The previously-announced two-packs will be exclusive to TRU (website?) and online retailers.
  • A photo of the upcoming DCUC Joker was shown to panel attendees as a teaser.
  • Brown Man-Bat will be released in 2009, possibly in the Walmart wave.
  • Black Adam will come with his scarab necklace.


My thoughts:

Wave 10 looks fantastic. I never thought we’d get a BAF Chemo, since his shape is so odd, but it looks like I should have simply trusted the Horsemen. I especially like the translucent green plastic–that’s perfect. And Deadshot was one of my must-haves for DCUC–and of course, there was no prototype on display. Dammit.

While the fabric fishnet stockings on Black Canary are an interesting idea and could work well, I worry about a potential QC nightmare. Mattel had better be on top of that by the time wave 10 starts production.

Mattel also displayed the Silver Age Brainiac/Superman two-pack. While Brainiac looks a little goofy, that’s owing to the original Silver Age design. The head sculpt is excellent.

I’m a bit torn on the two versions of Mantis…but I’ll probably get one of each.


Details: Two-Face and the Joker Thug were on display, as was Jail Cell Joker and the “prototype suit” Batman from Batman Begins.

Pics: AFI

My thoughts: I’ll get Two-Face, JC Joker and maybe the Joker thug. They all look very good, but I’m just not that excited about Movie Masters anymore…they need to branch out to other DC movies. An MM Christopher Reeve Superman would be incredible.



  • He-Man.org has a great roundup of the news from the MOTUC panel on their front page, but I’ll just hit some of the highlights.
  • The next figures are: Stratos in February, Faker in March, Mer-Man in April, Zodac in May, Hordak(!) in June, Man-at-Arms in July, Tri-Klops in August.
  • An unpainted Teela test shot was also shown.
  • MOTUC figures will ship in protective boxes or sleeves starting with Man-at-Arms.
  • The SDCC exclusive figure will be available in addition to Man-At-Arms in July (i.e., Man-at-Arms is not the SDCC exclusive).
  • Battle Cat is coming in 2010
  • Some months may see the release of a “bonus figure” for purchase. Bonus figures would be will repaints and/or re-releases of previous MOTUC figures.
  • Tytus and Megator are still possible, and might be based off DC figure molds.
  • A direct to DVD feature is still possible.
  • Fearless Photog is unlikely to be produced.
  • The next issue of ToyFare will feature an article on MOTUC.


My thoughts:

Man…there’s a lot to digest here. All the figures look marvelous, but Hordak is something else. I’m glad we’re getting him so early–a lot of fans have been clamoring for him since the end of MOTU2K.

Man-at-Arms looks good, although I’m a bit disappointed in the mustache head–it’s basically the original figure’s head with a mustache. I was hoping it would be made to look like the Filmation version’s head, as the MOTU2K figure was. On the other hand, I’m probably going to display him with his original head anyway. The extra weapons on his back are very cool too.

I’m surprised by how good the original Mer-Man head looks–the Horsemen actually made it pretty creepy.

Teela looks great, although part of me hoped she’d be based on the cartoon version and not the snake/goddess version. Perhaps we’ll get her as a variant down the line.



  • The figures will be sold through Mattycollector.com.
  • The toys will be based on the movies, the animated series and the upcoming Atari video game.
  • One 6″ figure will be released every other month.
  • The 6″ figures  will include multiple accessories and a pack-in ghost, and will cost $20 each.
  • The 12″ figures will include light-up proton packs, real cloth uniforms and tons of operating equipment, such as traps that open and close. They will cost $60 each. The panel said they’d be released during the summer, but I’m not sure whether they’ll be staggered like the 6″ line or not.


My thoughts:

I’m definitely in for the core four 6″ Ghostbusters and any other movie figures. I’m curious to see where the line goes…who could be the #5 figure? Gozer? A demon dog? Vigo the Carpathian? Walter Peck? I suppose they might just move on to the animated versions once Gozer, the demon dog and Vigo have been done.


Ghostbusters photos!


DCUC Joker reveal


  1. Nicholai

    I really wish I had gotten in on MOTUC before He-Man, Beast Man, and Skeletor were sold out. Seems foolish to start collecting at this point.

  2. eric

    Poe can you tell us how the Joker looked? What weapons did he come with? I also herd he'll be in the Wal-Mart exclusive wave. Is this true? Thanks.

  3. PresidentJuggernaut

    Are there no pictures of this alleged Joker?

  4. eric

    Some folks who, attended the panel, said that they seen a brief pic of him.

  5. Poe

    Eric is right–a quick pic of the Joker was shown to attendees, but it hasn't popped up online, and nothing else about the figure is known (as in, its accessories or what wave he'll be a part of).

    While I can understand the brown Man-Bat being the C&C for the Walmart wave (as a mold reuse, it would fit with the cost-saving measures of the Walmart exclusives, just as Metallo was an unused DCSH mold), I highly doubt a character as high-profile as the Joker would be consigned to Walmart exclusive perdition.

    OK, well, I hope not…

  6. @Nicholai – Its never too late!

    There is sooo much to take in, and this is just Mattel stuff.

    I'm disappointed with the MAA moustache head too. I wish it looked more Filmation-esque. Depending on what I like up close and in person, I'm with Poe and will probably going to display him with the original head.

    I'm interested to see what they do with MOTU repaints. Granted that for the most part these figures are all repaints anyways since they're using a lot of the same parts. I for one would love to see a Green Goddess.

    I'm happy that 6" GB are only $20 (as opposed to more) and will be sold every other month (so it won't hurt the wallet and interfere with MOTUC). I only hope they go on sale the same day as new MOTUC so I can save on shipping! =)


  7. Scott

    Did they say when the Ghostbusters 6 inch figures would be launched?

    Waiting at least 8 months to get the whole team is going to be torture (and that's assuming they don't release anyone else in-between).

  8. I don't believe they've given a release date yet. The placard with the 6" prototype said Fall 2009.

    Is anyone else with me in wanting Egon to be released first? I hope Slimer comes with him.

    I wonder how much the 12" scale Slimer will be. I hope not $60 (the price of the other 12"ers. Is he meant to be in scale with them.

    I would so love a Gozer or Vigo the Carpathian figure!

  9. Nicholai

    @PrfkTear – Hard to think it isn't too late when the two main figures and Beast Man are out. I'd love to get in on it now, but those ebay prices for He-Man and Skeletor are pretty scary (I've seen 75-100 each).

  10. I want to love DCUC, but I'm getting tired of the line. The stuff is good, but it's almost too much coming out at the pricepoint and I'm reaching a point where I'd rather pay $20 for a nice figure once a month, then spending four months hunting down $80 of figures and variants and then being three or four series behind.

    More Walmart exclusives? I mean… No one has the first series of Walmart stuff. I swear Poe you're about the only one with it. With these guys retailing $12 at Wallyworld and never being able to find them… It's just becoming such a burden.

    I'm literally like $300 behind on DCUC.

    Some of the figures look sooo good and I definitely want a lot of them, especially the C&C but I feel like I'm getting spread pretty thin.

    With MOTUC and now Ghostbusters, DC is slowly headed further and further to the backseat.

    Which is probably wouldn't be… If I could ever get the darn stuff. I haven't seen a single new figure since the WW wave and I never saw the Walmart wave and I find myself moving on to collecting other stuff because I can find it.

    Yadda yadda, I know, same old song and dance. But it's strange that I'm finding myself gravitating more to stuff I can buy at $20 once a month moreso than the $12 DCUC guys.

    Anyone else starting to feel this way or just me?

  11. Griffin

    I think the figure that impressed me the most so far was Green Arrow. I was not expecting to like him as much as I do but that sculpt looks amazing and the arrows look well done. Much more defined in function than ML Hawkeye has.

    I am so on board for those Ghostbusters too. Slimer looks great! My wallet is screaming at me to stop.(So is my girlfriend)

  12. Griffin

    @Newt: I generally cherry pick all my lines and only buy a complete wave if I like at least 4/5 and the BAF, provided I can find them all. So $20 hits me a little harder than I would like.

  13. @Nicholai: Well, they said they'd be re-releasing the main characters, so you will have another opportunity to get He-man, and not at scalper prices. I don't know about Beastman man though.

    @Newt: Whats stopping you from ordering from an online retailer like CSC or BBTS?

    Honestly, if a line ceases to become fun to collect anymore, just drop it.

    I'm glad others are finally starting to agree though. I would much rather pay a premium for a toy that will be delivered right to my door. Although I "enjoy" the hunt, all the time and gas money adds up.

  14. @PrfktTear: QC.

    Plus stuff like the Walmart wave isn't able to be bought online. And then we have the whole debacle with retailers not even getting the proper packouts.

    I think my other issue with that is, it's like $160 to buy a whole DCUC series. That's a large chunk of change to shell out at once, know what I mean?

    The $45-50 Matty Orders a month works a little better for me.

    That's what I was saying, it's not entirely Mattel's fault, but they're actually hitting me with too much product and since DCUC seems to be the hardest to keep up with and least cost efficient… It's slowly heading towards the chopping block. I wanna get the core JL I think and a few others, so I want the next few waves but I think I might be out after then.

  15. $160 to buy a whole DCUC series what line are you buying from?

    even if you buy both variants, it still shouldn't come to more than $100

    and yeah, don't forget the wal-mart wave affected everyone.

  16. The Wal-Mart wave still pops up around here; just this morning I spotted several wave 5 figures at one of the Wal-Marts between my house and the office.

  17. I'm actually pretty stoked about those MM figures–you're right, though Poe, they do need to branch out into other DC movies, though.

    On the other hand, if they're going to keep up with the Bat-franchise, GIVE US A GARY OLDMAN JIM GORDON FIGURE.


  18. Ah, you're right Prft, I was overpricing the line. Still, it's around $90-$100 with shipping and that adds up quick too.

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